
With healthy self-confidence you’ll take more chances and overcome obstacles faster. How do you boost your self-confidence? Here are some easy-to-try-out trips.
Speak well of yourself. We become what we think about most of the time. 【小题1】 If you continually tell yourself you “can’t do something”, you’re sure to create that reality for yourself, because that is how you see yourself. On the other hand, if you repeatedly say and think to yourself something like, “I am capable of creating a life I love”, soon you will begin creating a life you love.
Surround yourself with self-confident people and positive environments. It sounds a bit obvious, but if you have friends that lack confidence, you probably do too. If you’re surrounded by people who criticize others and speak poorly of themselves, get out! Remove yourself from their company.  【小题2】 Seek out friends who are confident and you’ll feel your confidence increasing.
 【小题3】 Don’t say you’re going to do something unless you really intend to do it. We’ve all met the “big talkers” – people who talk about their big plans but never do anything to make them happen. The “big talkers” lose face because no one believes they’ll do what they say they’re going to do.
Accept fear and obstacles as a natural part of life and growth. Don’t beat yourself up when you find yourself gripped(抓住) by fear and other emotions. 【小题4】Be aware when these feelings are present but don’t let them stop you. Keep moving forward by telling yourself you’re much more than the obstacles you face and failures you experience.
 【小题5】 Once a month, take a few moments to write down all that you have done well. Acknowledge the work you do and your strengths on a regular basis. In doing so, you’ll begin seeing and appreciating all the good you do.

A.Start with small steps.
B.We become what we say about ourselves.
C.Negative environments are hard to escape.
D.Don’t judge yourself for having these feelings.
E. In fact, no company is better than bad company.
F. Take action on what you say you’re going to do.
G. Take time out to focus on all that you have done well.


【小题1】根据Speak well of yourself.We become what we think about most of the time.承接上文,这里还是说的自己,故选B。
【小题2】根据Remove yourself from their company与没有自信的人为伴还不如没有他们的陪伴,故选E。
【小题3】根据Don’t say you’re going to do something unless you really intend to do it. 怎么说就怎么做,故选F。
【小题4】根据Be aware when these feelings are present but don’t let them stop you.上下文的衔接,故选D。



  8∶30 p. m.


  Outlook is back with a new series of reports to keep you update with all that’s new in the world of entertainment.Stories go all the way from the technical to the romantic, from stage to screen.There will be reports of the stars of the moment, the stars of the future and the stars of the past.The director with his new film, the designer with the latest fashion, and the musician with the popular song are part of the new Outlook.The program is introduced by Fran Levine.

  9∶00 p. m.


  When a 10-year-old boy gets a first class degree in mathematics or an 8-year-old plays chess like a future grand master, they are considered as geniuses.Where does the quality of genius come from? Is it all in the genes(基因)or can any child be turned into a genius? And if parents do have a child who might become a genius in the future, what should they do? In this 30-minute film, Barry Johnson, the professor at School of Medicine, New York University will help you discover the answer.

  10∶00 p. m.


  Is it possible to beat high blood pressure without drugs?The answer is “yes”, according to the researchers at Johns Hopkins and three other medical centers.After a study of 800 persons with high blood pressure, they found that after 6 months, those devoted to weight loss-exercise and eating a low-salt, low-fat food-lost about 13 pounds and became fitter.Plus, 35% of them dropped into the “normal” category(范畴).This week, Dr.Alan Duckworth will tell you how these people reduce their blood pressure to a level similar to what’s achieved with Hypertension drugs.


The main purpose of writing these three texts is ________.

[  ]


to invite people to see films.


to invite people to topic discussions.


to attract more students to attend lectures.


to attract more people to watch TV programs.


From Outlook,you can get a great deal of information about ________.

[  ]


story tellers


famous stars


film companies


music fans


Who will be most probably interested in Discovery?

[  ]


Parents who want to send their children to a school of medicine.


Children who are good at mathematics.


Parents who want their child to become another Albert Einstein.


Children who are interested in playing chess.


In Science/Health,“Johns Hopkins” is ________.

[  ]


a famous university


a medical center


a well-known doctor


a drug company


According to the third text,which of the following has almost the same effect as Hypertension drug?

[  ]


Exercise plus a healthy diet.


Loss of thirteen pounds in weight.


Six months of exercise without drugs.


Low-salt and low-fat food.

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