

I’ve dreamed of becoming a writer since I was a teenager. But1. isn’t easy to get a book of mine published. 2. I’ve tried hard, none of my books have been published. This is really 3. (upset).

This morning, I received a call from a publisher and 4. (tell) once again that there was no way my book would be published. 5. (feel) sad, I left home and went to the park near my apartment. At the park, I sat down on the bench near the grass.

While I was sitting there, I saw a little boy about one and a half years old. He was running on the grass, 6. his mother not far behind him. He looked so happy when he enjoyed the 7. (free) of running on the grass. He then fell on the grass, but he quickly got up and continued 8. (run) as fast as he could again even without looking back at his mother. He was still running with a smile on his face, as if nothing 9. (happen).

Seeing that, I was truly inspired. I 10. (sudden) realized that I shouldn’t get discouraged after experiencing failure. Instead, I should cheer up and keep on trying.


A Guide to the Library’s Facilities(设备)

To use or reserve the facilities of the library, follow the procedures given at the circulation desk.

Group Study Rooms (2F)

Students and teaching staff can use these rooms for group study. Students are advised to use unlocked rooms (3 rooms for 2 people, 2 rooms for 4 people) available for free. When you use locked rooms (2 rooms for 4 people, 1 room for 10 people), you need to go through reservation procedures at the circulation desk. These rooms are available for group discussion.

Individual Reading Rooms (1-3F)

There are 4 single rooms available for use by teaching staff and visiting scholars. Each room is equipped with a computer together 1 printer and 6 scanners. Reservation of these rooms is available for a period up to seven days on end.

Meeting Rooms and Seminar Rooms (1-3F)

Only teaching staff and graduate students can apply to use these rooms and reserve them one day in advance. The total number of seats is 40. They are available for workshops and small seminars.

Computer Rooms (4F)

These rooms are available for classes or seminars and so on. The total number of seats is 88. Only teaching staff can apply to use the computer rooms and reserve them one day in advance.

1.How many locked rooms can students and teaching staff use?

A. One B. Three

C. Four D. Ten

2.If teachers want to print, they can go to ___________.

A. a seminar room B. a computer room

C. a group study room D. an individual reading room

3.Who can apply to use the computer rooms?

A. Teachers B. Visiting scholars

C. Graduate students D. Teachers and students

My grandfather Andy Anderson is 99. His life story is one for the big screen -- he met my grandmother on a Saturday, and they married on the following Saturday. They stayed together until my grandma died 67 years later.

Without going to college, Andy worked his way to the top. He became the manager of the dairy department of Safeway. He earned the nickname Mr. Cheese, which eventually turned into Grandpa Cheese among the family. He has taught me a lot and here' s what he has learned in his 99 years.

Always maintain a good sense of humor. Find something humorous in every single situation. Never be too good to start at the bottom. Exercise every day, even when you don' t feel like it. Don't spend more money than you make. Save your money now and spend it later.

You must be able to forgive, even if it' s difficult to do. Love is not always easy; sometimes you have to work at it. Your family is the most precious thing you will ever have in life.

If you are faced with a problem, don' t delay trying to figure it out. But if there's no way to figure it out, you have to forget about it. Make sure you' re doing what you love; don't be afraid to follow those dreams you have for yourself.

School education is important, but not necessary. Life can be an education in itself. Explore your world and stay curious; Having a bad job is better than having no job at all; Try not to take yourself so seriously. Don't ever be afraid to be your true self. Your life is delicate, and if you fail to take care of yourself properly, you'11 spoil.

Life is a gift that you must unwrap. It' s up to you to determine if what's inside will lead you to happiness or frustration. You have the power to make that decision for yourself.

All of above come from Grandpa Cheese. If you're wondering what Grandpa Cheese is up to these days, he' s riding his motorized scooter (踏板车) around Benicia, CA, and "planning on what I'm going to do when I start to get old," he says.

1.Which of the following agrees with Grandpa' s philosophy?

A. Exercise if you like it.

B. A good job secures a happy life.

C. Happiness makes longer life.

D. Love needs efforts.

2.If you have a problem with no solution, the best way is to _____________

A. leave it aside B. have a sense of humor

C, take care of yourself D. keep trying

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The author' s great-grandparents are living a happy life now.

B. Whether life will be happy or miserable is decided by yourself.

C. School education helps develop curiosity about the world.

D. Andy was called Mr. Cheese before being a Safeway manager.

4.The passage is probably from _____________ .

A. An advertisement. B. A biography.

C. A political newspaper. D. A science fiction.

In my work there are a lot of business trips, and what I hate about my job is eating alone. It always makes me feel lonely to see others laughing and talking. So, it was a better choice for me to have room service.

However, after enjoying room service for days at a hotel in Houston, I needed to get out of my room. Though the restaurant opened at 7:00, I arrived at 6:30. The waiter at the front desk made a comment about my “being there really early”. I explained my dislike of eating alone in restaurants. He then seated me at a lovely table and asked me whether I would mind if he sat down with me for a while.

How delighted I was! He sat and chatted with me about his career dreams and the difficulty of being at work on nights, weekends and holidays. He said he hadn’t enough time to be with his family. After 20 minutes, he saw some customers at the front desk and excused himself. I noticed that he stopped in the kitchen for a moment before he went to the front desk.

Then one after another waiter came out of the kitchen and had a wonderful chat with me. That night, three other waiters, even the cook, had come out of the kitchen and sat with me! About one hour later when I asked for my bill, all the people who had sat down with me came over in a big group to my table, and presented me with a red rose. And I was moved to tears! What had begun as a lonely night ended up as a beautiful experience.

1.The author asked for room service because _______.

A. he wanted to save time in this way

B. he didn’t like to eat with other people around

C. he didn’t wanted to be recognized by the waiters

D. seeing people laughing and talking made him feel lonely

2.How did the waiter feel when he saw the author come in at 6:30?

A. Surprised B. Pleased.

C. Dissatisfied. D. Angry.

3.From the third paragraph, we can learn that the waiter at the front desk ______.

A. knew how to attract more customers to his restaurant

B. found it not easy to balance his work and his family

C. was getting tired of his present job

D. had never had such a chance to talk about his worries

4.The author wants to tell us that ______.

A. people are actually all lonely in their own way

B. restaurants should put the need of customers first

C. the act of kindness by strangers can make you less lonely

D. restaurants are full of surprises for lonely people

In 1996, John Tierney suggested in the New York Times Magazine article that “recycling is garbage.” He wrote, “The money spent on recycling programs should have been spent on real social and environmental problems. Recycling programs not only increase energy use and pollution, but also cost more money than the disposal (处理) of plain old garbage. Recycling may be the most wasteful activity in modern America.”

Environmental groups were quick to express their disagreement. They wrote reports on how recycling programs in cities can reduce pollution and cost less than regular garbage pickup and disposal. Michael Shapiro, an official of the US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), said that “recycling can be good value for money, although there’s still room for improvements.”

But in 2002, New York City, a pioneer of recycling, found that its recycling program was losing money, so it stopped glass and plastic recycling. Other major cities watched closely to see how New York was dealing with its remaining program (the city never stopped paper recycling). But then it closed its last landfill (垃圾填埋地), and private companies out of New York raised prices due to the increased workload of carrying away and disposing New York’s garbage. As a result, glass and plastic recycling became profitable for the city again, and New York brought the program back. According to Cecil Adams of The Chicago Reader, the lessons learned by New York are relevant everywhere. He believes that, if managed correctly, recycling programs should cost cities less than garbage disposal.

Even though the benefits of recycling over disposal are many, keep in mind that it better serves the environment to “reduce and reuse” before recycling is even considered as a choice.

1.Why did John Tierney think “recycling is garbage”?

A. Because he considered recycling a wasteful activity.

B. Because he didn’t think recycling was a new idea.

C. Because he found few people would like to recycle.

D. Because he didn’t like the environmental groups.

2.Which argument was put forward by the environmental groups?

A. Recycling technologies are mature.

B. Recycling programs save money.

C. Recycling programs cause pollution.

D. Recycling technologies are valueless.

3.Why did other cities watch closely to see how New York was doing?

A. Because New York was doing extremely well.

B. Because they didn’t want to have a recycling program

C. Because they felt worried about the waste of money.

D. Because New York was running a new recycling program.

4.Which of the following would the author most probably recommend?

A. Always bring your own shopping bag when you go shopping.

B. Always put your shopping bag into the dustbin after use.

C. Never go shopping where shopping bags are offered for free.

D. Never use a shopping bag which is not recycled.


A wise teacher let her class play a game. The teacher told each child to bring a bag containing a few ______. Each potato will be given a name of a person that the child _____hates, so the number of potatoes that a child will put into his / her ______ will depend on the ______ of people the child hates.

Some children had two potatoes; some had three and others had_____ up to five potatoes. The teacher then told the children to carry the bag ____ they go for a week.

___ the days went by, the children started to _____ ,because the rotten(腐烂的) potatoes ____ an unpleasant smell. And the students with five potatoes also had to carry _________ bags.

______ a week, the teacher asked, "How did you______?" The children started complaining about the trouble they had to ______, when they had to carry the heavy and _______ potatoes everywhere they went.

Then the teacher said, "This is the _______ when you carry your hate for somebody inside your______. The smell of hate will _______ your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot ______ the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you _______ what it is like to have the smell of hate in your heart for a ______?"

1.A. games B. books C. potatoes D. persons

2.A. chooses B. loves C. hates D. forgives

3.A. bag B. box C. basket D. barrel

4.A. kind B. number C. weight D. size

5.A. ever B. even C. already D. hardly

6.A. whatever B. whenever C. however D. wherever

7.A. As B. Although C. When D. After

8.A. argue B. disagree C. stop D. complain

9.A. gave in B. gave up C. gave off D. gave away

10.A. larger B. heavier C. more D. fewer

11.A. Until B. Before C. After D. Toward

12.A. play B. learn C. feel D. realize

13.A. go up B. go through C. go on D. go with

14.A. fresh B. delicious C. lovely D. smelly

15.A. situation B. chance C. example D. way

16.A. study B. work C. life D. heart

17.A. pollute B. damage C. kill D. take

18.A. continue B. last C. bear D. love

19.A. remember B. imagine C. recognize D. notice

20.A. week B. moment C. while D. lifetime

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