

  Certainly dustmen prefer to be known as“Refuse Collection and Disposal Officers”.You may think that this is rather silly, and that it is better to call a spade.But dustmen can be just as sensitive as people of any other occupations, though we must admit that their job is not the most romantic one in the world.We often take dustmen for granted.Perhaps because they usually come very early in the morning, before most people are up, we are inclined to forget that they exist.Our dustbins are emptied regularly, but we rarely stop to think about the men who do this.However, it is one of the most important jobs in the world, and when there are no dustmen ________, the general public soon becomes aware that something is wrong.

  Recently, the dustmen of England went on strike for higher wages.During the first few days it was regarded as a joke.For some reason, jokes have always been made about dustmen, and some people thought this strike was very amusing.But when the first two weeks had passed, and the dustbins were overflowing in nearly every backyard in the country, the joke did not seem so funny any more.As the strike continued, people could not bear the accumulation of rubbish around their dustbins, and they looked for other places in which to get rid of it.Even when the strike was over, and the wages dispute had been settled, it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely, as so much rubbish had accumulated.Perhaps now the English people appreciate the work of their dustmen rather more highly, and won't take them for granted any more.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

We usually find the dustbins clean, ignoring the doers.


3.Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)


4.How did the English people change their attitude to the dustmen?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.



  1.The importance of the work of dustmen.

  2.Our dustbins are emptied regularly, but we rarely stop to think about the men who do this.

  3.to take away the rubbish.

  4.As the dustmen of England went on strike for higher wages, not doing their work, people had to look for other places to get rid of the rubbish.




  American government has suggested a new plan to increase the study of foreign languages in schools.

  Research has shown that childhood is a better time than manhood to learn foreign languages.However, ________ learn only English.Less than one third of American elementary schools teach foreign languages.Only 44 percent of American high school students take a foreign language.And 70 percent of them are learning Spanish.What’s more, the United States doesn’t have enough foreign teachers.

  The plan calls for teaching more children foreign languages, as early as the age of four.Most of the new teaching would be in languages not widely taught now in American schools.These include Arabic, Chinese, Farsi(波斯语), Hindi(北印度语)and Russian.It also aims to increase foreign language instruction in colleges and graduate schools.The hope is to bring more foreign language speakers into government service.

  Administration officials will ask for 114 million dollars in 2007 to start the program.The money would be used to help foreign-language students pay for their educations.The plan also calls for sending more American students to other countries to study.And it calls for bringing more foreign language teaching assistants to the United States.

  In a word, to face the uncertain challenges in the future, America needs more officers, teachers, and students who can understand foreign languages.It will also improve the understanding and cultural exchange between America and other countries around the world

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

It has been proved by research that it’s easier for children to learn foreign languages than adults do.


3.Please fill in the blank in the second paragraph with the proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 30 words.)


4.Do you think it’s necessary for America to make the new plan?Why?(Please answer within 30 words.)


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.



  [1]Homestay is a great way to experience a new culture.As a volunteer you will get a new family to live with.Apart from their visits to tourist sites, most international volunteers remember their experiences in the homestay.

  To help you with your homestay, here are a couple of tips.

  [2]As a sign of kindness, carry a small gift to the family you are going to live with.It will make you look like a generous person and they will try to accommodate(提供住宿)you longer.People are all glad to be given gifts.

  [3]As you will be living in a new home and culture, there are things that are different.There should be habits which could be new to you, like how they take a shower or how they raise kid.Do not judge them by their habits, but try to understand their culture.Soon you will find their ways are different but they also work.

  [4]Don’t be the first one to wake up or the last one to wake up in the mornings.Wake up in time for breakfast and if possible try to help make breakfast.Some cultures find it ________ to still be in bed when everyone has got up.

  [5]Be thankful for everything the family decides to give you or do for you.If the host mom wants to wash your clothes, just accept and be very grateful.When they bring food and any other things to you, make sure to thank them.

  [6]Most volunteers stop communicating with the host family after they end their homestay.They may forget the host family.The better way is to keep up with the host family whenever you can.This way you would form a lifelong friendship, and the next time you go to that country you can stay with them again.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?(no more than 6 words)


2.Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 4 words)

Instead of forming an opinion about the habits of your host family, you should try to ____________________

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)


4.What is the main idea of the last two paragraphs?(no more than 20 words)


5.What does the word “It”(Line 2, Paragraph 2)probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)



  [1]What makes you nervous and excited when you think about high school? That’s right:social life! In high school, you’re at an age when you’re going through lots of physical and emotional changes, and these changes can influence your relationships with people of your age.Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  [2]1.Accept that your friendships will change.You must understand that all friendships change and grow over time.It’s natural to feel sad about leaving a friend.You might be far away for a year, and then meet each other again when you find yourself in a new class together.Anything can happen; just listen to your heart and keep the lines of communication open!

  [3]2.Be willing to make new friends in your current classes.You might not have the same schedule as your middle school friends.You’ll be happiest if you have friends in the places where you spend the most time.

  [4]3.Find other people who like the same things you do.This will happen naturally if you know enough about yourself and what you’re good at.It’s important to be with people who are interested in what you’re interested in, so be willing to make friends in your new activities.

  [5]4.Try to think outside the idea of “groups”.This is a tough one.If you’re getting pressure from one group of friends not to hang out with someone else, maybe you’re better off as a free agent.

  [6]5.Get a head start.Are you starting at a new school where you don’t know anyone? If you are, jump on opportunities to _________ before you start school.Look for local community(社区)programs or town events where you can meet your future classmates.

1.What is this passage mainly about?(no more than 8 words)


2.Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 4 words)

While friendships will change, you can just _________.

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 6 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)

4.Which piece of advice in the passage do you think is the most helpful to high school students?(no more than 14 words)


5.What does the word “one”(line 1, paragraph 5)probably refer to?(no more than 2 words)





  Longer distance public transports sometimes sell food and drink on board, and/or have a dedicated buffet car and/or dining car.However, some urban transport systems forbid the consumption of food, drink, or even chewing gum when riding on public transport.Sometimes only types of food are forbidden with more risk of making the vehicles dirty, e.g.ice creams and French fries.


  In addition to talking to each other, many passengers use their cell phone in public transport.Although usually not allowed, sometimes music is played aloud.Some rail operators provide "quiet cars" where also talking is not allowed.On trains and buses in Hong Kong, buses and trains provide free TV.Buses provide gossip and hi-tech news, while trains provide news.


  Despite the occasional highly publicized incident, the vast majority of modern public transport systems are well designed and patrolled and generally have low crime rates.Good lighting, CCTV, mirrors to see round blind corners and ensuring that there are always a good number of other people around can be used to increase safety and create a feeling of safety.Most transit operators have developed methods to discourage people from using their facilities for overnight shelter.

  When compared to the private car however, public transport is a very safe form of transport in terms of deaths per passenger.By way of contrast, car accidents as estimated to cause some 1 million fatalities per year world wide.In the United States alone there were 42,643 automobile accident fatalities in 2003, almost three times the total number of murders(14,408).

1.What's the best title of the passage?(Within 10 words)


2.Which of the sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

In order to keep the transportation tools clean, in many cases for passengers many kinds of things are not allowed to take with.


3.Why does the author think public transport systems are relatively safe according to this passage?(Within 30 words)


4.Fill in the blank to complete the passage.


5.Translate the underlined sentence.



  I want to give some sound advice to people who just can't seem to find their purposes or paths in life.I had been in the difficult situation for years, thinking about the right career and work for me.I never could get myself to find peace in anything.I moved from job to job, not really enjoying my work.Here are my three ways I got on the right track:?

  1.Look back on, when you were in school, the things you liked to do,the subjects you enjoyed, and why you enjoyed them.I looked back and found simple things like how interested I was in fitness, food, nutrition, health, and science.These are such important areas in themselves and I'm now creating a business around these subjects.?

  2.________.You shouldn't be afraid to talk to your friends about your feelings, and you will be surprised at how much they can help you.Another option would be to find a mentor whose knowledge and experience will be invaluable.I personally chose an online millionaire mentor, who showed me step by step how to follow my passions and guided me towards setting up my own business.?

  3.Choose personal improvement.This is all about learning about yourself and how your mind works.It's important to control yourself and understand what drives people.In a nutshell, this changed my life.I used to have very little confidence.Now I can light up a room.I used to have little faith in myself, but now I value myself highly as everybody should.?

1.What is the main idea of the text?(no more than 10 words)


2.Complete the following statement with proper words in the last paragraph.(no more than 4 words)

A smile can ________ a single heart or a whole room.

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence.(no more than 6 words)


4.Who would be most interested in the above passage?(no more than 10 words)?


5.What does the word "These"(line 3, paragraph 2)probably refer to?(no more than 6 words)?


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