
14.Nowthat (既然) you have finished your homework,you can play basketball.

分析 既然你已经完成了作业,你就可以打篮球了.

解答 Now that k既然你考查连词.now that是固定短语,做连词"既然",句意:已经完成了作业,你就可以打篮球了.

点评 英语中的固定短语,既不能添词,也不能少词,是固定的,要求同学们在平时记忆准确,然后根据句意找出记忆中的固定搭配,做出正确的答案.

19.Barbara was driving her six-year-old son,Benjamin,to his piano lesson.
They were late.Barbara had to drive much faster.Barbara,a night-duty nurse at the local hospital,had recently worked extra shifts.She was tired.
"Mom!"Ben cried."Look!"Just ahead,a car had lost control on a patch of ice.Barbara pulled over,and threw open her door.Thank goodness she was a nurse-she might be able to help these unfortunate passengers.
Then she paused.What about Ben?She couldn't take him with her.Little boys shouldn't see scenes like the one she anticipated(预料).But was it safe to leave him alone?What if their car were hit from behind?
For a moment Barbara considered going on her way.Someone else was sure to come along.
No!"Ben,honey,promise me you'll stay in the car!"
"I will,Mommy,"he said as she ran.It was worse than she'd feared.Two girls of high school age are in the car.One was dead.The driver,however was still breathing.Barbara quickly applied pressure to the wound in the teenager's head.If help came soon,the girl would live.
Barbara called for help on her cell phone and soon she heard the ambulance sirens(报警器).
"Good job,"one said as he examined the driver's wounds."You probably saved her life,madam."Slowly Barbara opened her car door.What should she tell Benjamin?He was staring at the crash site,his blue eyes huge."Mom,"he whispered,"did you see it?"
"See what,Honey?"she asked.
"The angel,Mom!She came down from the sky while you were running to the car.And she opened the door,and she saved her life."
Barbara's eyes filled with tears.

25.From the text we can infer thatB.
A.Barbara always drove fast on her way to the hospital
B.Benjamin began to learn piano lessons at an early age
C.Barbara was tired because she had to drive her son to piano lesson
D.Benjamin was too tired to see the car accident
26.The car accident happened becauseC.
A.Barbara's car was out of control
B.there were so many cars on the road
C.there was ice on the road
D.Barbara was too tired to control her car
27.Why did Barbara consider going on her way instead of helping the passengers?A
A.Because she worried about her son.
B.Because she didn't know first aid.
C.Because she was late for work.
D.Because someone else would help them.
28.What did Barbara do to save the driver?D
A.She ran to the hospital for help.
B.She drove the ambulance to the crash site.
C.She made the driver breathe at first.
D.She pressed the wound in the driver's head.

When someone reads the right book at the right time in his life, it can have a profound effect. Such is the case for the people on this list, who come from all walks of life. These people have singled out a book that they read which had a life-changing effect on them. They, in turn, affected the worlds of science, technology and politics.

1. That Printer Of Udell’s—Ronald Reagan

One book that had a big effect on former President Ronald Reagan as a child was the Christian-book That Printer of Udell’s, by Harold Bell Wright. The main character of the book, Dick Falkner, was born into a broken home with an alcoholic father. After losing both of his parents, Falkner moves to a bigger city, called Boyd City to make a living. However, everyone turns Dick down for a job, except for a printer. At the end of the book, Dick heads to Washington, D. C, to become a politician. It's said that the book showed him that good could defeat evil and that the good guys followed a code of morality, which can be seen as a driving factor in his presidency.

2. A Treatise Of Human Nature—Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was one of the greatest minds of all time. His name is synonymous with brilliance. So, what book had the biggest effect on such an important mind? It was A Treatise of Human Nature, by David Hume, which was published in 1738. Hume was a Scottish philosopher known for his contributions to philosophical skepticism(怀疑论). Einstein mentioned a few times that A Treatise of Human Nature had a large influence on him. He read the book just before coming up with his famous special relativity theory. In a letter, Einstein said that Treatise helped him formulate the ideas. It was like he already had the ideas in his brain, and Hume helped him to express them clearly.

3. The Aeneid—Mark Zuckerberg

When Mark Zuckerberg first added his likes to his Facebook profile, he put the book Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card, as a favorite book. Later, in an interview with The New Yorker, Zuckerberg clarified that the sci-fi classic was one he enjoyed, but it wasn't his favorite. He said that his favorite book is The Aeneid, by Virgil, a Latin epic poem that was written somewhere between 29 - 19 BC about a group of Trojan survivors. Zuckerberg said he first read the book when he was in high school while he was studying Latin and that one thing that stuck with him was Aeneas's drive to follow his fate to build a city that “knows no boundaries in time and greatness".

1.How did the book That Printer of Udell's influence Ronald Reagan?

A. He believed in goodness and morality.

B. He found a role model in the hero of the book.

C. Ronald Reagan had similar experience with Dick Falkner.

D. Reagan was also a politician.

2.Why is the book A Treatise of Human Nature so important to Einstein?

A. Because it was written by a great philosopher David Hume.

B. Because it was a great philosophy book.

C. Because it helped Einstein form the ideas of special relativity theory.

D. Because it helped Einstein express his ideas of special relativity clearly.

3.What is Zuckerberg's favourite book?

A. Ender’s Game B. The New Yorker

C. The Aeneid D. A Latin epic poem

4.What can we infer about the books mentioned above?

A. They all affected different areas of the world.

B. They all have a profound effect on all people.

C. They are all the right books for their readers.

D. They are all written in English.

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