
【题目】Cambridge graduates are the most employable in the worldaccording to a global league tableThe ancient university is the best at producing graduates who are‘ready to work’a poll of major employers found

Oxford slipped to fourth place in the rankings having taken top spot last yearHarvard and Yale—part of the US‘Ivy League’of universities—were second and third respectively

Five British universities were ranked in the top 20—one more than last year—and 12 were in the full list of 150

But the UK as a country came third—behind the US and Germany—when companies were asked to name the best nation for producing work—ready graduates

The table—the Global Employability(就业能力)University Ranking published by the International New York Times—also showed that universities in Asian countries were rapidly_______on their western counterparts (对手)

Asian universities claimed 20 percent of the top 150 places in 2014 compared with only 10 percent when the tables were first published in 2010

The other British universities in the top 20 were University College Londonin 14th placeImperial College Londonin 15thand Edinburgh18th

The table showed the gap between a small number of top UK universities and less famous institutions

Laurent Dupasquiermanaging partner at Emerginga French human resources consultancysaid“The top tier playersglobal brands (which tend to be all American and British)continue to leadwhile other Anglo—Saxon universitiesthose that are mainly regional playerstend to develop less wellwith an average of five places lost in comparison with last year

“Like the Premier League(英超联赛)the champions have an international community of students and think internationallyunlike their more locally oriented counterparts

The table was made following a survey of 2,500 major companies in 20 countriesEmployers were asked to rank universities against a range of criteria including their production of graduates who are ready to work and their links with business

The study claimed that‘the days of ivory towers are over’

1Which university had the best work-ready graduates last year?

A. CambridgeB. OxfordC. HarvardD. Yale

2The underlined phrase“gaining ground”in Paragraph 5 probably refers to ____________

A. falling behind

B. coming into conflict

C. making room

D. becoming more successful

3What can we learn about the UK universities from the text?

A. There are many quality gaps between UK universities

B. The UK produced the most work-ready graduates this year

C. Universities in the UK make up most of the top 20

D. Almost all UK university graduates are employable

4Why do regional UK universities tend to develop less well this year?

A. They couldn’t raise enough education fund

B. They have students from all over the world

C. They lack international students and think locally

D. The UK government didn’t support them at a11







1B细节信息题。根据文章第二段Oxford slipped to fourth place in the rankings having taken top spot last year(去年的榜首——牛津大学,今年却跌至第四位。)可知,该题正确答案为B.

2D词意猜测题。Afalling behind落后;Bcoming into conflict产生冲突;Cmaking room退让;Dbecoming more successful变得跟成功;根据下一段(第六段)所讲:2014年亚洲大学占据榜单前150位中的20%,比2010年榜单第一次发布时仅有的10%有了明显的增长。可推知该词组所在句的句意为:这份由《国际纽约时报》发布的全球就业能力大学排名榜单,还反映出亚洲的大学正在迅速培养人才,与西方大学分庭抗礼。故该题正确答案为D.

3A细节推理题。根据文章中一家法国人力资源咨询公司的经营合伙人劳伦·达帕斯奎尔(Laurent Dupasquier)所讲:世界最顶层的竞争者,那些全球知名学府(他们大多是英美的),仍然位列前茅。但是其他的英国大学多数都是地区性的学府,表现稍逊,与去年相比,这些学府平均失去了5个榜单位置。可知,英国大学之间存在着大的质量差距。故该题正确答案为A.



【题目】 As the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford is a unique and historic institution. There is no clear date of foundation, but teaching existed at Oxford in some form in 1096 and developed rapidly from 1167, when Henry II banned English students from attending the University of Paris. From 1878, academic halls were established for women and they were admitted to full membership of the University in 1920. Five all-male colleges first admitted women in 1974. St Hilda's College, which was originally for women only, was the last of Oxfords single sex colleges. It has admitted both men and women since 2008.

By 1200, the town of Cambridge had at least one school of some distinction. Then, in 1209, some scholars settled there. By 1226 the scholars were numerous enough to have set up an organisation, and seem to have arranged regular courses of study, taught by their own members. From the start there was conflict between the town and the students. Students, usually aged about fourteen or fifteen, often caused disturbances; citizens of the town, on the other hand, were known to overcharge for rooms and food. King Henry III took the scholars under his protection as early as 1231 and arranged for them to be sheltered from exploitation by their landlords.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 1861 in response to the increasing industrialization of the United States, MIT adopted a European university model and stressed laboratory instruction in applied science and engineering. The current 168-acre campus opened in 1916 and extends over 1 mile (1.6 km) along the northern bank of the Charles River basin.

On April 29, 1911, Tsinghua Xuetang began its first term of study, and from that year on, the Tsinghuas anniversary has fallen on the last Sunday of April. Following the outbreak of the War of Resistance against Japan in 1937, Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nankai University combined to form the National Southwest Associated University in Kunming. After the war, Tsinghua University moved back to its original Beijing campus.

【1】The University of Oxford did not take in female students until ______.

A. 2008 B. 1878 C. 1920 D. 1974

【2】When the University of Cambridge was set up, ______.

A. there were too many scholars

B. students were mostly adults

C. King Henry III gave much help

D. the town people were very friendly

【3】The reason for founding MIT is ______.

A. to meet the need of American industrialization

B. to take advantage of the European university style

C. to cover an extended area along the Charles River

D. to stress research and education in the physical sciences

【4】Which of the four universities was once moved to another place in history?

A. Oxford. B. Cambridge.

C. MIT. D. Tsinghua.

【5】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?

A. Henry III banned students attending the University of Paris.

B. The landlords of Cambridge asked for too much money.

C. MIT covers a very large area of land.

D. Tsingua, Peking and Nankai once joined together.

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