

第一节 (5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5)


1What do we know about Tom?

AHe has a baby

BHe still smokes

CHe became a heavy smoker

2What does the woman think about the programme?




3Which one is endangered wildlife in China?

AWest China tiger

BNorth China tiger

CSouth China tiger

4How does the man feel about his job?

AHe wants to find a new job

BHe doesn't like it at all

CHe enjoys it

5What does the woman mean?

AThe man has mistaken her for someone else

BShe has won the second prize

CShe's never fond of singing




6What is the matter with the woman?

AShe can't find the subway station

BShe has missed the last bus

CShe has lost her way

7How far is the woman's hotel from here?

AIt's an hour's ride

BIt's two blocks away

CIt's over an hour's walk

8How will the woman most probably go to Central Park?

ABy subway

BOn foot

CBy taxi


9What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?



CHusband and wife

10Where does the conversation most probably take place?

AIn a restaurant

BAt the woman's home

CAt the man's home

11What does the woman ask the man to do?

AHave some soup

BHave more rice

CBring his wife next time


12What do cats like to do?

ATake a walk with the owner

BWalk alone

CHave a big meal every day

13How many reasons make cats the best pets?




14What colour is the large cat?

ABlack and white




15What gift does the woman recommend first?

AA necklace

BA ring

CA watch

16Why does the man want to buy a watch for his wife?

AShe hasn't a watch

BShe is eager to have a gold watch

CHer old one doesn't work well

17How much will the man pay for the gift?





18Where is the speaker?

AIn a zoo

BIn a park

CIn a museum

19What animals can people see in the first show?




20What do we know about the last show?

AIt's free

BIt's a guided tour

CIt will be put on in America



  Text 1

  WDoes Tom still smoke?

  MI haven't seen him smoke since his baby was born

  Text 2

  MDo you mind if I change the channel

  WActually, I think this programme is very interesting

  Text 3

  MDo you know any endangered wildlife in China?

  WYesPanda, Milu deer and South China tiger

  Text 4

  WYou seem to have a lot of work at your officeYou're always staying late and working overtime

  MThat's true, but I think the work is interesting and funI don't mind staying longer

  Text 5

  MCongratulationsI heard that you've won the first prize in the singing contest

  WYou must be mistakenI'm in the dance class

  Text 6

  WExcuse me, sirI'm a stranger hereYou see, I've lost my wayCould you help me?

  MYes, of courseWhere do you want to go?

  WI want to return to my hotel, the New York Hotel

  MOh, it's quite near hereYou just turn right and walk two blocks and you'll find it

  WThank you, sirBy the way, could you tell me the way to Central Park?

  MYou can take the subway near your hotel and get off at 59th Street

  WCan I walk there?

  MNoIt may take you more than an hour if you walk

  Text 7

  WLet me help you to some more fish

  MThe fish is deliciousBut I've had enough nowI'd like to have some soup

  WHere it isHelp yourself

  MThanksI didn't know you were so good at cookingIf my wife were here, she would be as surprised as I am

  WWell, bring your wife too if you come here next timeI haven't seen her for quite some time

  MSure, I willMy wife will be very happy to see you, tooWell, I'm full nowThank you for your wonderful meal

  WI'm glad you enjoyed it

  Text 8

  WTom, do you have pets?

  MOf course

  WSmall dogs or large ones?

  MNo, I have cats as my petsCats make the best pets


  MFirst, cats can take care of themselves

  WWhat do you mean?

  MA dog owner must take them for a walk every day in all kinds of weatherBut cats prefer to walk alone, or to stay inside in a warm armchair

  WWell, that makes sense

  MNext, cats are cheaper


  MRightDogs need large amounts of expensive foodCats are happy with a handful of dried food

  WI seeHow many cats do you have?

  MTwoOne is large, black cat named MarcoThe other is a small white cat named Mini

  Text 9

  WMay I help you, sir?

  MYesI'm looking for a nice gift for my wifeIt's her birthday tomorrow

  WPerhaps she would like a nice necklaceWe have many for you to choose from

  MI don't knowShe's already got one

  WWell, thenMaybe a ring or a watch would be nice

  MYesShe may need a new watchThe one she's wearing is passed down from her grandmotherSo she's always late for work

  WThe gold one is pretty

  MYes, it is

  WThis watch usually costs 2,500But if you buy it now, I can give you 10off

  MIt's very niceI'll take itDo you accept checks?


  Text 10

  Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? There will be three animal shows this afternoon here in the city zooThe first show begins at three o'clockThere, tigers, lions, and bears, will entertain you with their funny behaviourThe second show will be a feeding of the monkeys at four o'clockYou can play with the monkeysThe last show will be at 430 in the giant bird cage, where Dr Smith will give you a guided tour, pointing out more than 300 species of birds from Central and South AmericaIf you have any questions about these shows or other events at the zoo, please ask at the information desk at the main entrance next to the gift shop

Thank you





1.When will Susan arrive?

A.At 4∶30.

B.At 4∶45.

C.At 5∶20.

2.Why can’t the woman go to see the film today?

A.Because she is not feeling well.

B.Because she doesn’t like the film.

C.Because she has another plan.

3.How much is the jacket?

A.600 US dollars.

B.100 Hong Kong dollars.

C.600 Hong Kong dollars.

4.What does the man have for this meal?

A.Soup, noodles and iced coffee.

B.A sandwich, noodles and hot coffee.

C.Soup, noodles and hot coffee.

5.Who is Mr.Smith?

A.A friend of the girl’s father’s.

B.The girl’s brother.

C.The girl’s father.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a post office.

B.At a baker’s shop.

C.At a restaurant.

7.When was the parcel posted?

A.Two days ago.

B.Two weeks ago.

C.Two months ago.

8.What do we know about the man?

A.He lives at 128 Devon Street.

B.He is very angry about the service.

C.He sent his mother a parcel.


9.What do we know about No.6 Station Road?

A.It has the man’s lucky number.

B.It has four bedrooms.

C.It has a garage.

10.What is good about No.4 Candy Street?

A.It is in a quieter place.

B.It has bigger rooms.

C.It is closer to shops.

11.Which one have they decided on?

A.The one with a big garden.

B.The one next to the station.

C.The one closer to town.


12.What is the man planning to do with his friends?

A.Watch a football game.

B.Go for a drive and have a picnic.

C.Have dinner and see a movie.

13.Why does the woman hesitate to go with them?

A.Because she has to study for an exam.

B.Because she has to attend a party.

C.Because she doesn’t have enough money.

14.When does the woman want to be back?

A.By 11∶30 p. m.

B.By 10∶30 p. m.

C.By 6∶00 p. m.


15.Why didn’t the man want to go dancing?

A.Because he thought it was dull.

B.Because he didn’t like dancing.

C.Because he was very tired.

16.What did the man suggest?

A.Walking on the bridge.

B.Inviting friends to watch the bridge.

C.Inviting some friends to play bridge.

17.When will Janet come around?

A.At about 8 a. m.

B.At about 4 p. m.

C.At about 8 p. m.


18.Who is speaking?

A.The radio host.

B.The singer.

C.The director.

19.When are tickets available to the winning people?

A.Before Saturday night.

B.Before Thursday morning.

C.Before Wednesday morning.

20.Through which phone number can people find the speaker?







1.What will the woman do?

A.Stay indoors

B.Have a walk

C.Get a coat

2.What will the speakers order?

A.Coke and orange juice.

B.Orange juice and coffee.

C.Coffee and Coke.

3.How did the woman know about the fire?

A.She read about it.

B.She saw it.

C.Someone else told her.

4.What is the man worried about?

A.The match may be put off.

B.Their car may go out of control.

C.They may arrive late for the game.

5.What does the man mean?

A.He had a terrible vacation.

B.He remained at home all the time.

C.The woman asked a silly question.




6.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.To work for her former employer.

B.To start a company.

C.To join his company.

7.What is the woman doing?

A.Working for the old company.

B.Running a business.

C.Hunting for a job.


8.Why did the woman give up her dream to be a gym teacher?

A.She didn't have the equipment.

B.She couldn't afford the expense.

C.She found the training too hard.

9.How does the woman feel about her job?





10.What does the woman say about the science book?

A.It's of little value.

B.It's in bad condition.

C.It's out of date.

11.How much will the woman pay the man?




12.Why isn’t the woman willing to buy more textbooks?

A.She isn't sure what textbooks will be used.

B.She hasn't enough money to buy more.

C.She doesn't like books marked with notes.


13.Where is the man?

A.At home.

B.At the office.

C.At a travel agency.

14.What are the speakers going to do?

A.To travel abroad.

B.To go to the theatre.

C.To meet their friends.

15.When will the speakers meet?

A.At 3∶15 pm.

B.At 7∶00 pm.

C.At 6∶15 pm.

16.What do we know about the man?

A.He is sensitive.

B.He is humorous.

C.He is dishonest.


17.What is the first news headline about?

A.Street violence.

B.Personal safety.

C.Students' health.

18.Why did some parents get together at schools in Glasgow?

A.To prevent the close-down of the schools.

B.To call for better primary education.

C.To take part in school activities.

19.What are the litter pickers doing?

A.Collecting private rubbish.

B.Cleaning themselves up.

C.Having a one-day break.

20.Which teams will play in the European Cup final?

A.AC Milan and Barcelona.

B.Barcelona and Liverpool.

C.Liverpool and AC Milan.




1.What was the woman's first job?

A.A teacher.

B.A secretary.

C.A doctor.

2.When did the show begin?




3.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Enjoying meeting each other.

B.Saying good-bye to each other.

C.Planning to see each other again.

4.Where does the dialogue take place?

A.In an office.

B.In a clothing shop.

C.In the man's house.

5.What will the woman do tonight?

A.She will stay at home with the man.

B.She will send for a doctor by herself.

C.She will watch the weather forecast.




6.How does the boy go to school every day?

A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.On foot.

7.Why didn't the girl go to school by bike?

A.Because she hated the heavy traffic.

B.Because she didn't have a bike herself.

C.Because she didn’t like to ride a bike.


8.Where did the accident happen?

A.On a highway.

B.On a freeway.

C.On a road.

9.What was strange about the accident?

A.Two people got hurt.

B.The truck turned over.

C.No one was killed.


10.What does Susan think of her life in New York?

A.She doesn't like it at ali.

B.She thinks highly of it.

C.She feels it just so-so,

11.What can we leam about Henry from the dialogue?

A.He is heavier than before.

B.He looks younger than ever.

C.He decides to keep on a diet.

12.Why does Susan look younger?

A.Because she is more energetic.

B.Because she stays in warm weather.

C.Because she lives a healthier life.


13.Where will the woman plan to work in summer?

A.A hotel.

B.A market.

C.A farm.

14.How long will the woman work in the morning?

A.One hour.

B.Three hours.

C.Four hours.

15.What will the woman prefer to do in her free time?

A.Go walking.

B.Pick fruits.

C.Sell drinks.

16.What are the two speakers talking about in general?

A.Part-time jobs.

B.Music festivals.

C.Summer plans


17.How long will the course run this year?

A.Six weeks.

B.Seven weeks.

C.Eight weeks

18.What was the problem last year?

A.Few people wanted to attend.

B.There were too few workers.

C.Nothing to do on rainy days.

19.What will the children do for the first time this year?

A.They will join in art activities.

B.They will do new outdoor sports.

C.They will attend a talent show.

20.What's important for parents whose children attend the course?

A.Attending the American Night with the children.

B.Sending money to Molly as soon as possible.

C.Informing Molly about any food the child cannot eat.




1.When does the man leave for the office on Tuesday?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 7∶30.

C.At 7∶00.

2.What will the woman do this evening?

A.Complete her essay.

B.Go out for a walk.

C.Review her lessons.

3.What does the man want the woman to do?

A.Take a photo with him.

B.Teach him some French.

C.Help him get the photos.

4.Where did the woman stay during these days?

A.On the beach.

B.In the mountains.

C.In the hotel.

5.Why can't the man move to the suburbs?

A.Because of the high taxes.

B.Because of the high rent.

C.Because of the long distance.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a club.

B.At the laundry.(洗衣店)

C.In a shop.

7.What clothes does the man have?

A.A shirt and two pairs of trousers.

B.Two shirts and two pairs of trousers

C.A shirt and three pairs of trousers

8.How much should the man pay if he has a membership?





9.What does the two speakers say about Professor Dickinson?

A.His study is full of books.

B.He often assigns too much reading homework.

C.His lecture is very boring.

10.What was the nationality of T.S.Elliot at death?




11.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man read many English classics,

B.The two speakers both know Professor Dickinson.

C.Professor Dickinson teaches English literature.


12.What is the man doing in the conversation?

A.Interviewing a shopper.

B.Shopping at the supermarket.

C.Examining the goods at the supermarket.

13.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a supermarket in town.

B.In a supermarket on Fifth Avenue.

C.In a supermarket on Central Plaza.

14.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She drinks a quart of milk every day.

B.She spent 28 pounds.

C.She bought some fruit in the supermarket.


15.What does the man suffer from?

A.A bad cold.



16.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Work and rest regularly.

B.Get fresh air and do more exercise.

C.Drink more water and stay outdoors.

17.Why doesn't the man get regular exercise?

A.Because he doesn't have time.

B.Because he doesn't like playing sports.

C.Because he didn't realize the importance of exercise.


18.How many ways are there to start a conversation according to the talk?




19.What is the second suggestion according to the talk?

A.Get or borrow a dog

B.Eat in a public dining hall

C.Take the dirty clothes to a public washing shop

20.What should you say to a heavy man in the US?

A.He is thin

B.He is losing weight

C.He should on a diet



1.What did the woman do at on the weekend?

A.She called on people to protect the environment

B.She gave a lecture on global warming

C.She attended a public meeting

2.what does the boy mean?

A.He is very excited

B.He may get a bad grade

C.His exam isn't over

3.What has the woman decided to buy?

A.The red bag

B.the blue bag

C.the green bag

4.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At a bus station

B.In a hotel

C.At an airport

5.What will the man do later?

A.Pick Linda up

B.Call Linda

C.Attend a meeting



6.What does the woman do

A.A teacher

B.A student

C.A doctor

7.What do we know about the man?

A.He knew nothing about English before he went to New York

B.He attended a conversation course before he went to New York

C.His spoken English improved because he practiced a lot


8.Why is the boy unhappy?

A.He couldn't find anyone to help him.

B.he had a quarrel with his father.

C.He lost a computer game

9.What's the boy's problem?

A.He is addicted to computer games

B.He doesn't like math

C.He always feels sleepy.

10.What does the girl advice the boy to do?

A.To see a doctor

B.To stop playing computer games

C.To talk to his father


11.What can we learn about the man?

A.He wasn't in this afternoon

B.He doesn't believe what Mr.Smith said

C.He will buy a new light

12.What did the woman fail to do this afternoon?

A.Repair the washing machine.

B.Wash clothes

C.Read the newspaper

13.What is the best way to solve the problem?

A.Repairing the lights.

B.Using fewer lights

C.Changing the wires.


14.What is the man going to do?

A.Take a flight to Japan

B.Drive the woman to the hotel

C.Meet the guests at the airport

15.Where will Mr.Black stay after his arrival?

A.At a hotel

B.At the man's house

C.At the woman's a house

16.what will be held this evening?

A.A private party

B.A reception

C.A business meeting

17.why does the man want to make a good impression?

A.To repay Mr.Black's kindness

B.To get invited back to Tokyo

C.TO increase the hotel's business.


18.what was the probable cause of the accident?

A.Too much traffic on the road

B.High speed and wet road

C.The driver's being too tired

19.Who called the First Aid Centre for help?

A.A young woman

B.The Speaker

C.A policeman

20.What did the policeman do?

A.He took the driver out of his car

B.He questioned the speaker carefully

C.He immediately sent the driver to hospital

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