
根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余选项。(M=Mike   B=Ben)

M: Hi, Ben. My dad and I are going boating tomorrow.

B: Wow! That’s cool!

M: What’s your plan for the long weekend?

B: I’ll watch late night shows on TV and get up as late as I like.

M:           1          

B: Maybe not. But these are the two most enjoyable things I can think of.

M:           2        

B: What do we need hobbies for? We don’t even have enough time for schoolwork.

M:           3          But hobbies can help you to relax.

B:           4        

M: Well, take baseball for instance. You simply must get schoolwork out of your head while standing in the outfield.

B: Otherwise I’ll either get hit or lose a catch.

M:       5      

B: Exhausted, but satisfied.

M: You feel that you have finished a job.

B: You bet!

M: There! See what I mean?

       A.How are you today?

       B.That isn’t much of a plan, is it?

       C.You may have a point there.

       D.And how do you feel after each game?

       E.Are hobbies that great?

       F.Oh? Tell me how it works.

       G.Don’t you have a hobby?


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