
Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Rest is critical to life and work and a positive attitude towards rest needs to be maintained, for enough rest is significant to our body and mind while a lack of adequate rest, as well as misleading attitudes to rest, will do great harm to our health.
Rest is vital to our ability to function at our best. Recent news stories report that scientists are learning surprising things about the importance of sleep. There is enough evidence suggesting that rest will refresh us, enabling our body and mind to work efficiently. Besides, rest is important for more than that; it is helpful in setting appropriate goals and deciding what goals to attain first. Those who are caught up in extremely busy lives lack the time to think about what they are doing and to make objective decisions, which blocks the maximization of their potential.  
On the contrary, lack of adequate rest damages brain function, so much so that sleep experts have been able to measure drops in IQ in patients who are short of sleep. Other studies have presented a negative effect on body movements in sleep-wanting subjects. It should not, therefore, be a surprise that the California Highway Patrol has stated that sleep-wanting drivers are as great a threat to road safety as are drunk drivers.
However, rest is widely misunderstood by some people. Instead of sleep, they go to pubs and clubs and claim that this kind of entertaining is rest. For example, what they call social drinking or having a smoke with friends. Nowadays, the economy forces people to drink and gamble for the sake of the circles one moves in. This is what fools claim thoughtlessly that it’s restful. The truth is that rest means not using our labor both physically and mentally, even spiritually.
We need to rest correctly and sufficiently; otherwise, tiredness and illness will occur. Without sufficient rest, good work is impossible.Rest is critical; it is not an end in itself.
71. Rest is Critical                          72. Function
73. Goal setting                                            74. Potential maximization
75. Insufficient Rest                         76. drops in IQ 
77. road safety threats                                   78. Misunderstanding
79. Smoking                            80. Conclusion

Most of us think that when we step under a shower we’re getting clean.We are, but we’re also giving a home to lots of tiny little creatures we didn’t even know about.
A showerhead carries thousands of bacteria (细菌) called Mycobacterium.These can cause problems like coughs and tiredness, and a general feeling of poorliness (身体不舒服).When you turn on the water, the bacteria go from the showerhead onto and into your body.
This is a finding of Norman R.Pace and his team at the University of Colorado, in the US.The scientists investigated bacteria in all kinds of human environment, including showers.
Pace's team looked at 45 showerheads in nine American cities.They discovered that 30 percent of them had large amounts of flying Mycobacterium.
But Pace said that they pose few threats to the health.Only those with a frail (脆弱的) immune (免疫的) system might need to worry.
He told the New York Times that the bactertia are not as unpleasant as might be thought.He said that having a shower is no more dangerous than anything else we do in the morning.
But for those who feel sick about the idea of all those microorganisms (微生物), he had some advice.
Let the water run for 30 seconds before getting into the shower.Why? The number of bacteria is smaller than when the water is just turned on.If that seems like a waste of water, he added that you could also change your showerhead every few months.
But Pace had good news too.He has also been testing the air in US subways.Apart from iron particles (粒子), which are ground off the track by the wheels of trains, subway air is fresh.The reason is that a train’s movement pumps fresh outdoor air into the tunnels(隧道).
Pace explained that he wanted to understand the natural microbial(微生物的) environments of public places.This kind of knowledge might help detect the microbes to be used in a bioterrorist (生物恐怖分子) attack.
49.According to the finding of Norman R.Pace, after taking a shower, we might ______.
A.get much dirtier                B.be covered by bacteria
C.get a frail immune system      D.catch a cough or feel tired
50.Pace’s research into showers shows that ______.
A.there is no reason to fear microorganism
B.shower water contains much less bacteria after being left to run for 30 second
C.having a shower in the morning is more dangerous than at other time
D.of 45 showerheads surveyed in nine cities, 30 carried large amounts of Mycobacterium
51.According to the research of Pace’s team, which of the following contributes to fresh air in US subways?
A.Train wheels.               B.Iron particles.
C.The movement of the trains. D.Air conditioners on the trains.
52.The word “detect” in the last paragraph probably means “______”.
A.to discover      B.to protect        C.to make   D.to prevent
In recent years advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past. New medicines and machines are being developed every day to extend life. However, some people, including some doctors, are not in favor of these life extending measures, and they argue that people should have the right to die when they want. They say that the quality of life is as important as life itself and that people should not be forced to go on living when conditions of life have become unbearable. They saw that people should be allowed to die with dignity (尊严) and to decide when they want to die. Others argue that life under any conditions is better than death and that the duty of doctors is always to extend life as long as possible. And so the battle goes on and on without a definite answer.
45、The best title for this passage is _____.
A. The Right to Live              B. The Right to Die
C. The Doctor’s Duty             D. Life Is Better Than Death
46、In recent years, people can live longer than in the past. It’s because of _____ .
A. the development of medical technology         B. big hospitals
C. good doctors                               D. both B and C
47、According to some people whether a dying patient has the right to die or not is up to ___________ .
A. the doctors                        B. the surroundings
C. his or her family                    D. the patient himself or herself
48、In the writer’s opinion _____ .
A. death is better than life               B. life is better that death
C. neither death nor life is good           D. none of the above     

The Food and Drug Administration is, again, threatening to impose(征税) milk and meat from cloned animals on a public that opposes the technology and its products.
Respected polls report that more than 60% of Americans think animal cloning is immoral, and that most people said they wouldn’t knowingly eat the products even if the FDA approved them. But because the FDA would allow cloned meat and milk to be sold without identifying labels, consumers wouldn’t be able to avoid them. The FDA has consistently tilted toward those who want cloned milk and meat in our food. Agency officials have repeatedly asserted that science shows cloned milk and meat are safe for humans. But the FDA has never published the complete scientific studies it says support that claim.
The argument that cloning is safe for animals is unconvincing. Cloned meat and milk offer no public economic benefits. Having cloned cows produce more milk wouldn’t reduce milk prices. US farmers produce more milk than we drink, and the government is required to buy the surplus. Since 2000, dairy support programs have cost taxpayers more than $ 5 billion.
Most important, this first decision to advance animal biotechnology raises ethical issues beyond the FDA’s expertise(专家意见). Techniques used to clone animals will advance the ability to clone humans-and create animals with human genes. Neither the agency nor animal scientists are qualified to tell us whether and when it is ethically acceptable for humans to alter the essential nature of animals. We need a national discussion, including ethicists and religious leaders, to consider the wisdom of cloned and transgenic animals. Given the risk of unintended consequences, we should proceed cautiously. The president should halt further FDA action on cloning and set in motion(运作) a process for beginning this broader discussion.
1. The author’s attitude towards cloning is __________.
A. standing in the middle      B. opposed     C. approving     D. supportive
3. In US many people buy cloned foods __________.
A. to support the new technique
B. because FDA approved them
C. because they cannot tell which is cloned food
D. because they cannot read the labels.
3. From the text we know that cloning technique ___________.
A. developed well enough to clone human beings
B. may cause unintended bad results to human beings
C. will bring more unexpected economic benefits
D. is supported by ethicists and religious leaders
4. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Public Is Against Cloned Food     B.Benefits of Cloned Food
C.Cloned Food Is Illegal            D.Technique in Cloned Food

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has declared October 15 as Global Handwashing Day in 2005.The first Global Handwashing Day is on October 15 of 2008.Activities are planned over twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap. Global Handwashing Day is the idea of the Public-Private Partnership for Handwashing with Soap. Partners include the UN Children's Fund, American government agencies, the World Bank and soap makers Unilever and Procter and Gamble. The goal is to create a culture of hand washing with soap.
Hand washing can prevent the spread of disease. Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at so-called critical moments. These include after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.
When people get germs on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then they can infect others.
The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs. The correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails. Rub for at least twenty seconds.Then, rinse well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth or wave them in the air. Soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. It also helps to break up the grease and dirt that hold most of the germs.And it usually leaves a pleasant smell,which increases the likelihood that people will wash again.
Washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea(痢疾) by almost half. And it could reduce deaths from pneumonia and other breathing infections by one-fourth. Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths, killing more than one and a half million children a year. Pneumonia is the leading cause, killing about two million children under five each year. Hand washing can also prevent the spread of other diseases.
50.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _______.
A.the first Global Handwashing Day was held in 2005
B.many originations support the idea of Global Handwashing Day  
C.Global Handwashing Day was founded by many soap makers
D.the content of Global Handwashing Day is to wash your hand frequently
51.The underlined phrase “critical moments” in Paragraph 2 refers to _______.
A.the turning points    
C.the arrangement of a time
D.the necessary parts in health
52.The main purpose of the story is to tell us ________.
A.hand washing is very important
B.to create a culture of hand washing with soap
C.germs can infect ourselves and others
D.soaps play an important role in everyday life
53.The last paragraph implies that ___________.
A.a soap is a kind of medicine to prevent a disease
B.it is important for children to wash hands in a correct way
C.Pneumonia kills about two million children each year
D.Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths.
“Human influenza viruses can survive and be infectious for several days when they are deposited on banknotes,” according to the latest study by Yves Thomas and his colleages in Switzerland. Scientists put different types of flu virus onto Swiss franc notes and found that they could survive from a few hours to more than a week. The results depended on the type of flu virus.
According to the study, Swiss-banknotes are mostly cotton covered by a nonporous resin(无孔树脂). Banknotes from other countries may be composed of different materials, and this could affect viral transmission. “Whether similar results would be obtained with banknotes from other countries and with different characteristics needs to be studied.” the authors wrote. In an interview with Reuters, Thomas said. “Our studies have convinced us that it is possible to catch the flu from banknotes, but the chances are very, very small and there is no cause for concern among the gneral population,” To be sure, many kinds of frequently touched surfaces could temporarily hide the flu virus. Broadly speaking, scientists consider the risk of transmission in this way to be low. Particularly if hand-washing and other hygiene measures are practiced.
Three things must happen for a flu virus to be transmitted from one person to another via money. First, a person who is infected with the flu virus must sneeze or cough onto the banknote. Next, an uninfected person would need to touch the money while the virus si still present. Finally, that person would need to put his hand in his mouth or pick his nose, says Thomas. The best defense against infection: follow public health guidelines and wash your hands frequently.
49. What does the underlined word “this” refers to in the second paragraph?
A. The time when people stay in a bank.
B. The fact that banknotes may consist of deferent materials.
C. The bank where people draw their money.
D. The country where the banknotes are in circlation.
50. From the last paragraph, we can know that an infected person should ________.
A. pay attention to his personal hygiene    B. wash his hands after leaving a bank
C. be monitored at a bank                D. not cough at a bank
51. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Any person who touches banknotes will become infected.
B. Different flu viruses stay on the surface of banknotes for different lengths of time.
C. The bank should not allow any infected person to enter.
D. Only banknotes in Switzerland can transmit the flu virus.
52. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Is it Dangerous to Stay in a Bank?
B. How to Avoid Being Infected with the Flu Virus?
C. Can You Catch the Flu from Handling Money?
D. Why Do People Refuse to Use Banknotes in Switzerland?

New evidence shows that getting enough Vitamin D may be the most important thing you can do for your health.
You know the usual prescription for good health: a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, no smoking.Now add this: Spend a little more time in the sun.
Huh? That may sound like medical heresy (反面观点).After all, we've been warned for decades about the dangers of the sun: wrinkles, age spots and the increasing threat of skin cancer.But new and impressive medical evidence suggests that sunlight is beneficial.The vitamin D it prompts our bodies to make may prevent cancer, protect against heart disease and ward off a long list of disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and gum disease.It is even showing promise as a treatment for heart disease and some cancers.
Long recognized as vitally important for bone building (it's needed for calcium absorption), vitamin D has now achieved superstar status among nutrients.While all doctors may not agree, many experts are confident enough of its wide-ranging powers to urge that we get much more of it, from the sun and from supplements, as even the best diet in the world may not give us enough.
60.Which of the following is NOT the usual way of keeping healthy?
A.To do exercise now and then.
B.To eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
C.To avoid staying in the sun for a long time.
D.To keep away from cigarettes.
61.What does the underlined word “prompts” in the third paragraph mean?
A.causes              B.forces          C.motivates   D.encourages
62.According to the passage, vitamin D ________.
A.can be got by doing regular exercise
B.can be used to prevent some cancers
C.can be got from the sunlight
D.can be used to remove the wrinkles
63.The passage is most likely from a(an) ________.
A.advertisement      B.news report   C.magazine     D.medical prescription
British and American scientists are raising genetically modified(转基因的) pigs in the hope of providing organs for transplant(移植) to humans, the project leader wrote in a newspaper Sunday.
Scientists in London and California have begun conducting the genetic experiments to find a solution to record–long waiting lists for organ transplants, Robert Winston said in an opinion piece written for Britain's Sunday Times.
In Britain alone, around 8,000 patients are waiting for a transplant.
"People needing a new heart or liver are waiting for someone else to die – usually a violent death in a traffic accident," Winston wrote in the newspaper. He said his team was "trying to modify pigs so their organs might save the lives of humans."
The scientists are introducing human genes into the animals to reduce the chances of the organs being rejected by patients, as has been common in previous attempts to use animal tissues, said Winston, who heads the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology at London's Hammersmith Hospital.
Working with Dr. Carol Redhead of the California Institute of Technology, Winston's team has injected human genes directly into male piglets(猪仔), adding them to the animal's sperm(精子).
He said that pigs involved in experiments had successfully produced transgenic sperm, but acknowledged that British and European laws had prevented the team from using the pigs to mate.
The Sunday Times newspaper reported that the experiments would be moved to the United States following difficulties with funding and regulations in Britain. It said the pigs would be bred in Missouri.
"Our U.S. friends will benefit from our technology and the income we might have produced for Britain will be lost," Winston wrote.
Some scientists have previously blamed the idea of using animal organs for human transplant, saying the technique risks spreading animal viruses to humans. Winston said his research project is attempting to breed virus-free pigs.
49. Scientists are introducing human genes into the animals to ____________.
A. make the organs healthier
B. reduce the pain of animals
C. make the organs live longer
D. reduce the chances of rejection
50. Some scientists have blamed the idea of using animal organs for human transplant because ____________.
A. the technique is not perfect now
B. humans may be infected with animal viruses
C. it is against laws and regulations
D. it may cause a conflict between humans and animals
51. According to Winston, it seems ___________ to Britain to move the experiments to the United States.            
A. a pity
B. a pride
C. a disaster
D. a good idea
52. It can be inferred from the passage that ____________.
A. animal organs are commonly used for human transplant now
B. lots of patients need animal organ transplants now
C. examples of the animal tissues being rejected have happened
D. it is not safe to use animal organs for human transplant
Violent gangs. Bar fights. Broken bones. No, we aren’t talking about a late night in Downtown Chico; we’re talking about the things that come to many people’s minds when the word, motorcycle, is mentioned.
Many Chico State students have learned of the convenience of small motorcycles and scooters when it comes to parking on or near campus. Motorcycle parking is something that is available when compared to the amount of vacant automotive parking—something especially valuable when running a bit late for class. Motorcycle-riding students have also learned to appreciate the 50 to 80 average miles per gallon, especially today when it seems as if gasoline prices are shooting up faster and more often than a back alley addict.
Still, some people are reluctant to ride the steel horse. Marc Lewis, a 24-year-old Chico State anthropology student, is one of those people. “I’ve had motorcycles in the past. I know what they’re about. I want another one, for recreational purposes,” Lewis said. The only things holding Lewis back are insurance costs and what he refers to as “unsafe drivers”. Safety and insurance costs certainly are important factors.
Chris Kelley, employee of Cost-U-Less Insurance Center at 166 Cohasset Road, Suite 3, admits that motorcycle insurance can get pricey. The average price per month for Chico State students in their 20s is about $100, Kelley said. “The most expensive rate I’ve ever charged was something like $32,000 a year,” Kelley said. “The guy had a horrible record.”
If a motorcycle is something that you’ve always been curious about but have been frightened by the dangerous image it is often given, try rethinking your position. Motorcycling is one of the most diverse activities in existence. Consider the information you find here a brief introduction to several of the more popular aspects of motorcycle riding.
44. When it comes to motorcycles, one tends to think of ____.
A. a late night in Downtown Chico           B. the horse made of steel
C. the money paid for insurance               D. a horrible image motorcycles give
45. According to the second paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?
A. It is very convenient for students to ride motorcycles.
B. The campus has enough parking place for motorcycles.
C. Students are often late for class riding motorcycles.
D. Motorcycles consume less gasoline.
46. Why are some people unwilling to ride the steel horse?
A. Because they often have their bones broken.
B. Because they are worried about the costly insurance and safety problems.
C. Because they have to pay for the pricey gasoline.
D. Because they don’t want to ride it for entertainment.
47. The writer intends to tell us in the last paragraph that ____.
A. we shouldn’t buy a motorcycle due to the danger it causes
B. many people are frightened by the dangerous image
C. we shouldn’t be curious about the motorcycle any more
D. motorcycles are still popular regardless of the disadvantages

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