
Planning your holiday? Whether you’re going to Yunnan or UK, it’s important to make sure you’re well-prepared. Here’s a handy checklist to help you.


The first thing you have to decide is where you want to go. Of course a lot will depend on your time and budget. Do you want to relax on a beach, visit some famous landmarks, or hike through some beautiful scenery? All these things are available in China, but if your budget stretches, why not look at somewhere else in Asia, or even farther.


There can be such a thing as being over prepared when traveling, but you don’t want to forget something important. It can be a good idea to wear pants with zipped pockets. In certain countries local thieves will target unsuspecting tourists for their money. It can also be worth packing some basic medical supplies. If you are going to be moving around a lot, buy a good backpack. Finally, remember to pack clothes that are going to be suitable for the weather.


There are several things to consider when picking where you want to stay. Location is often the most important. When staying in hotels, it is often a good idea to book your first night in a new city. After all, you will not be familiar with the surroundings and will want somewhere to leave your luggage. However, don’t spend more than a couple of days at the same hotel. When you get to a new place, you might soon discover there’s somewhere better to stay.

Don’t forget

The key to a good holiday is detail. When you’re traveling, especially in a foreign country, don’t forget to change some money before you leave. If you’re traveling somewhere tropical, you might need some injections or pills to avoid disease. And it’s always worth taking out travel insurance, just in case you find yourself in a spot of bother during the trip. Don’t forget to check the exchange rates. The strong yuan has made traveling abroad cheaper recently. It can also be a good idea to write down the phone number of the closest Chinese embassy, in case you need help while abroad.

1.You have to take all the following into consideration EXCEPT _______ when deciding where to spend your holiday.

A. culture                    B. purpose                           C. money                              D. time

2.Pants with zipped pockets are recommended mainly because _______.

A. it’s a good measure in case of emergencies

B. you’ll be expected to buy a lot of souvenirs

C. you’ll carry many small things with you

D. it will help you guard against local theft

3.As for accommodation, the writer’s tip is _______.

A. to stay away from the downtown areas to get cheap places

B. to book one or two nights in the same hotel in case you don’t like it

C. to choose your location after you arrive at your destination

D. better not to leave your luggage in unfamiliar hotels

4.It can be inferred from the last part that we should _______.

A. choose the most suitable kind of travel insurance

B. use RMB in all foreign countries since the yuan is strong

C. check the exchange rates so as to decide what currency (货币) to buy

D. get in touch with Chinese embassy if we need help when abroad

5.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To attract the tourists to travel abroad.

B. To tell some travel information to tourists.

C. To help the tourists make good preparations for their holidays.

D. To remind tourists of the safety during their journey.











1.A细节题。从第二段The first thing you have to decide is where you want to go. Of course a lot will depend on your time and budget可知B目的、D时间、C钱。都提到。A文化没有提到,所以选A

2.D细节题。从第三段It can be a good idea to wear pants with zipped pockets. In certain countries local thieves will target unsuspecting tourists for their money. 可知为防止小偷要穿带拉链口袋的裤子。

3.B细节题。从第四段When staying in hotels, it is often a good idea to book your first night in a new city.However, don’t spend more than a couple of days at the same hotel. When you get to a new place, you might soon discover there’s somewhere better to stay.可知先在旅馆定一晚别太长,还有很多好地方。

4.D细节题。第五段It can also be a good idea to write down the phone number of the closest Chinese embassy, in case you need help while abroad.一定要记下最近的大使馆的号码,以免需要帮助。






  I am an advocate for my son.I made it my responsibility to inform all of his high school teachers and principals that our family goal was for him to attend college.When you, the parent, inform a teacher that the family had high expectations for your child, then that teacher takes on a whole different attitude to him or her.

  When Chris started high school, I started my habit of keeping track of his absences and tardiness(上学迟到)on my calendar at home.In a way, it pleased him that I cared so much.

  One semester in his junior year, he came home with a report card that showed three times as many days absent from school as I had on y calendar.When I asked him about it, he looked at the report card and his eyes got very wide.

  “That must be a mistake, Mom,”he said.“Maybe there was an error in the computer.”He assured me that he had not been skipping school.

  While I was prepared to believe him, I also needed to check with the school to make sure.The next morning, I went with Chris before school to the vice principal’s office and showed him the report card with the excessive(过度的)number of absences.He spoke up immediately.

  “Oh, Ms.Chandler, I’m so sorry.We are planning to inform all the parents that there was a glitch in the reporting of the days absent for all the kids.I don’t think any of them went out correct.”Chris was here when he says he was here.

  I was relieved that everything was all right, and as I left his office the vice principal said to me,“Hundreds of report cards went out with the wrong number of absences, but you’re the only parent who has called or stopped in to check up on it.”


When Chris saw the report card, he felt ________.

[  ]










Why did the author go to her son’s school with the report card?

[  ]


To prove Chris innocent.


To correct the mistake.


To find out the truth


To expose Chris as a liar.


The underlined word“glitch”in Paragraph 6 can be best replaced by“________”.

[  ]










It can be inferred from the passage that the author ________.

[  ]


changed all teachers’ attitudes to her son


had high expectations for her son’s school


was dissatisfied with her son’s school


kept in touch with her son’s school


By saying“Chris was here when he says he was here”, what did the vice principal mean?

[  ]


Chris was seldom absent from school.


Chris was telling the truth.


Chris never broke his promise.


Chris was well-disciplined.

I am an advocate for my son. I made it my responsibility to inform all of his high school teachers and principals that our family goal was for him to attend college. When you, the parent, inform a teacher that the family had high expectations for your child, then that teacher takes on a whole different attitude to him or her.

       When Chris started high school, I started my habit of keeping track of his absences and tardiness(上学迟到) on my calendar at home. In a way, it pleased him that I cared so much.

       One semester in his junior year, he came home with a report card that showed three times as many days absent from school as I had on y calendar. When I asked him about it, he looked at the report card and his eyes got very wide.

       “That must be a mistake, Mom,”he said. “Maybe there was an error in the computer.”He assured me that he had not been skipping school.

       While I was prepared to believe him, I also needed to check with the school to make sure. The next morning, I went with Chris before school to the vice principal’s office and showed him the report card with the excessive(过度的) number of absences. He spoke up immediately.

       “Oh, Ms. Chandler, I’m so sorry. We are planning to inform all the parents that there was a glitch in the reporting of the days absent for all the kids. I don’t think any of them went out correct.”Chris was here when he says he was here.

       I was relieved that everything was all right, and as I left his office the vice principal said to me, “Hundreds of report cards went out with the wrong number of absences, but you’re the only parent who has called or stopped in to check up on it.”

1.When Chris saw the report card, he felt         .

       A.ashamed              B.surprised             C.frightened            D.angry

2.Why did the author go to her son’s school with the report card?

       A.To prove Chris innocent.                      B.To correct the mistake.

       C.To find out the truth                             D.To expose Chris as a liar.

3.The underlined word “glitch” in Paragraph 6 can be best replaced by “     ”.

       A.problem              B.correction            C.statement            D.change

4.It can be inferred from the passage that the author          .

       A.changed all teachers’ attitudes to her son

       B.had high expectations for her son’s school

       C.was dissatisfied with her son’s school

       D.kept in touch with her son’s school

5.By saying “Chris was here when he says he was here”, what did the vice principal mean?

       A.Chris was seldom absent from school.   B.Chris was telling the truth.

       C.Chris never broke his promise.              D.Chris was well-disciplined.

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