
When you walk into a room on the 17th floor of Copenhagen’s Bella Sky Hotel, you’ll be greeted by soft roses and other fresh flowers, fruits, fashion magazines, and a bathroom with beauty products. This is Europe’s first hotel floor dedicated(专用的)entirely to women—and according to the hotel’s CEO Arne Bang Mikkelsen, it is designed by women, for women.

“Women’s hotel preferences(偏爱)are very different from men’s with key priorities(优先考虑的事)being to feel safe and comfortable. When men come into a hotel room, the first thing they do is check the view, turn on the TV, plug in their computer, and check out the fridge. Women, on the other hand, go straight to the bathroom. Does it smell nice? Is it clean? Does it have a nice bathtub and shower?”

Unlike other hotels, it seemed like someone actually thought about what women wanted. To get it right, the hotel asked a number of women what they wanted, and added to their list of things like cleanliness, a nice bathroom, high-powered hairdryers, steam irons, cosmetic mirrors, healthy choices on the room service menus, and full-body mirrors.

It seems that they are helped by the boom(繁荣)in female business travelers. Global numbers are hard to get, but a research report shows women account for about half of all business travelers in the US in 2010, up from approximately 25% in 1991.

Places like the Naumi Hotel in Singapore, the Premier Hotel in New York, the London Dukes Hotel and the Georgian Court Hotel in Vancouver seem to be realizing the possibility in catering(迎合)for women.

At the London Dukes Hotel, the manager says bookings(预订)for their “Duchess Rooms”,which are standard rooms with fresh flowers, fruit, and styling things, have increased 25% over the past year.

1.We can learn from the text that Bella Sky Hotel _______.

A. is the first hotel designed for women

B. offers special service to women guests

C. has a big garden with all kinds of flowers

D. can arrange rooms according to guests’ wishes

57. Paragraph 2 mainly wants to tell us _______.

A. men are wiser in choosing hotels

B. guests usually care about fort most

C. women differ from men in judging a hotel

D. hotels have difficulty satisfying each guest

2.What can we learn from the text?

A. Men guests usually don’t care about hotels’ cleanliness.

B. Living in a hotel, women guests may consider their safety.

C. Women business travelers spend more than men in hotels.

D. In the US the number of women travelers is higher than men.

3.The example of the London Dukes Hotel is used to show ________.

A. London is known for hotel management

B. guests like to experience different hotels

C. the new hotel service is very popular

D. hotel industry is developing rapidly

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. How to run hotels.

B. A new practice in hotel service.

C. Different hotels’ service in the world.

D. Differences between men and women hotel guests.


A device that stops drivers from falling asleep at the wheel is about to undergo testing at Department of Transport laboratories and could go on sale within 12 months.

The system,called driver Alert,aims to reduce deadly road accidents by 20%—40% that are caused by tiredness.Airline pilots can also use it to reduce the 30% of all pilot error accidents that are related to fatigue.

Driver Alert is based on a computerized wristband.The device,worn by drivers or pilots gives out a sound about every four minutes during a car journey.After each sound the driver must respond by squeezing the steering wheel(方向盘).A sensor in the wristband detects this pressing action and measures the time between the sound and the driver’s response.

Tiredness is directly related to a driver’s response time.Usually,a watchful driver would take about 400 milliseconds to respond,but once that falls to more than 500 milliseconds,it suggests that the driver is getting sleepy.

In such cases the device gives out more regular and louder sounds,showing that the driver should open a window or stop for a rest.If the driver’s response continues to slow down,the sounds become more frequent until a nonstop alarm warms that the driver must stop as soon as possible.

The device has been delivered to the department’s laboratories for testing.If these tests,scheduled for six months’ time,are successful,the markers will bring the product to market within about a year.

1.According to the text,Driver Alert ______.

A.aims to reduce tiredness related accidents

B.has gone through testing at laboratories

C.aims to prevent drivers from sleeping

D.has been on sale for 12 months

2.How should a driver respond to the sounds from Driver Alert?

A.By sounding a warning

B.By touching the wristband

C.By checking the driving time

D.By pressing the steering wheel

3.We can learn from the text that the driver needs to stop for a break when his response time is ______.

A.About 400 milliseconds

B.below 500 milliseconds

C.over 500 milliseconds

D.about 400 minutes

4.When the driver gets sleepy while driving,Driver Alert ______.

A.moves more regularly

B.stops working properly

C.opens the window for the driver

D.sounds more frequently and loudly

SALT LAKE CITY—The Utah Jazz basketball team signed a 5-year-old.Free-agent player to a one-day contract for a special performance in October.The Utah Jazz has just made his dream come true.The boy has suffered from blood cancer since 2012.

JP Gibson,who was diagnosed with severe blood cancer,signed his contract with Jazz President Randy Rigby before joining the team for the pre-season training play at Utah Jazz’s sport center.JP was joined by his parents,Josh and Megan,and his 2-year-old sister,Elsie.

The activity was hosted by the Jazz and photographer Jon Diaz’s“Anything Can Be”project,which provides support and hope to families like the Gibsons.Jon Diaz asks children with cancer what their dreams and wishes are,and he writes their stories in a book.

JP,wearing a No.1 shirt,even got to play in the play.He passed the ball,and Rudy obert,a player of Utah Jazz,lifted him up so he could dunk(扣篮)and shake hands with some players as fans were cheerful.

“JP loves most sports,but basketball is absolutely his favorite,” Megan Gibson said in a statement released by the Jazz.“When he was just over one year old,he would sit with my husband,Josh,watching games.He started insisting on shooting hoops(投篮)for an hour each night before bedtime when he was just 15 months old.He knows he has to be 6 before he can play Junior Jazz,and he reminds us all the time that he can’t wait until he’s 6.”

1.Utah Jazz signs a 5-year-old JP Gibson just to _____________.

A.make the team more famous

B.realize the dream of JP Gibson

C.satisfy the taste of the fans

D.promote the“Anything Can Be” project

2.“Anything Can Be”project ____________.

A.raises money to help the development of NBA

B. provides support and hope to kids loving basketball

C.has kids with cancer write their stories in a book

D.offers assistance to those who are in misfortune

3.According to the passage,JP Gibson _____________.

A.will play on Utah Jazz team when he grows up

B.can earn much money by signing Utah Jazz

C.has been a basketball lover since very young age

D.won’t live long due to his severe blood cancer


Do you have a spare room in your house? Do you like to share your driveway in front of your garage with others? 1. Many people are benefiting from this new business of renting.

Perhaps the best-known example of a company in this field is Airbnb—an American web business which allows you to rent out your spare room to holidaymakers. It says it operates in 34,000 cities and it has 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments. 2.

A British company is doing something with parking spaces. Just Park’s founder,Anthony Eskinazi, says, “When I had the original idea. I spotted a driveway close to a spots stadium. It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than in a commercial car park.” 3. Around 20,000 people have advertised their spaces on the website, and he says around half a million drivers use it.

4. They are people who run things like traditional hotels and commercial car parks. They are afraid of ending up losing money.

5. Regulations for these new businesses are unclear. How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbor? Because this is a new business world, those rules aren’t there yet.

A. They seem to have occupied the majority of the market.

B. Both of these can help you make money.

C. And there is another problem.

D. And his great idea has proved a success.

E. But the new business of renting has its competitors.

F. There are many ways to earn money.

G. A commercial car park is inconvenient.

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1—15 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

The clock had just struck eleven when I first heard a noise coming from the lift. I opened the door of our room and listened: someone was against the door of the and calling out at the same time.“What’s ?” I shouted.

“The door has been and I can’t get out.” The answer came back. The voice, which ________ like that of a girl, came from several below.

My wife had now me and she went off directly in search of the night porter (守夜人). After calling to the girl that was on its way, I went back into the to get some tools. Then I too hurried the stairs until I reached the place the life was stuck.

I tried my hand at forcing to the life door, talking all the while to the girl trapped inside, my tools were of no use for this purpose, Very , however, my wife returned. ________to find the porter, she had called the police, who agreed to send an engineer. , she had also got in touch with the fire service.

In a short time the engineer appeared, followed by two . Almost immediately afterwards the firemen too. With the special equipment it the engineer only a short while to get the door open. In spite of (尽管) her experience, the girl was in good . “I’m hungry,” was her only remark as she stepped out of her cage.

1.A. standing B. beating C. sitting D. shouting

2.A. flat B. room C. house D. lift

3.A. matter B. wrong C. accident D. question

4.A. opened B. broken C. stuck D. stopped

5.A. sounded B. heard C. listened D. looked

6.A. stairs B. floors C. roofs D. flights

7.A. called B. stopped C. seen D. helped

8.A. I B. nothing C. lift D. help

9.A. lift B. door C. flat D. way

10.A. down B. up C. on D. from

11.A. that B. where C. which D. there

12.A. open B. close C. shut D. turned

13.A. though B. if C. but D. because

14.A. quickly B. fast C. well D. soon

15.A. Able B. Unable C. Glad D. Sorry

16.A. Besides B. Instead C. Still D. But

17.A. porters B. Men C. policemen D. firemen

18.A. reached B. arrived C. got D. left

19.A. spent B. took C. passed D. stayed

20.A. spirits B. health C. conditions D. manners

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