Cats have no emotions .At least, that's what my husband once claimed.I __16__ that my two cats experience emotions.They feel anger, fear, and __17__.He agreed with me, but __18__ his opinion that cats don't feel love._19__, my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.
When my next-door neighbour moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet.She was an indoor lady, always watching __20__ through the window.
Then one day when I __21__ my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian __22__ Juliet gazing at him behind the window.It soon became __23__ that they were attracted by each other.So every day thereafter, whenever I let Sebastian out, he would rush __24__ to the backyard next-door and they would sit gazing __25__ at each other through the screen, she inside, and he outside.Even my husband watched __26__, and he would murmur, "But cats can't feel love...can they?"
Five months later, my neighbour had to __27__ because of work.My heart sank.I wondered how Sebastian would __28__ to Juliet's leaving.
For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbour moved in, I often __29__ Sebastian sitting by Juliet's window, looking into the apartment __30__ his lady.The new neighbour didn't mind having the "Peeping Sebastian" after I __31__ his reason for being there.
Sebastian __32___the small area outside that window as his territory. Other male cats were allowed in the __33__, but not near Juliet's window, which he guarded until his __34__.
Even now, when my husband and I walk through the backyard and see that window, he __35__ me of the lesson Sebastian taught him...that cats do indeed fall in love.
16.A.argued             B.quarreled     C.suggested         D.discussed
17.A.energy             B.power          C.strength           D.happiness
18.A.referred to              B.prepared for     C.stuck to           D.approved of
19.A.Therefore           B.However      C.Besides            D.Meanwhile
20.A.the environment      B.the sky        C.her owner        D.her boyfriend
21.A.forbade           B.prevented     C.accompanied    D.left
22.A.called attention to    B.caught sight of C.took charge of  D.paid a visit to
23.A.ambitious         B.doubtful      C.skeptical          D.obvious
24.A.secretly           B.straight        C.quietly             D.worriedly
25.A.lovingly          B.angrily        C.hungrily          D.greedily
26.A.in trouble         B.in sorrow     C.in amazement   D.in horror
27.A.settle             B.travel              C.apologize         D.move
28.A.react             B.reply         C.reduce             D.replace
29.A.took            B.caught         C.met             D.sensed
30.A.in place of              B.on the basis of  C.in search of      D.on account of
31.A.explained         B.requested     C.blamed            D.asked
32.A.discovered          B.reformed     C.preserved         D.marked
33.A.street             B.backyard      C.window           D.village
34.A.birthday          B.departure     C.death           D.arrival
35.A.reminds           B.informs       C.tells             D.accuses

Cats have no emotions . At least, that's what my husband once claimed. I   36   that my two cats experience emotions. They feel anger, fear, and   37  . He agreed with me, but   38   his opinion that cats don't feel love.  39  , my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.
When my next-door neighbor moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet. She was an indoor lady, always watching   40   through the window.
Then one day when I   41   my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian   42   Juliet gazing at him behind the window. It soon became   43   that they were attracted by each other. So every day thereafter, whenever I let Sebastian out, he would rush   44__to the backyard next-door and they would sit gazing   45   at each other through the screen, she inside, and he outside. Even my husband watched   46  , and he would murmur, "But cats can't feel love... can they?"
Five months later, my neighbor had to   47   because of work. My heart sank. I wondered how Sebastian would   48   to Juliet's leaving.
For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbor moved in, I often   49   Sebastian sitting by Juliet's window, looking into the apartment   50   his lady. The new neighbor didn't mind having the "Peeping Sebastian" after I   51   his reason for being there.
Sebastian   51   the small area outside that window as his territory.  Other male cats were allowed in the   53  , but not near Juliet's window, which he guarded until his   54  .
Even now, when my husband and I walk through the backyard and see that window, he   55   me of the lesson Sebastian taught him... that cats do indeed fall in love.
36. A. argued                B. quarreled                  C. suggested                 D. discussed
37. A. energy                B. power                  C. strength                    D. happiness
38. A. referred to          B. prepared for             C. stuck to                    D. approved of
39. A. Therefore           B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Meanwhile
40. A. the environment  B. the sky                     C. her owner                 D. her boyfriend
41. A. forbade               B. prevented                 C. accompanied             D. left
42. A. called attention to       B. caught sight of       C. took charge of          D. paid a visit to
43. A. ambitious            B. doubtful                   C. skeptical                   D. obvious
44. A. secretly               B. straight                    C. quietly                            D. worriedly
45. A. lovingly              B. angrily                        C. hungrily                   D. greedily
46. A. in trouble            B. in sorrow                 C. in amazement           D. in horror
47. A. settle                  B. travel                       C. apologize                 D. move
48. A. react                   B. reply                        C. reduce                      D. replace
49. A. took                   B. caught                      C. met                          D. sensed
50. A. in place of          B. on the basis of          C. in search of                     D. on account of
51. A. explained            B. requested                  C. blamed                     D. asked
52. A. discovered          B. reformed                  C. preserved                 D. marked
53. A. street                  B. backyard                  C. window                    D. village
54. A. birthday                     B. departure                  C. death                       D. arrival
55. A. reminds                     B. informs                    C. tells                         D. accuses

Cats have no emotions . At least, that's what my husband once claimed. I   21   that my two cats experience emotions. They feel anger, fear, and   22  . He agreed with me, but   23  his opinion that cats don't feel love.  24  , my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.
When my next-door neighbour moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet. She was an indoor lady, always watching   25   through the window.
Then one day when I   26   my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian   27   Juliet gazing at him behind the window. It soon became   28  that they were attracted by each other. So every day thereafter, whenever I let Sebastian out, he would rush   29__to the backyard next-door and they would sit gazing   30   at each other through the screen, she inside, and he outside. Even my husband watched   31 , and he would murmur, "But cats can't feel love... can they?"
Five months later, my neighbour had to   32   because of work. My heart sank. I wondered how Sebastian would   33   to Juliet's leaving.
For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbour moved in, I often   34   Sebastian sitting by Juliet's window, looking into the apartment   35   his lady. The new neighbour didn't mind having the "Peeping Sebastian" after I   36  his reason for being there.
Sebastian   37   the small area outside that window as his territory.  Other male cats were allowed in the   38  , but not near Juliet's window, which he guarded until his   39 .
Even now, when my husband and I walk through the backyard and see that window, he   40   me of the lesson Sebastian taught him... that cats do indeed fall in love.
21. A. argued                B. quarreled                  C. suggested                 D. discussed
22. A. energy                B. power                  C. strength                    D. happiness
23. A. referred to          B. prepared for                C. stuck to                    D. approved of
24. A. Therefore           B. However                  C. Besides                    D. Meanwhile
25. A. the environment  B. the sky                        C. her owner                 D. her boyfriend
26. A. forbade               B. prevented                 C. accompanied             D. left
27. A. called attention to       B. caught sight of       C. took charge of          D. paid a visit to
28. A. ambitious            B. doubtful                   C. skeptical                   D. obvious
29. A. secretly               B. straight                    C. quietly                            D. worriedly
30. A. lovingly                 B. angrily                            C. hungrily                   D. greedily
31. A. in trouble            B. in sorrow                 C. in amazement           D. in horror
32. A. settle                  B. travel                       C. apologize                 D. move
33. A. react                   B. reply                        C. reduce                      D. replace
34 A. took                    B. caught                      C. met                          D. sensed
35. A. in place of          B. on the basis of          C. in search of                     D. on account of
36. A. explained            B. requested                  C. blamed                     D. asked
37. A. discovered          B. reformed                  C. preserved                 D. marked
38. A. street                  B. backyard                  C. window                    D. village
39. A. birthday                     B. departure                  C. death                       D. arrival
40. A. reminds                     B. informs                    C. tells                         D. Accuses

     Cats have no emotions. At least, that's what my husband once claimed. I   1   that my two cats experience
emotions. They feel anger, fear, and   2  . He agreed with me, but   3   his opinion that cats don't feel love.   4  ,
my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.
     When my next-door neighbour moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet. She was an indoor lady, always
watching   5   through the window.
     Then one day when I   6   my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian   7   Juliet gazing at him behind
the window. It soon became   8   that they were attracted by each other. So every day thereafter, whenever I let
Sebastian out, he would rush   9   to the backyard next-door and they would sit gazing  10  at each other through
the screen, she inside, and he outside. Even my husband watched  11 , and he would murmur, "But cats can't
feel love...can they?"
     Five months later, my neighbour had to  12  because of work. My heart sank. I wondered how Sebastian
would  13  to Juliet's leaving.
     For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbour moved in, I often  14  Sebastian sitting by Juliet's
window, looking into the apartment  15  his lady. The new neighbour didn't mind having the "Peeping Sebastian"
after I  16  his reason for being there.
     Sebastian  17  the small area outside that window as his territory. Other male cats were allowed in the  18 ,
but not near Juliet's window, which he guarded until his  19 . Even riow, when my husband and I walk through
the backyard and see that window, he  20  me of the lesson Sebastian taught him... that cats do indeed fall in
(     )1. A.argued              
(     )2. A.energy             
(     )3. A.referred to         
(     )4. A. Therefore          
(     )5. A.the environment     
(     )6. A.forbade             
(     )7. A.called attention to 
(     )8. A.ambitious           
(     )9. A.secretly            
(     )10. A.lovingly           
(     )11. A.in trouble         
(     )12. A.settle             
(     )13. A.react              
(     )14. A.took               
(     )15. A.in place of        
(     )16. A explained          
(     )17. A.discovered         
(     )18. A.street             
(     )19. A.birthday           
(     )20. A.reminds            
B. quarrelled         
B. power              
B. prepared for       
B. However            
B. the sky            
B. prevented          
B. caught sight of    
B. doubtful           
B. straight           
B. angrily            
B. in sorrow         
 B. travel             
B. reply              
B. caught             
B. on the basis of      
B. requested          
B. reformed           
B. backyard           
B. departure          
B. informs            
C. suggested       
C. strength        
C. stuck to        
C. Besides         
C. her owner       
C. accompanied     
C. took charge of      
C. skeptical       
C. quietly         
C. hungrily        
C. in amazement    
C. apologize       
C. reduce          
C. met             
C. in search of    
C. blamed          
C. preserved       
C. window          
C. death           
C. tells           
D. discussed      
D. happiness      
D. approved of    
D. Meanwhile      
D. her boyfriend  
D. left           
D. paid a visit to
D. obvious        
D. worriedly      
D. greedily       
D. in horror      
D. move           
D. replace        
D. sensed         
D. on account of               
D. asked          
D. marked         
D. village        
D. arrival        
D. accuses        
    We find different kinds of animals in the world. Some animals, such as tigers and
lions live in big forest and they are called  1  animals. Some others like sheep and
dogs are  2  by men and they are called domestic (驯养) animals. These animals are very
different from one another, but we can  3  them into big groups: those that eat other
animals and those that eat grass and leaves. Animals like the  4  belong to the first
    Animals are  5  great use to human beings. Men  6  wild animals for their fur and
meat. Domestic animals are  7  more important to men. Without them, life will be  8 .
People make use of animals in many  9 .
    Cows and dogs are useful to men's  10 . They five 80% of the  11  men eat every year.
Skin of some animals can be  12  into expensive overcoats and shoes, which are warm and
comfortable and  13  a long time. They are very welcome in  14  countries. Wool, which
is now one of the most important material for textile (纺织)  15 , comes from a special
kind of  16 . From cows, we get milk. And we shouldn't  17  that some domestic animals
are kept for transport. Many people  18  ride horses. Arabs ride on camels which travel
in deserts for days without  19 . In some places animals are still used to plough field. 
 20  is clear that men just can't live without these animals.
(     )1. A. wild      
(     )2. A. trapped   
(     )3. A. separate   
(     )4. A. chicken   
(     )5. A. with      
(     )6. A. hunt      
(     )7. A. quite    
(     )8. A. smooth    
(     )9. A. ways      
(     )10. A. life      
(     )11. A. meal      
(     )12. A. put      
(     )13. A. last       
(     )14. A. cool      
(     )15. A. business        
(     )16. A. sheep    
(     )17. A. forget    
(     )18. A. always    
(     )19. A. resting   
(     )20. A. That      
B. serious   
B. treated    
B. divide    
B. tiger      
B. to       
B. discover   
B. every     
B. difficult    
B. groups    
B. work      
B. meat       
B. turned    
B. cost      
B. cold      
B. workers  
B. goats     
B. remember     
B. hardly    
B. drinking   
B. This      
C. terrible   
C. sold      
C. sell      
C. fish      
C. for      
C. raise     
C. even      
C. easy      
C. places    
C. family    
C. dinner    
C. made      
C. take      
C. warm      
C. industry   
C. cows      
C. realize   
C. still      
C. sleeping      
C. It        
D. fighting     
D. kept         
D. keep         
D. goat         
D. of           
D. care for          
D. some         
D. perfect      
D. kinds        
D. food         
D. animals      
D. changed                                    
D. dress        
D. foreign      
D. factory      
D. animals      
D. notice       
D. just         
D. stopping     
D. So           

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