

World No. 2 tennis player Jelena first practised tennis when she was 9 years old. After six months, she played her first match, which was the national championship for kids up to 10 years old. She came to the semi-finals. When she was 11, she won a national championship for girls up to 12 years old.

To continue her career, she left her motherland and went to the United States. At that time, she couldn’t speak any English, and she was alone, so it was a hard lime.

However, it was a good learning experience for Jelena. “I did not know what to do at first. Then I tried to do everything on my own. When you are in difficulty, it makes you more independent and stronger.”

In the US, Jelena received better conditions for practice and development of her game. Soon, she became a professional and has been shining on the tennis court ever since.

“Your future depends on many things but mostly on you,” Jelena said when asked about her secret of success.



(2)用约120个单词阐述你对“Your future depends on yourself”的看法,并用23个理由或论据支持你的看法。







【答案】One possibk version:

The story narrates the world-famous tennis player Jelena’s way to success. It describes the terrible difficulties she overcame by herself, which have made Jelena an independent, strong and successful player.

I can’t agree more with her view about the secret of success—Your future depends on many things but mostly on you. It’s true that our future is determined by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination, and hard work play a more important role—In other words, we are the master of our own future.

As for my dream, I want to become a nurse. I’d like to have a future in nursing because babies are representing new ideas and hopes.

I know clearly that my way to success won’t be smooth, but before difficulties. I will follow Jelena’s example and never give up because I believe:My future depends on myself!

【解析】试题分析:本文是一篇任务型写作。共分两个任务:第一个任务用约30个单词写出上文的概要,注意完成第一任务时,要求简明扼要,概括性强,语言使用应简练、准确、到位,一定要说明什么人、做了什么事,结果怎么样;第二个任务用约120个单词阐述你对“Your future depends on yourself”的看法,并用23 个理由或论据支样你的看法。在第二个任务中,首先要表明该故事给你的启迪或其中的一个道理,之后用23 个理由或论据支样你的看法。本文应主要使用一般现在时态。写作过程中注意使用平时学到的短语和句型,注意行文的连贯和逻辑性。


本文符合写作要求,要点概括齐全,语言精练,文章布局合理,文中使用高级句子。It describes the terrible difficulties she overcame by herself. which have made Jelena an independent, strong and successful player,句中使用非限制性定语从句;It’s true that our future is determined by many things,it做形式主语,真正的主语是后面的主语从句;I’d like to have a future in nursing because babies are representing new ideas and hopes. Because引导原因状语从句;I know clearly that my way to success won’t be smooth, but before difficulties.句中that引导宾语从句。


I used to be the messiest person alive. Over the years, through watching others and by trial and error, I have finally found ways to come up with plans, organize them and follow through with them.
Make an outline of everything you need to have and do to make your plan happen. Make a list of all of the steps that need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done.
Detail everything thoroughly and read over it so you can start coming up with some mental solutions of how to carry out your plans.
You should ensure that if for some reason way one doesn't work, you have way two and way three to lean back on. Therefore, different ways are needed at hand. It's just a matter of being organized. Chances are that there is always more than one way of doing things, and chances are that if one of those ways doesn't work, one of the others will.
Committing yourself to finishing at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessary. It will show that you not only have initiative to get things rolling, but that you are interested in the results obtained with making the move to get everything done.
If you make a commitment to finish before aspecific time, make sure that you carry that out, and be sure to do everything in the way you said you would, within the time-frame you set for yourself.
Don't try to tackle (处理) more things all at atime. All that does is delay your progress, distract you and make you lose your interest, motivation and energy.
Carrying out an effective plan requires being as organized as possible. You will only achieve this by sticking to the order of the plan and not deviating or trying to do more at a time.
Last but not the least, you should never abandon things mid-project. It will only annoy everyone around you including yourself. Unfinished plans are a waste of time, energy and, in some cases,even money.
So,don't be afraid of organization. The older we get,the more necessary it becomes to have the skills to follow through with confidence and to be able to carry through plans in an organized and manageable way. It pays to be organized, after all.
Title: Tips on how to bein your life

down your plan
List everything you need Listyou will follow
To make your plan happen
Prepare threeways to carry out your plan
Tothat you can have some other choices when one way doesn't work
to finish at least part of your plan if not all
Do everythingyour own time-frame
To show yourself you are determined to get things stared and caring about the results
Do one thing at once
Stick to the order of you plan
To save your interest, motivation and energy
Finish what you have started
To get your planout thoroughly

You shouldn't be afraid of organization because it's really worthwhile.


The fitness centre offers a variety of activities for members of all ages throughout the week.

Activities for Monday 12 July, 2017:

Learn to swim. Classes for preschool children aged five and under start at 10:00 am. Classes last 30 minutes and parents must attend with their children. Don’t forget to book in advance, as places are limited, and to pack some warm clothes for after the lesson.

Woman’s aerobics (有氧运动). Sessions are for one hour and begin at 10:45 am, led by Melissa. Come along and join us every Monday for an exhilarating hour of exercise and fun. Leave your kids at the nursery and take time out for yourself. Wear a track-suit or something similar.

Lunchtime yoga. Take a break at lunchtime (1:00—2:00 pm) for an hour of meditation and yoga. Enjoy the peace and quiet of our meditation room, and relaxing sessions designed for active people with busy lives. Use your own mat for floor work or hire one from us for a small sum.

Family Shootaround. 10:00—5:30 pm. Family Shootaround is open for members and guests to bring the family out for basketball. Half court games are only during this time. There are no full court games during Family Shootaround hours. All participants must sign in at the front desk and wear a wristband during the play.

1When will Melissa be working?

A. From 10:00 am to 10:30 am. B. From 10:45 am to 11:45 am.

C. From 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. D. From 10:00 am to 5:30 pm.

2Which activity may need extra fees?

A. Lunchtime yoga. B. Learn to swim.

C. Women’s aerobics. D. Family Shootaround.

3What is the common requirement of the activities?

A. The need to sign in. B. The need to bring something.

C. The need to book in advance. D. The need to become a member.

【题目】I love charity(慈善) shops and so do lots of other people in Britain because you find quite a few of them on every high street. The charity shop is a British institution, selling everything from clothes to electric goods, all at very good prices. You can get things you won’t find in the shops anymore. The thing I like best about them is that your money is going to a good cause and not into the pockets of profit-driven companies, and you are not damaging the planet, but finding a new home for unwanted goods.

The first charity shop was opened in 1947 by Oxfam. The famous charity’s appeal to aid postwar Greece had been so successful it had been flooded with donations(捐赠物). They decided to set up a shop to sell some of these donations to raise money for that appeal. Now there are over 7,000 charity shops in the UK. My favourite charity shop in my hometown is the Red Cross shop, where I always find children’s books, all 10 or 20 pence each.

Most of the people working in the charity shops are volunteers, although there is often a manager who gets paid. Over 90% of the goods in the charity shops are donated by the public. Every morning you see bags of unwanted items outside the front of shops, although they don’t encourage this, rather ask people to bring things in when the shop is open.

The shops have very low running costs: all profits go to charity work. Charity shops raise more than £110 million a year, funding(资助) medical research, overseas aid, supporting sick and poor children, homeless and disabled people, and much more. What better place to spend your money? You get something special for a very good price and a good moral sense. You provide funds to a good cause and tread lightly on the environment.

1The author loves the charity shop mainly because of .

A. its convenient location B. its great variety of goods

C. its spirit of goodwill D. its nice shopping environment

2The first charity shop in the UK was set up to .

A. sell cheap products B. deal with unwanted things

C. raise money for patients D. help a foreign country

3Which of the following is TRUE about charity shops?

A. The operating costs are very low. B. The staff are usually well paid.

C. 90% of the donations are second-hand. D. They are open twenty-four hours a day.

4Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?

A. What to Buy at Charity Shops.

B. Charity Shop: Its Origin & Development.

C. Charity Shop: Where You Buy to Donate.

D. The Public’s Concern about Charity Shops.

When I was growing up,I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was badly crippled (跛脚),and when we would walk together,his hand on my arm for balance,people would stare,I would be ashamed of the unwanted attention.
It was difficult to walk together—and because of that,we didn't say much as we went along. But as we started out,he always said,“You set the pace. I will try to follow you.”
Our usual walk was to or from the subway,which was how he got to work. He went to work sick,and even in bad weather. He almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could not. It was a matter of pride for him.
When snow or ice was on the ground,it was impossible for him to walk,even with help. At such times my sister or I would pull him through the streets of Brooklyn,N.Y.,on a child's sleigh to the subway entrance. Once there,he would try to grasp handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept ice free. In Manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building,and he would not have to go outside again until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home.
When I think of it now,I am surprised at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to suffer from shame and disability. And I am also surprised at how he did it—without bitterness or complaint.
He never talked about himself as an object of pity,nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. What he looked for in others was a “good heart”,and if he found one,the owner was good enough for him.
Now that I am older,I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people,even though I still don't know exactly what a “good heart” is. But I know the times I don't have one myself.
He has been away for many years now,but I think of him often. I wonder if he sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks. If he did,I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was,how unworthy I was,how I regretted it. I think of him when I complain about my troubles,when I am envious of another's good fortune,when I don't have a “good heart”.
(1)How did the man treat his father when he was young?
A.He helped his father happily.
B.He never helped his father.
C.He helped his father,but not very happily.
D.He only helped his father take a walk after supper.
(2)As a disabled man,his father ________.
A.didn't work very hard
B.didn't go to work from time to time
C.hated those who had good fortune
D.was happy and satisfied,and never lost hope
(3)What does the underlined word “reluctance” mean in the article?It means ________.
(4)How did the father get to work usually?
A.By subway.
B.By bus.
C.By wheelchair.
D.By bike.

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