While traveling abroad, Mr. Jackson Frank ran short of money. So he wrote to his brother, asking for $500. “Send the money by telegram,” he wrote, “to the Fisher Bank in P...”?After a week he began calling at the Fisher Bank. He showed his passport. “ Nothing has come for you,” he was told. This went on for two weeks and Mr. Frank got very worried. He sent a telegram to his brother, but there was no reply. In the fourth week Mr. Frank was arrested for failing to pay his hotel bill. His passport was taken from him. He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He was sent to prison for six days.?

When he came out, he went immediately to the Fisher bank. The clerk he spoke to was a new man. “Have you received $500 for me?” he ask, “My name is Jackson Frank.” The clerk checked his books. “Yes, Jackson, it's here. It came by telegram.—let me see—oh, more than two months ago. We wondered where you were.” He showed Mr. Frank the order. The order read:” Pay Mr. Frank Jackson the sum of $500...” “ But my name is Jackson Frank, not Frank Jackson.” “ Oh, that's all right, sir. It was in our books under the letter ‘J', but it's your money.” The clerk laughed,” A human mistake, sir! We're all human beings, so we all make mistakes. A family name like Frank sounds strange to me.” Mr. Frank was silent. He really wanted to hit somebody. At last he said,” A human mistake—I think some humans need kicking.” 

Jackson didn’t just go to his brother and get some money because ____.

    A. he was afraid to see his brother?

    B. he was in prison and was not allowed to go anywhere?

    C. he was traveling in a foreign country and was far from his brother?

    D. he knew that his brother had no money

Jackson was arrested and sent to prison because ____.?

    A. his brother hadn’t sent him any money and he couldn’t pay his hotel bill?

    B. he had spent almost all his money and couldn’t pay his hotel bill?

    C. he had lost all his money and couldn’t pay his hotel bill?

    D. his brother hadn’t sent him as much money as he asked for and he couldn’t pay 

his hotel bill

Which of the following statements is true??

   A. The money did not reach the Fisher Bank.?        

B. The money reached the wrong bank.?

    C. The money reached the bank after he was arrested.?

 D. The money reached the bank before he was arrested.

The clerks put his name under the wrong letter ____.?

   A. through carelessness.                 B. because they were human beings?

   C. because he had a strange name      D. by pronouncing his name incorrectly


       In the United States there was an unusual story telling of the daughter of an engineer.One day 36  walking along the bank of a lake, the girl happened to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose.After some time the girl_37_the mother would not return to the eggs and she  38  to take them home.There she carefully  39  the eggs in the heat of a lamp.Several days  40  , the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the  41 Geese are known to take the first living thing 42  they see as their mother.Thus, to these  43  geese, the girl was their mother.

       As they grew, the girl was able to  44  her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach, them to _45_.The little girl became increasingly worried about this, both when  46  and in her dreams.Suddenly, she thought_47_a clever idea: she would fly a plane to guide them in 48 .She asked her father for a plane and he made a small one for her.Caring about  49  safety, the father Hew the plane himself.However, the birds didn't  50  him.They all slept in the grass 51 .      

       The girl was so worried about it that one day the girl_52_into the plane and started it.Soon the plane left the_53_.Seeing their mother in the air, the birds 54  expanded their wings and   55   She flew the plane freely in the sky, with her young birds following.

A.since            B.after          C.while        D.because

A.realized          B.expected         C.imagined     D.admitted

A.helped           B.decided       C.afforded         D.agreed

A.placed            B.protected    C.treated           D.examined

A.ago               B.out                C.later             D.long

A.family           B.house        C.home          D.world

A.what             B.which       C.that             D.who

A.great              B.big             C.shy            D.young

A.ask               B.lead            C.want           D.allow

A.fly               B.race            C.swim          D.sing

A.asleep         B.away           C.around          D.awake

A.of              B.through        C.over          D.back

A.sky             B.heaven              C.flight        D.plane

A.his              B.her             C.their                D.its

A.respect           B.remember       C.follow       D.receive

A.sadly             B.instead        C.hardly          D.too

A.climbed          B.looked         C.drove           D.fell

A.house            B.floor         C.water          D.ground

A.secretly          B.disappointedly C.patiently       D.immediately

A.looked away      B.set out         C.went by      D.turned back

Burn rate is the speed at which a startup business consumes money. My rate was $ 75,000 a month. Four months after my company was set up, I had only a quarter of the starting capital left in the bank.

    Looking for guidance, I went to talk to my friend, Arthur Walworth about my new venture. “Times of great change always bring out the risk-takers,” he said. “And they leave winners and losers. My grandfather invested a lot of money in a project of Thomas Edison’s that ended up in failure. ”

    I was lost in thought at the notion (an idea or belief about something) of a Thomas Edison project ending in failure. Damn. It could happen to anybody! I must continue.

    At that time CD-ROM sales had bombed, so investors were fleeing from the field. I didn’t turn away from mine entirely, but instead linked it to the Internet.

    My plan was to offer consumers descriptions of home-design products by using a special software and let them modify the designs. Then we can enable them to get online professional and constructional help to have their houses built, decorated and furnished according to their own choice.

    To realize my plan I needed investors, so I continued to meet regularly with venture capitalists. One said I had a great idea. But I needed to test it. Get the money somewhere. To get this money from a venture capitalist is going to cost my wife and my children! He turned down my request.

    Wife? Children? I hardly remembered them.

    I was working nonstop --- struggling to turn the key in the lock, to find the right way ahead. The pressure was terrible. It was just at this time that my parents and sisters stepped up. Two hundred thousand dollars. A lot of money to them, invested in this crazy son and brother without a moment’s hesitation. Dad and Mom had driven out from Chicago and seen the passion in my little office and the trouble at home.

   With their help my company survived and has been prospering ever since.

1.When the author’s company started operation, he had _______ .

A. $ 450,000    B. $ 400,000   C.$ 350,000     D. $ 300,000

2.Arthur implies that to start a business in times of change, people have to _______ .

A. rely on famous people all be time

B. invest as much money as possible

C. face the risks of possible failure

D. think about nothing but success

3.The author’s company was engaged in _______

A. furniture design and production

B. online home-design service

C. traditional home designing

D. home decoration business

4.Faced with a very unfavorable market situation, the author decided  _______.

A. to improve his service         B. to start a new business

C. to withdraw his money        D. to reduce his investment


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