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´Ë¾ä´íÒ»¸ö´Ê, ÔÚ´íµÄ´ÊÏ»®Ò»ºáÏß, ²¢ÔÚ¸ÃÐоä×ÓºóÃæµÄºáÏßÉÏд³ö¸ÄÕýºóµÄ´Ê.

My aunt got married my uncle ten years ago. In the following                  81. _________            

seven years, she never got pregnant, which worried about my                         82. _________            

grandparents, of course. She went to see many doctor and got                      83. _________            

pregnant at last. But unfortunate, she gave birth to a girl instead                            84. _________             

of a boy. My grandparents were greatly disappointing. They                           85. _________           

insisted that she get pregnant again. However, she gave birth to                             86. _________            

a girl again. I ask her if she would have another try and she                87. _________          

said no. I know why she said that. She will never give up if she doesn¡¯t          88. _________             

have a boy. He knows my grandparents will never stop asking                        89. _________             

her to try to have a grandson. But is that really so important to have a boy?    90. _________             



81.marriedºó¼Óto   82.aboutÈ¥µô  83.doctor¸ÄΪdoctors    84.unfortunate¸ÄΪunfortunately   85.disappointing¸ÄΪdisappointed   86.ÕýÈ·   87.ask¸ÄΪasked   88.no¸ÄΪyes    89.he¸ÄΪshe   90.that ¸ÄΪit  .




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A lady once wrote a long story and sent to a famous editor.          76____________
In a few weeks the story was returned to her. The lady got            77.____________
angrily. She wrote to the editor. ¡°Dear sir , yesterday you             78.____________
sent back the story of mine. How do you know why the               79.____________
story is not good? You did not read it .After I sent it                  80.____________
to you, I pasted (Õ³) together pages 18, 19 or 20. This was             81.____________
a test to see whether you would real read the story.                   82.____________
When it came back yesterday, the pages still pasted together.          83.____________
Is this the way where you read all the stories that are sent             84.____________
to you?¡± The editor wrote back ¡°Dear madam, at breakfast            85.___________
when I open an egg, I don¡¯t have to eat all the eggs in order to
discover that it is bad.¡±

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
