


删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。



One day I went shopping at a gift shop in Shanghai. I was greatly interesting and I lost me in beautiful goods. After I paid for that I had bought, I left my handbag on the counter. There was about two thousands yuan in it. I had already walked out of the shop while a young shop assistant walked up to me in my handbag. He insisted on my check it. I opened the handbag and found nothing losing. I thanked him and offered him a reward of 100 yuan, he refused to take anything. I was deeply moved by his selfless act on that day.



One day I went shopping at a gift shop in Shanghai. I was greatly interesting(改为interested)(主语是人的时候用interested) and I lost me (改为myself)(固定词组lose oneself in使自己迷失在…中) in beautiful goods. After I paid for that (改为what)(宾语从句的引导词,并在句中作宾语) I had bought, I left my handbag on the counter. There was about two thousands (改为thousand)(确定数词后面的量词用单数) yuan in it. I had already walked out of the shop while (改为when)(while后面的动词应该是延续性的动词,而walk是短暂性动词) a young shop assistant walked up to me in (with) my handbag. He insisted on my check (改为checking)(On后面要接动名词) it. I opened the handbag and found nothing losing(形容词lost宾语补足语) (改为lost). I thanked him and offered him a reward of 100 yuan, (加上but)(上下文存在转折关系) he refused to take anything. I was deeply moved by his selfless act on (去掉on)(on这里是多余的) that day.





增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。





Many years ago, I was travelling in the northwest of Indian. One evening, after hunting in the


forest all day, I was returning alone to the place which I had put up my tent. It was growing dark


but I was walking along a narrow path. On my right was a wide river, and on my left , thick dark


forest. Suddenly, I saw two eyes looking at me from among the trees. A tiger was about to jump


on me. What should I do? Should I jump into the river and hoped to save my life by swimming?


I looked to the right. In the river there was a huge crocodile waited to welcome me with its


mouth widely open. I was so frightened that I closed my eyes. When I opened it, what do you


think was happened? The tiger had jumped right over me and was now in the mouth of the


crocodile. Believe or not!


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