第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


BEIJING - High school graduates from quake-hit Yushu county, Qinghai province will have greater opportunities to enter college due to favorable policies from the Ministry of Education.

Students who sit this year's college entrance examination in Yushu will receive additional test points and colleges ___31___ (instruct) to give preference to students from the area ___32___ they meet minimum admission requirements, the ministry said in a notice published on ___33___ website on Saturday.

Even for those who fail this year's exam, the education department in Qinghai will offer the students ___34___ (vary) opportunities to continue their education ___35___ receive vocational training, according to the ministry.

In China, the college entrance exam ___36___ (hold) in early June every year. About 1,000 students from Yushu's senior high schools are expected to sit this year's exam along with students from ___37___ the country.

___38___ 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Yushu of Qinghai on April 14, killing at least 2,200 people and leaving some 13,000 ___39___ (injure).

On Saturday, Premier Wen Jiabao paid his second visit to Yushu ___40___ the quake and presided over a meeting on reconstruction work.

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