
【题目】China is now taking powerful measures to resist US actions that ________ in its internal affairs and harm its interests.




考查动词词义辨析。句意:中国现在正在采取有力措施来抵抗美国干预其内政和损害其利益的行动。A. participate参与,参加;B. dive潜水;C. interfere干预;干涉;D. engage参与。根据空格后的internal affairs(内政),故选择interfere,表示干涉,干预,介入的意思,故选C。



Not all education can and should happen within the classroom. Sometimes, traveling is the best form of education, as students can get a number of personal and educational benefits from travel. From learning about other cultures first-hand to seeing where historical events took place with their own eyes, educational travel gives students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of art, science, history, and culture in many ways.

Educational becomes a whole new experience when students can see lots of tools and equipment for themselves by traveling to different places. The tools and equipment could be used by scientists decades or even centuries ago to make discoveries that make our modern world possible. Educational travel brings the materials off the pages and into reality, allowing students to connect themselves with them in a more meaningful way.

No matter where students go, it’s almost guaranteed that they’ll find some kind of food that is unique to that place or done better than anywhere else. If someone gets Chicago-style pizza in Chicago, they’re going to have a different tasting experience than they would if they were getting the same type of thing in, say, Texas. At the same time, getting chili in Texas would be a whole different experience from getting chili in New York or Chicago. Students can learn a lot about a culture by what they eat on a daily basis and what they consider a special meal, so it’s good to take a taste of the local food and learn through all of the senses.

Being away from family, home, and familiar ground is a courageous and independent adventure in its own right. Educational travel provides that opportunity to allow students to open their minds regarding how they choose to live life, which can be extraordinarily helpful in preparing students for college and adulthood. Traveling – with the combined social skills and perspectives(视角) it teaches – really allows students to better understand how they can operate on their own.


【题目】 Here are four women who made it their life’s mission to make the world a better place through environmental activism.

Greta Thunberg

“I have not accomplished anything. ”This statement was made by Greta Thunberg(17 years old)and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Her dedication to protecting the environmenl for our future generations is all accomplishment on its own. Her ability to resist to adults in power is admirable and continues to push the importance of conservation to the front of our minds.

Peggy Shelmrd

WE ACT for Environmental Justice is an organization that“through advocacyplanningand research…mobilizes low-income communities to make environmental changes. ”At the helm(掌权)of WE ACT is Peggy Shepard. Her goal is to make sure that sustainable environmental practices are accessible to allregardless of circumstance.

Rachel Carson

American marine biologistwriterscientistand ecologistRachel Carson(1907—1964)was way ahead of her time. She wrote about conservation in the late 1930s and focused on her mission of protecting our oceans.


In the late 90sJulia“Butterfly”Hill spent 738 days living in an ancient redwoodcalled Luna. This act brought awareness to the immense human threats to Redwood trees. Julia continues to advocate for the environment. “By standing together in unitysolidarity and lovewe will heal the wounds in the earth and in each other. We can make a positive difference through our actions. ”

1What do we know about Greta Thunberg?

A.She has not accomplished anything.

B.She seldom tells the truth.

C.She faces powerful people bravely to protect environment.

D.She shows great respect and admiration to people in power.

2Why did Peggy Shepard set up the organization WE ACT?

A.To help poor people to lead a better life.

B.To appeal to low-income group to protect our environment.

C.To make people aware of the environmental status.

D.To control the changes of environment.

3Who preferred taking on-the-spot actions to protect environment?

A.Greta Thunberg.B.Peggy Shepard.

C.Rachel Carson.D.Julia“Butterfly”Hill.

【题目】 Last summer, I had to stay in the room during the period of my recovery from cancer after the operation. It was unexpected that life highlighted everything that I might tend to take for granted in the normal course.

On the first morning, my children presented me a coffee pot. I liked to begin the day with a cup of coffee and was eager to try the pot.

When I made coffee, it spilled out over the whole table. Fortunately, nobody was there to see my embarrassed look! I kept trying, but each morning would see me wiping up the coffee. Then I realized that if I poured very slowly there would be no spilling.

This was at first a very painful experience. My normal practice was to rush through breakfast so that I could get on with my day. But at that moment I learned not only to pour slowly but to enjoy the experience: the smell, the taste, and the stillness of a new day.

It helped me to reflect upon whether there were other areas of my life 1 was rushing through. Most of life, it seemed. Strangely, those we consider loved ones may go of radar(雷达)when we would expect them to enquire about our well-being. However, others we seldom keep in touch with came into our lives suddenly, full of concern, well-meaning advice and love.

After the recovery period, I started to leave extra time to do even the most ordinary tasks. When shop owners would apologize for keeping me waiting, I would say, "Not a problem, I'm not in a hurry." Even hanging out washing became pleasurable when a couple of extra minutes of standing still, and listening to the birds singing in the trees around me became part of my routine.

Besides, one of my favorite experiences living in the inner city for many years was sitting on the front doorstep of our home spending time with strangers. We sat on the steps, each of us with a cup of coffee in our hands, listening to each other's stories. It was one of the warmest things about living in a busy city.

1What was the author's life like before the time of recovery from the illness?



2How did the author enjoy the pouring-coffee experience?

A.By pilling coffee over the table.B.By buying a new pot.

C.By chatting with the strangers.D.By pouring coffee slowly.

3What happened when the author changed her lifestyle?

A.She had more time for reflecting on her past.

B.She found joy in ordinary daily activities.

C.She became impatient with any shop owner.

D.She liked listening to mysteries in busy cities.

4What is the main purpose of this article?

A.To tell people how to make coffee tasty.

B.To advocate enjoying slow-paced life.

C.To show the gift from her children.

D.To recommend making friends with others.

【题目】 With summer break coming up for children across the United Statesnow it 's time to plan a fantastic summer trip for your family.Her are a few of the best places you can take your family to this year and any year for that matter.


Montgomery is an important site for learning about the history of the Civil Rights Move-ment. Children with their families can visit the Civil Rights Memorial Center to take a tour of the exhibits and learn about the hopes and dreams and the struggle for equality in the country.

Kenai PeninsulaAlaska

If you are looking for a wonderful outdoor adventurethe Kenai Peninsula in Alaska is a fantastic trip. While visiting this region of Alaskayou can explore the Kenai Mountains in Kenai Fjords(峡湾)National Parkwhere your kids can see glaciersfjords and especially the Harding Icefield Fishing is another wonderful activity to enjoy at this destination.

Channel IslandsCalifornia

The Channel Islands are an amazing archipelago (群岛)) off the coast of California. Here visitors can enjoy the Channel Islands National Park. The Channel Islands National Park protects five of the islands. Within the protection of the park there is a wide variety of wildlifeas well as natural and cultural resources. You should keep an eye out for sealssea lionsdolphins,and many more.


Memphis is a fantastic destination for families that enjoy music. This city played a great role in the evolution of Blues music. You certainly won't want to miss out on a trip to Graceland while exploring Memphis.The home of Elvis Presley is open to visitors for tours,where you can travel through the life and rise of Elvis.

1Where can you enjoy exhibitions during your trip?

A.Montgomery.B.Kenai Peninsula.

C.Channel Islands.D.Memphis.

2What can you do in the Kenai Peninsula?

A.Listen to some music.

B.Explore various wildlife.

C.Try risking outdoors.

D.Watch all kinds of fishes.

3What’s the main purpose of the text?

A.To give children some instructions.

B.To introduce some trip sites for families.

C.To advertise some famous attractions.

D.To encourage children to learn in summer.


As an online English teacher at EF Education First (英孚教育), you will be teaching English through our EF Online Classroom, which allows students to study English from all corners of Japan.


Teachers in this position play a key role in our mission — opening the world through education. Both full-time online teachers and free online teachers are needed. Full-time teachers work according to our schedule, with no less than ten classes per week, mostly at night. Free ones enjoy a high degree of flexibility in their role, teaching from the comfort of their homes with a wide rangeof class times available.


* Delivering lessons to students through our online learning platform

* Evaluating student's progress and providing individualized instructions

* Providing high-quality feedback (反馈) on students’ written assignments

* Operating the Internet, the slide presentation, EF-developed courseware (课件) efficiently and skillfully.


* High level of English fluency, and certificates are preferred

* A personal desktop or laptop, and a stable Internet connection

* Availability to actively deliver classes on a monthly basis

* Self-motivated, and be able to work independently


* Obtain TEFL certification at work

* Free travel around the country yearly

* Attend training conferences for ongoing professional development

* Learn from EF’s International Culture and chat with our foreign teachers

* Gain proficiency (熟练) in the constantly growing field of online education


Full-time teachers are on a salary of 1,071 yen to 1,836 yen, and free teachers between 612 yen to 1,224 yen per class, depending on how many classes are taught.

1What does EF Education First ask their teachers to do?

A.Use electronic media expertly.

B.Possess the spirit of teamwork.

C.Obtain a certificate in English.

D.Offer students lessons mostly in the daytime.

2What can an online English teacher at EF enjoy?

A.Flexible working hours.

B.Opportunities to travel abroad yearly.

C.Guidance on professional development.

D.Being trained by professors to get a TEFL certificate.

3How much will a full-time teacher at EF be paid a week at least?

A.1,071 yen.B.6,120 yen.

C.10,710 yen.D.18,360 yen.

【题目】 Life under lockdown is strange and lonely but people are finding ways to come together and support those in need by volunteering. Here are just a few more ways you can take part in.

NHS Responders

After asking retired medical professionals to return to work, the government has also put out a call for 250,000 volunteers to support the NHS (National Health System). You can apply to be a community response volunteer, collecting and delivering supplies for those in isolation; a patient transport volunteer, helping patients who are dismissed from hospital get home and settled; and an NHS transport volunteer, to assist with delivery of medical supplies.

GAIL'S Bakery

As well as baking breads and pastries for the general public, GAJL's is supplying front-line NHS teams with fresh food, and they need more help to get it where it needs to be. If you want to lend a hand, drop them an email.


Re-engage is a voluntary group that helps reduce loneliness among old people and given that so many people are isolated because of the virus outbreak, they need more volunteers to become call companions. If you want to join them in the telephone befriending service, contact them at 18112256.

A Plate For London

This online platform helps match volunteers with Londoners in need . Now they are focusing on doorstep deliveries of food parcels and hot meals to children who rely on free school meals and those who have lost their jobs as a result of the widespread disease.

1What is the duty of a patient transport volunteer?

A.Picking up patients.B.Sending patients home.

C.Moving patients to clinics.D.Delivering supplies for patients.

2Which volunteer group especially cares for the senior?

A.NHS Responders.B.GAIL’s Bakery.

C.Re-engage.D.A Plate For London.

3Who may be offered food by the online platform?

A.The aged.B.The volunteers.

C.The patients.D.The unemployed.

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