
For many of us, printed books are satisfying in ways beyond the words they contain. Billions of printed books have been published, read and saved in the 600 years since movable type was invented, so why mess with a good things?
Sony Electronics is doing just that, betting that readers will be won over by the convenience of readability of its new electronic book devices. Sony's reader, the PRS-505, can hold 160 books in its fixed memory, enough to line the shelves on a good-sized wall in the average American home. The $299 device is about the size of a paperback book, but a half-inch thick and weighs less than a pound.
The Sony book reader is revolutionary not only in its storage capacity. The font(字体) is highly readable and adjustable by size. Unlike laptop computers, you can put the Sony in your purse, read it in direct sunlight and even bookmark the pages. And you can connect it to your PC to download books.
Surprisingly, though the reader has liberated the book from paper, electronic books aren't always a bargain. For example, David Baldacci's "Stone Cold" download retails(零售) for $15.19 at the Sony site, while Amazon(卓越网) will deliver a hard copy to your mailbox for $16.19.
The Sony reader also lets you store and play or display music. So what's not to like about the Sony? Well, for many bibliophiles, they like to have, hold and keep their volumes, which don't need charging. You can write notes in the margins, and enjoy the ambience they provide on your book shelves.
The need for electronic reading devices is likely to grow as more people worried about the billions of tons of paper used for printed material. Many believe the time will come when devices like the Sony reader are as common as printed newspapers and magazines today.
68.What would be the best title for the passage?
A. The age of the electronic book reader is coming
B. Printed books are out of date
C. The Sony reader meets many readers’ needs
D. The revolution in book readers
69.According to the passage, the Sony book reader _________.
A. is as light as a laptop computer               B. can hold more than 200 books
C. is convenient to carry around                  D. cannot be connected to a PC
70.What is the author’s point when he mentions “Stone Cold”?
A. Amazon’s printed books are very cheap
B. “Stone Cold” can be got from the Sony site and Amazon
C. The Sony book reader is not very cheap to use
D. The Sony book reader can benefit its buyers a lot
71.According to the author, what’s the future for the electronic reading devices?
A. They’ll replace printed newspapers and magazines
B. They’ll still be more expensive than printed newspapers
C. They’ll become a must in people’s daily life
D. They’ll become more popular as time goes on

68-71 ACCD 



For jet-setters, a new way to get a restful night
Many people hate the idea of having to sleep on a plane. But Swedish entrepreneur Oscar Dios thinks they can be persuaded otherwise and he has created a new kind of hotel to prove it.
Dios says it is the world’s first jumbo jet hostel, an actual jet-plane at’ Sweden’s main airport outside Stockholm which has been converted into a 25-robin guesthouse that sleeps as many as 72 people.
“I learned abo0t this plane that was-standing abandoned at Arlanda airport and I’ve been trying the concept of hostels in many different houses and buildings,” he told reporters. “I thought, ‘Why not a plane?’”
Jumbo Hostels opened for business on Thursday, giving customers the chance to check in and sleep in a room that can best be described as cozy.
“The most challenging part with this project is trying to build something inside a metal hull -- it’s just really, really tight.”
The jet, which was originally produced for Singapore Airlines, was taken out of service in 2002.
One thing the hostel has. going for it is price-a room starts al 35.0 Swedish crowns (about $4.1% which is a lot less than hotel rooms outside of major airports.
Another feature: customers can get married on the wing of the plane and reside in the plane’s more luxurious honeymoon room situated in the cockpit.
Instead of walking down the aisle, lovebirds can take what Jumbo Hotel calls the “wing walk,” where they can be joined in bliss at the wing tip. The hostel has someone ready to perform the ceremony.
But in some respects, this hostel remains a plane-most clients have to share the jet’s nine  bathrooms and staff only wear air steward and stewardess outfits. The only room that has its own bathroom is the honeymoon suite.
68. Why does Oscar Dios make jet plane hotel?
A. Because he is fond of plane very much.
B. Because he is very curious
C. Because he wants to earn more money.
D. Because he likes trying the concept of hotel in many different things.
69. Which of the following statement is not true about the plane?
A. The plane was in service before 2002 .
B. Now the plane as hostel is at Arlanda airport.
C. The plane was first produced for Singapore Airline.
D. The metal of the plane is very hard.
70. For the customers who get married on the plane, _________.
A. they can live in the room situated in the cockpit.
B. They will have their own bathroom
C. They can walk down the aisle
D. The wedding ceremony will be performed by the person prepared by the hotel.
71. Which of the following is the disadvantage of the Jumbo Hotel?
A. It’s price is too high.
B. It hasn’t enough rooms.
C. Sleeping on it is not comfortable.
D. Most clients don’t have their own bathroom.

For several days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the morning he seemed very busy with business,and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighborhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his foot was well enough,he rode out a great deal.
During this time,all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house,when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile. His changes of manner did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.
One evening,several days later,I was invited to talk to Mr. Rochester after dinner. He was sitting in his armchair,and looked not quite so severe,and much less gloomy. There was a smile on his lips, and his eyes were bright,probably with wine. As I was looking at him,he suddenly turned, and asked me,“Do you think I am handsome,Miss Eyre? ”
The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it: “No,sir.” “Ah,you really are unusual! You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.” “Sir,I'm sorry. I should have said that beauty doesn't matter,or something like that,” “No,you shouldn't! I see,you criticize my appearance,and then you stab (刺) me in the back! You have honesty and feeling. There are not many girls like you. But perhaps I go too fast. Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance (抵消) your few good points.”
I thought to myself that he might have too. He seemed to read my mind,and said quickly,“Yes,you're right. I have plenty of faults. I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one,and have never found the right path again. I might have been very different. I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser. I am not a bad man,take my word for it,but I have done wrong. It wasn't my character,but circumstances which were to blame. Why do I tell you all this? Because you're the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you're sympathetic and give them hope.”
It seemed he had quite a lot to talk to me. He didn't seem to like to finish the talk quickly,as was the case for the first time.
“Don't be afraid of me, Miss. Eyre,”he continued. “You don't relax or laugh very much,perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you. But in time you will be more natural with me,and laugh, and speak freely. You're like a bird in a cage. When you get out of the cage, you'll fly very high. Good night.”
67. At the beginning Miss Eyre's impressions of Mr. Rochester were all except_______.   
A. busy                 B. sociable             C. dull                 D. changeable
68. The underlined sentence means________.
A. Only by meeting him around the house sometimes did I know a little about him.
B. Only by coming to the house could I know about him.
C. I occasionally met him but my knowledge about him was poor.
D. What I knew about him was limited in the house.
69. From what Mr. Rochester told Miss Eyre, we can conclude that he wanted to _______.
A. tell her all his troubles                         B. tell her his life experience
C. blame her for misunderstanding him                 D. change his circumstances
70. At the end of the passage, Mr. Rochester sounded ________.
A. rude                 B. cold                   C. polite              D. encouraging
71. According to the passage, which of the following statements is WRONG? 
A. Miss Eyre was at Lowood School before she came to Mr. Rochester’s house.
B. Miss Eyre didn’t see Mr. Rochester often.
C. Miss Eyre was honest, brave and confident.
D. Miss Eyre was brave, polite and warm-hearted.

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