
【题目】【原创】On Sunday, Samsung used the 2015 installment of Mobile World Congress to announce the latest models of its Galaxy line of smartphones: the S6 and S6 Edge, aiming to retake its throne.

Both devices take the Galaxy line in a completely new direction. The most apparent change is the noticeable lack of plastic formerly synonymous with Samsung smartphones. With the S6 lineup, Samsung chose to go with a combination of metal and a glass housing.

The S6 Edge features a curved display on both edges of the screen. A fingerprint sensor sits below the home button. The user only needs to place a finger on the button and wait for the scan to complete. The change makes the experience nearly identical to that of Apple’s Touch ID.

Sure to disappoint Samsung loyalists, the South Korean company rejected two features long used to mock(嘲弄)Apple’s AAPL 0.49% iPhone: expandable storage and a replaceable battery. Looking beyond the changes in appearance are a faster processor, higher-quality camera, curved display, and wireless charging capabilities.

The new feature called Samsung Pay is very appealing and will bring users more convenience.

And it has a leg up on Apple Pay, which is limited to working only at retail locations and outlets with the necessary equipment to process NFC payments. With Samsung Pay, users won’t be caught in the middle of a spat between competing payment platforms. So go right ahead.

Another thing: Each year when Samsung would announce the latest Galaxy device, it would announce some software-based features that served little purpose. With this year’s release, Samsung cut the fat. Any unnecessary menus were left out.

For years, Samsung’s flagship phones have been long on features, but short on follow-through. The new Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge appear to lay the groundwork for a lineup of devices that are quite the opposite.

【1 What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The competition between Samsung and Apple.

B. The introduction of the latest models of Samsung.

C. The development of Samsung company.

D. The similarity between Apple and Samsung.

【2Which is NOT the new feature of the S6 and S6 Edge?

A. An emergency battery B. A faster processor.

C. Samsung Pay. D. Higher-quality camera.

【3According to the passage, we can know Apple ______.

A. has a replaceable battery

B. has Touch ID

C. uses plastics as material

D. has no payment function

【4In which aspect may Samsung’s latest models disappoint its users?

A. It is more expensive than expected.

B. Mobile payment function is inconvenient.

C. It has more useless software.

D. Its storage can’t be expanded any longer.

【5What can we know from the last paragraph?

A. Samsung is longer in shape.

B. Samsung is good at creating new models.

C. Samsung has an advantage of function.

D. Samsung is always following trends.








试题分析:本文主要介绍了三星Galaxy系列手机的最新力作:Galaxy S6和S6 Edge,而且从某些方面和Apple手机进行了对比比如S6的支付功能更加便利。Galaxy S6和S6 Edge代表了三星开始选择另一条道路,并为以后的一系列机型奠定了道路。

【1】B主旨大意题。文章首段提出了三星Galaxy系列手机的发行,然后在下文对新款手机进行了介绍,由此判断文章主要是介绍三星Galaxy S6和S6 Edge手机。

【2A细节理解题。根据文章第四段末句Looking beyond the changes in appearance are a faster processor, higher-quality camera, curved display, and wireless charging capabilities.和第五段第一句The new feature called Samsung Pay is very appealing可知选A。

【3B推理判断题。根据第三段末句The change makes the experience nearly identical to that of Apple’s Touch ID可知B选项正确。而根据第四段内容可知Apple没有可替换电池,故A选项错误;从第五段内容可知苹果手机有Apple Pay ,即支付功能,排除D选项。C选项内容没有提及。

【4D细节理解题。根据文章第四段Sure to disappoint Samsung loyalists, the South Korean company rejected two features long used to mock(嘲弄)Apple’s AAPL 0.49% iPhone: expandable storage and a replaceable battery.可知选D。A选项内容文章没有涉及;而根据第五段首句可知三星的支付功能更加方便;排除B选项;再从第六段可知新款三星手机删去了一些几乎没什么功能的软件。




In June, an isolated tribe known to semi-permanently reside in Peru emerged from the forest on the neighboring Envira River in Brazil to make contact with the outside world. Such contact happens surprisingly often, but it is usually brief. “This is unique in that they’ve chosen to stay,” says Chris Fagan, director of the nongovernmental group Upper Amazon Conservancy.

Reportedly under threat from illegal loggers, a few dozen tribespeople remain near the village where they first emerged. They are under the supervision of FUNAI, Brazil’s agency for Indian affairs. During many past contact events, members of the isolated groups died after encountering modern diseases for the first time. But experts hope the group that emerged in June will fare (进展) better because members have stayed long enough to receive medical care. There’s still concern that other members of the group’s tribe may have remained in the forest, vulnerable to disease and unreachable by medical personnel.

“The worst-case scenario (方案) is that some people get sick and go back to the original tribe,” says University of Missouri anthropologist Robert Walker, who studies Amazonian populations. “That’s the huge worry.”

Walker, who studies satellite imagery (卫星图) of the rainforest for evidence of isolated villages, says four or five such nomadic hunter-gatherer groups live in the Envira River watershed, though he estimates between 50 and 100 isolated indigenous (土生土长的) groups live in Greater Amazonia. These groups often make fleeting (短暂的) contact to steal tools from frontier towns, but most, he says, remain isolated out of fear. “Some of these folks’ ancestors have been massacred,” he says. “They were contacted, violently, in the past.”

Now, with illegal loggers and drug smugglers invading land reserves established to protect the tribespeople’s way of life, these isolated groups are feeling pressured out of their homes. And although activist groups and government anthropologists train locals to temporarily leave the area when isolated tribes arrive as a way to prevent the spread of disease, lack of official protocols (协议), consistent enforcement and regular compensation for villagers often make it an ineffective solution.

These tribespeople “have a right to continue their lifestyle as long as they want to,” Fagan says. “There are land reserves set up to allow them to do that, and those reserves are failing.”

【1】Where do the tribespeople who make contact with the outside world live?

A. In the US. B. In Brazil.

C. In Peru. D. In Cuba.

【2】Mr Walker is __________.

A. director of the nongovernmental group Upper Amazon Conservancy

B. an official from the Brazilian government

C. an official from FUNAI, Brazil’s agency for Indian affairs

D. an anthropologist from America

【3】What does the underlined word “massacred” mean?

A. killed in a large number.

B. given enough medical treatment.

C. helped with tender care.

D. treated in a friendly way.

【4】From what Fagan says in the last paragraph, we can know _______.

A. It is unique that the tribespeople should ask to stay

B. The government did a lot to set up land rserves but ended up in vain.

C. These tribespeople dont have a right to continue their lifestyle as long as they want to.

D. The worst-case scenario is that some people get sick and go back to the original tribe.


【1University College London researchers tested pupils in 2004, with __________ 12 to 16. (range)


【2The scientists have already figured out why it is __________ so quickly with the latest technology. (go)


【3】If you had taken your mother’s advice when you started to arrange for your wedding, you __________all your money so soon. (run)


【4__________ English, and you will master the language sooner or later. (concentrate)


【5】__________ that the day before his retirement, Mr. Smith will have been teaching for a total of forty years. (coincidence)


【6】"Both of us stressed once again that under no circumstances _______ North Korea to possess nuclear weapons," he said. (allow)


【7】Be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode __________ sunlight. (expose)


【8】My neighbor who never cares about others’ feelings is always singing loudly at midnight, which is ___________. (stand)


【9】The flat __________ a large sum of money a couple of years ago has now doubled in value. (pay)


【10In the past few years the workers _________ a lot of suggestions but none of them was adopted. (put)


【题目】Having taken a room at the hotel at which he had been instructed to stay, Smallwood went out; it was a lovely day, early in August, and the sun shone in an unclouded sky. He had not been to Lucerne since he was a boy, but remembered a covered bridge, though not clearly, a great stone lion and a church in which he had sat, bored yet impressed while they played an organ (风琴); and now wandering along a shady quay (码头) he tried not so much to find his way about a half-forgotten scene as to reform in his mind some recollection of the shy and eager boy, so impatient for life, who so long ago had wandered there. But it seemed to him that the most lively of his memories was not of himself, but of the crowd; he seemed to remember the sun and the heat and the people; the train was crowded and so was the hotel, the lake steamers were packed and on the quays and in the streets you found your way among the holiday-makers. They were fat and old and ugly and strange.

Now, in wartime, Lucerne was as deserted as it must have been before the world discovered that Switzerland was the play-ground of Europe. Most of the hotels were closed, the streets were empty, the boats for hire rocked (摇晃) lazily at the water’s edge and there was none to take them, and in the avenue by the lake the only persons to be seen were serious Swiss taking their dogs for their daily walk. Smallwood felt happy and, sitting down on a bench that faced the water, surrendered (听任) himself to the feelings. The blue water, snowy mountains, and their beauty hit you in the face. So long, at all event, as the fine weather lasted he was prepared to enjoy himself. He didn’t see why he should not at least try to combine pleasure to himself with advantage to his country.

【1】We can infer that Smallwood went to Lucerne _________.

A. to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the area

B. to do something as told

C. to visit his friend there

D. to get in touch with the shy and eager boy

【2】He felt that the city _________.

A. was more crowded than it used to be

B. had changed out of all recognition

C. had been ruined by becoming an attraction

D. was quieter than he remembered it

【3】He was prepared to enjoy himself as long as _________.

A. he was serving his country

B. he was making a profit

C. the pleasant weather continued like this

D. he could stay in Lucerne

【4】After reading the passage, we can draw a conclusion that _________.

A. Smallwood’s former visit to Lucerne was made in peacetime

B. Smallwood was pleased by the sound this time

C. Smallwood was very nervous when he got to Lucerne

D. A war would soon break out in Lucerne

【题目】Like many other parts of our lives today, education has become a global enterprise. In microcosm(微观世界), my school is proof of just how global. Monkseaton High School is an ordinary state-funded school of 850 students in the unfashionable part of northeastern England. Over the past seven years it has sent 12 students to American universities --- two of them to Harvard. Monkseaton has, in turn, attracted students from other countries, including Germany and Latvia. Monkseaton now almost routinely receives inquiries from students in Eastern European countries. Obviously, learning English is a big draw, but his pattern of student movement was unheard of five years ago.

The brain drain is a universal phenomenon, and countries that don’t face up to the new reality will be losing some of their most precious resources. The northeast of England is its poorest region, and has experienced a severe loss of highly qualified professionals-to-be. Some of the most able 18-year-olds are going to other parts of Britain, even to other countries. What is happening here is happening to Britain as a whole. Most noticeably, there is a growing trend of British students taking degrees in American universities. This year the number will break the psychological barrier of 1,000 students for the first time.

And what is happening at the secondary-school level is happening to higher education. Wherever they come from, today’s students have a very different perspective on education from their parents. Because of television, the Internet and their travels, these students see the world as a much smaller place than their parents once did. They are more confident in accepting the challenge of moving from one country to another, from one culture to another; in many cases they can even apply to schools over the Internet. Students are also more aware of the overall cost of education and are looking for value for money. Plus, for many, education linked to travel is a better option than education at home.

【1】Why does the author say education has become a global enterprise?

A. Monkseaton High School used to be a very unfashionable school in the Northeast England.

B. Monkseaton High School is now one of the state-funded middle schools in England.

C. Monkseaton High School has sent two top students to the Harvard University in U.S.

D. There is now an extensive exchange of students among different countries.

【2】 What can we infer about northeast England from the passage?

A. It is one of the poorest regions in England.

B. It has experienced a severe loss of professionals.

C. It will face a more serious brain drain in the near future.

D. It is losing its young talents to other parts of the world.

【3】 According to the passage, students today have different perspective from their parents on the following EXCEPT that _________________.

A. education linked to travel is much better than education at home

B. overall cost of education should be considered against money value

C. moving from one culture to another is a welcomed challenge

D. the Internet is more popular and easier to access in the near future

【4】 The students today tend to see the world as a much smaller place NOT because __________.

A. they are having more exposure to the television programs

B. they are having easier access to the Internet

C. they are having frequent travels to the other parts of the world

D. they are having better communication with their parents

【5】 The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to __________.

A. tell us the benefit of globalization of education

B. analyze the causes for students’ moving trend in Great Britain

C. criticize the universal phenomenon of brain drain worldwide

D. draw attention to students’ moving from one country to another

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