
Psychiatrists(精神病专家),who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset(资产) in child raising----older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with children. But raising kids takes money and energy, many older parents find themselves balancing their limited financial resources, declining energy and failing health against the growing demands of an active child. Dying and leaving young children is probably the older parents’ biggest and often unspoken fear. Having late-life children, says an economics professor, often means parents, particularly fathers, “end up retiring much later.” For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream.
Henry Metcalf, a 54-year-old journalist, knows it takes money to raise kids. But he’s  also worried that his energy will give out first. Sure, he can still ride bikes with his athletic fifth grader, but he’s learned that, young at heart doesn’t mean young. Lately he’s been taking afternoon naps to keep up his energy.” My body is aging,” says Metcalf, “You can’t get away from that.”
Often, older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological clock. Therapists who work with middle-aged and older parents say fears about aging are nothing to laugh at. “They worry they’ll be mistaken for grandparents, or that they’ll need help getting up out of those little chairs in nursery school.” Says Joann Galst, a New York psychologist .But at the core of those little fears there is often a much bigger one. “that they will not be alive long enough to support and protect their child, ” she says .
Many late-life parents, though, say their children came at just the right time. After marrying late and undergoing years of fertility(受孕) treatment, Marilyn Nolen and her husband, Randy, had twins. “We both wanted children,” says Marilyn, who was 55 when she gave birth. The twins have given the couple what they desired for years, “a sense of family.”
Kids of older dads are often smarter, happier and more sociable because their fathers are more involved in their lives. “The dads are older, more mature,” says Dr. Silber, “and more ready to focus on parenting.”
小题1:Why do psychiatrists regard maturity as an asset in child raising?
A Older parents can better balance their resources against children’s demands.
B Older parents are usually more experienced in bringing up their children.
C Older parents are often better prepared financially.
D Older parents can take better care of their children.
小题2:What does the author mean by saying “For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream”
A They have to go on working beyond their retirement age.
B They can’t get full pension unless they work some extra years.
C They can’t obtain the retirement benefits they have dreamed of.
D They are unwilling to retire when they reach their retirement age
小题3:The author gives the examples of Henry Metcalf to show that______.
A many people are young in spirit despite their advanced age
B taking afternoon naps is a good way to maintain energy
C older parents tend to be concerned about their aging bodies
D older parents should exercise more to keep up with their athletic children
小题4:What’s the biggest fear of older parents according to New York psychologist Joann Galst?
A Being laughed at by other people           B Slowing down of their pace of life
C Being mistaken for grandparents           D Approaching of death
小题5:What do we learn about Marilyn and Randy Nolen?
A They thought they were an example of successful fertility treatment
B Not until they had the twins did they feel had formed a family
C They believe that children born of older parents would be smarter.
D Not until they reached middle age did they think of having children.

It has been difficult to sit on the bench the majority of my high school basketball career,to watch my team from the sideline and  36 why I am not good enough to be on the floor.  37 endless hours of work and devotion, pushing myself through drill after drill, the  38  thing I want is to be a cheerleader. The feeling of being  39  is sometimes too much and drives me to  40  on the spot. I often feel as though my efforts are wasted and my time is eaten away, devoted to  41   .
It is heartbreaking to be a spectator(旁观者) for the game I love,knowing that no one has enough  42  to give me the chance to  43  on the floor. Tears well up, but I hold them back. I shouldn’t be so  44  over something so silly.
Away from the game, it’s easier to put my thoughts together,  45  letting my emotions drive my reasoning. I consider  46  I am where I am. I have played football my whole life. I have a passion for the  47  and always have. There is nothing like the excitement of  48  : the swish of the net, the sweat rolling off my cheeks, even the bruises(青肿) are battle wounds worn  49  after every game.
Even if I don’t play much, I participate in every  50 . I am part of a team of girls who  51  together like a family. I am there for them,  52  they are for me.
Should I move on? Or should I stay with my team and pursue my passion just a little longer?
The decision isn’t difficult when I consider the  53  that being a part of a team brings me --- and not just any team,  54  my team. I love basketball and my teammates. When I think about that, my view from the bench really isn’t so bad  55  .
A.less than B.more thanC.other thanD.rather than
A.proudlyB.bravelyC.unfortunately D.painfully
A.decision B.planC.gameD.project
A.above all B.after allC.and allD.all in all

Now we can see a man and his wife at the breakfast table. They are not speaking to each other.
They haven’t spoken to each other at the breakfast table for years. The husband is reading his newspaper. We can’t see his face. The wife looks very worried as she gets a cup of tea ready for him. Today she is using a new kind of tea for the first time. The husband picks up his cup. He isn’t interested. He tastes his tea. Suddenly he puts down his newspaper. Something is different! Can it be the tea? He takes another taste. It’s wonderful. He smiles. He looks at his wife and says in surprise, “Doris, when did you cut your hair?” Doris is pleased. She answers, “Two months ago.” Doris asks, “Herbie, when did your hair begin to become white?” He answers, “A long time ago.” Doris says, “We have been together for many years, but we never cared about each other.” Now they aren’t worried any longer. Breakfast is different. Has a new kind of tea changed their lives?
36. This story happens______________________.
A. before breakfast                     B. after breakfast
C. at home                            D. in a teahouse
37. In the passage, we can see ________________________.
A. Doris is drinking tea                 B. Herbie likes the new kind of tea
C. Doris is reading a newspaper           D. Herbie is very young and good-looking
38. Herbie and Doris lived ______________ before this day.
A. a wonderful                        B. an unhappy
C. an enjoyable                        D. a friendly
39. Which of the following statements is true?
A. They are good friends.                B. They have just got married.
C. They like to talk about their hair.       D. They are no longer young.
40. From the passage, we think it may be ______________.
A. a radio programme                   B.  a short film
C. a computer game                     D.  a beautiful painting

Cyber Step-Mother
I’ve often felt “step-parent” is a label  (标签 )we attach to whoever marries into families where children already exist. At  36   that’s how I feel about  37    a step-mother to my husband’s four children.
Over the years, we all learned to    38   our new family arrangement. We enjoyed vacations together, ate   39   meals, and so on.  40  , I continued to feel somewhat like a(n)  41   . There was a boundary line that could not be  42  .
When the children moved to a town five hours   43   , my husband was depressed. In order to    44   regular communication with the kids, we send e-mails. However, if a computer message came  45   to “Dad”, I’d feel forgotten and  46    . If my name appeared along with his, it would make me feel like I was part of their family unit  47   .
Late one evening, as I was checking my e-mail, an “instant message” appeared on the   48  . It was Margo, who was also sitting in front of her computer five hours away. We sent several messages back and forth,   49    the latest news. When we would “chat” like that, she wouldn’t  50   know if it was me or her dad. That night, she didn’t ask and I didn’t identify myself either. At about 11, I commented that I should go to sleep. Her return message  51   , “Okay, talk to you later! Love you!”
As I read this message, a wave of   52   ran through me and I realized that she  53   she was talking with her father. Feeling  54   for not identifying myself, yet not wanting to embarrass her, I simply responded, “Love you too! Good night!”
I felt again the sharp (剧烈的) ache of emptiness (空虚) and otherness. Then, as I was  55  to leave, Margo’s final message appeared, reading “Tell Dad good night for me too.” With tears filled eyes, I turned the machine off.
36.   A. most   B. least    C. present       D. last
37.   A. to be   B. being  C. is D. was
38.   A. adjust B. look forward to  C. expect D. adapt to
39.   A. family       B. school C. meat   D. fish
40.   A. But     B. Though      C. However    D. So
41.   A. outsider     B. member     C. stranger      D. foreigner
42.   A. across B. cross   C. crossing     D. crossed
43.   A. far      B. away   C. far from     D. away from
44.   A. maintain    B. entertain     C. contain       D. obtain
45.   A. addressing  B. signing       C. signed D. addressed
46.   A. neglected   B. devoted      C. ignore D. concerned
47.   A. in short      B. after all      C. above all    D. as a result
48.   A. programme       B. window      C. screen D. keyboard
49.   A. sending      B. exchanging C. discussing   D. commenting
50.   A. unexpectedly     B. carefully    C. fortunately D. necessarily
51.   A. read    B. reads   C. reading      D. wrote
52.   A. sickness     B. anger  C. nervousness       D. sadness
53.   A. must think  B. might have thought   C. must have thought     D. might think
54.   A. responsible B. stupid C. guilty  D. disappointed
55.   A. about  B. due     C. prepare      D. willing

Zhoukoudian is a small village situated about 50 kilometers to the southwest of Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered some prehistoric human bones there which changed people’s view of China’s history. They came from an unknown species of man and were the first evidence of human life in China thousands of years ago. The remains were three teeth!
In 1929, a complete skull was also discovered. Eventually, archaeologist found almost 200 items, including six skulls and more than 150 teeth. These discoveries proved the existence of a human species who lived in the area between 700,000 and 200,000 years ago. Four sites where Beijing Man and his relatives lived were discovered on the northern face of Longgushan. They lived in the caves in the area.
However, the life span of Beijing Man was short. About 70% of the peole probably died before the age of 14. Fewer than 5% lived to the age of 50. Ashes were found alongside the fossils which showed they had used fire for cooking food and also for light, warmth, and protection against wild animals. This is the earliest evidence of the use of fire anywhere in the world. They also made tools of bones and stones. Unfortunately, when Japan invaded(侵略) China in 1937, excavations(挖掘) at the Beijing Man Site stopped and most of the fossils disappeared, including a Beijing Man skull. After the People’s Republic of China was established in 1949, the work started again.
Zhoukoudian was listed as a World Heritage Site in December 1987. It has not only given us important information about prehistoric Asian societies, but also provided amazing evidence about the process of evolution. Today, parts of the caves have been badly affected by rain. Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds, causing serious damage. Pollution from the nearby factories has also contributed to the problem. This is a very serious matter and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is trying to raise public awareness of it.
46. Archaeologists _________________.
A. thought that Zhoukoudian was a beartiful village
B. thought that the findings in Zhoukoudian wouldn’t change the history of China
C. discovered some prehistoric human bounes in Zhoukoudian
D. thought that the findings in Zhoukoudian are the first evidence of human life in Asia
47. Beijing Man used fire to do all of the following things EXCEPT _______________.
A. light in the dark                B. keep warm
C. make tools                    D. scare wild animals away
48. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The digging was delayed by the Japanese invasion in the 1930s.
B. These ancient Chinese were the first people to use fire in daily life.
C. Some valuable things excavated from the site are still missing.
D. The digging of Zhoukoudian is famous and is well-funded(得到很好的资助).
49. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The digging of Zhoukoudian is still under way.
B. Zhoukoudian plays an important part in the study of prehistoric societies.
C. Zhoukoudian is a World Heritage Site.
D. Zhoukoudian is in great need of protection.
50. From the passage, we can infer that ______________.
A,. the work of excavating the Beijing Man Site has not proceeded(进行) smoothly
B. Beijing Man had a short life
C. Beijing Man lived in the caves of Longgushan
D. arvhaeologists found six complete skulls and more than 150 teeth in 1929.

Ⅲ 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
My newly-rented small apartment was far away from the centre of London and it was becoming essential for me to find a job, so finally I spent a whole morning getting to town and putting my name down to be considered by London Transport for a job on the underground. They were looking for guards, not drivers. This suited me. I couldn’t drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train, and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations. The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T.S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance company. I’d be a subway guard. I could see myself being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis. Obviously I’d be overqualified but I was willing to forget about that in return for a steady income and travel privileges — those being particularly welcome to someone living a long way from the city centre.
The next day I sat down, with almost a hundred other candidates, for the intelligence test. I must have done all right because after about half an hour’s wait I was sent into another room for a psychological test. This time there were only about fifty candidates. The interviewer sat at a desk. Candidates were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous occupant had been dismissed, after a greater or shorter time. Obviously the long interviews were the more successful ones. Some of the interviews were as short as five minutes. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half.
I can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job?” “Why did you leave your job before that?” “And the one before that?” I can’t recall my answers, except that they were short at first and grew progressively shorter. His closing statement, I thought, revealed (揭示) a lack of sensitivity which helped to explain why as a psychologist, he had risen no higher than the underground railway. “You’ve failed the psychological test and we are unable to offer you a position.”
Failing to get that job was my low point. Or so I thought, believing that the work was easy. Actually, such jobs — being a postman is another one I still desire — demand exactly the sort of elementary yet responsible awareness that the habitual dreamer is least qualified to give. But I was still far short of full self-understanding. I was also short of cash.
41.The writer applied for the job chiefly because _________.
A.he wanted to work in the centre of London
B.he could no longer afford to live without one
C.he was not interested in any other available job
D.he had received some suitable training
42.The writer thought he was overqualified for the job because _________.
A.he often traveled underground       B.he had written many poems
C.he could deal with difficult situations    D.he had worked in a company
43.The length of his interview meant that _________.
A.he was not going to be offered the job
B.he had not done well in the intelligence test
C.he did not like the interviewer at all
D.he had little work experience to talk about
44.What does the writer realize now that he did not realize then?
A.How unpleasant ordinary jobs can be.   B.How difficult it is to be a poet.
C.How unsuitable he was for the job. D.How badly he did in the interview.
45.What’s the writer’s opinion of the psychologist?
A. He was very aggressive.   B. He was unhappy with his job.
C. He was quite inefficient. D. He was rather unsympathetic.
In America, when the eighth graders leave the middle school, they are often worried about moving to the high school. It is a hard time for them,but it can be an exciting one as well. To make it easier, students need to get familiar with their school.
Even though they’ve done this already in the middle school, it’s still important to find where their classrooms are. Most schools take students to the high school for a visit at the end of their eighth grade year. And, most schools also have a freshman (新生) speech for parents and students before the first year begins. Sometimes the main office will give away a map of the school. This can help students and parents to find different places in the school.
One way to know your high school more and make new friends is to join a club or play a sport.Schools often offer chances to join different clubs and sports. Fall activities begin in August before the first day of school. If you are not interested in sports, there are clubs for any interest, such as drama, dance, chess, photography, community service, etc. These clubs allow students from different grades. By joining an activity, students can find new friendships, not to mention improving their chances in future college applications(申请). The school office will have a list of activities offered at the school and information on how to join them.
What’s more, to have a great start to a high school year, students can write down some of their worries, and ask for help from teachers and school workers.
小题1:According to the text, most students feel ________ when entering the high school.
A.unhappyB.nervousC.lonely D.disappointed
小题2:Which of the following is TRUE about the school clubs?
A.There are fewer students from higher grades in the school clubs.
B.The school clubs in high school mainly welcome sports fans.
C.Summer activities begin before school starts.
D.School officers can help new students join school clubs.
小题3:When do many schools take students to visit their new high school?
A.Before the eighth grade year starts.
B.Right after the high school year starts.
C.At the beginning of the new term in the high school.
D.By the end of the last year in the middle school.
小题4:What is the purpose of this text?
A.To describe high school life.
B.To introduce new schools.
C.To teach useful experience.
D.To give advice to new high school students.
When many of us take a vacation, more than anything, we seek to relax. We spend long, lazy days on a beach chair or in a hammock(吊床). But too often, we return home, tired.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
In fact active vacations are often the most relaxing of all. We don’t expect you to take up jogging(慢跑), or climbing. Rather, we ask the sedentary(久坐的) vacations among you to spend two to four hours a day doing things, such as walking in the city street, going to a zoo or biking along the ocean.
These kinds of activities aren’t just good for your physical health. They improve your mental health, even your spiritual health. Here are some fresh ideas to make your vacations as pleasurable as they are active and healthy.
A walk at dawn or dusk helps keep you young. Try to make this a daily habit of life when you’re away from home, and you will guarantee yourself both physical and spiritual refreshment.
Don’t allow yourself to spend all your time sitting in front of water. Whether it is the ocean, a swimming pool, or a tree-lined lake, make sure you get into the water for swimming or games, or even walking. Merely standing in waist-high water is a good workout, thanks to the action of the water. And you’ll feel so much more active!
Many of us spend a large chunk of our vacation on the road, either getting to and from our destinations, or using the car for sightseeing. But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great, memorable vacations don’t happen in a car seat. Frequently get out and stretch, walk, picnic, shop, visit, and have fun. It’s important for your health and energy, and it makes traveling a lot more active and interesting
小题1: The idea in the text is mainly to _______.
A.suggest ways to make vacations relaxing
B.suggest places for relaxing vacations
C.explain the reasons for having vacations
D.explain the relationship between vacations and health
小题2: Which of the following can be considered as a form of exercise?
A.Sitting by a lake.B.Standing in water.
C.Staying in a car.D.Enjoying beautiful scenery.
小题3:In the last paragraph, the author seems to advise us to _______.
A.have vacations frequentlyB.get out of the car frequently
C.go on vacations on footD.stay in a car seat
My House
My mother moved a lot when she was growing up on account of Grandpa being in the army. She hated having to adjust to new schools and make new friends. That’s why I thought she was joking when she put forward the idea of moving. But she was completely serious. “For just the two of us,” my mother said, “an apartment in the city will suit our needs much better.” Personally, I think she’s lost her mind. I guess I can understand why she would want to move, but what about me and what this house means to me?
I suppose if you looked at my house, you might think it was just another country house. But to me it is anything but standard. I moved into this house with my parents ten years ago. I can still remember that first day like it was yesterday. The first thing I noticed was the big front yard. To me it seemed like an ocean of grass—I couldn’t wait to dive in. The backyard was full of gnarled (扭曲的, 粗糙的) and scary trees that talk on windy nights. But I grew to like them and the shadows they cast in my room. My father and I even built a small tree house, where I often go to remember all the wonderful times we had before Father’s death.
This house is special—maybe only to me—but special nevertheless. It’s the little seemingly insignificant things that make this house so special to me: the ice-cold tile floors that make me tremble on midnight snack runs; the smell of my father’s pipe that still exists; the towering bookcases of my mother; the view outside my bedroom window.
This house holds too many memories, memories which would be lost if we gave it up.
小题1:Why did the author’s mother decide to move?
A.Because she hated the countryside.
B.Because Grandpa was on constant move.
C.Because Dad’s death made her lose her mind.
D.Because she thought a city flat more fit for them.
小题2:What impressed the author when she first moved into the house?
A.The tree house.B.The big trees. C.The cold floors.D.The green grass.
小题3:How did the author let us feel that the house was special to her?
A.By arguing whether the house was standard.
B.By explaining why the house suited their needs.
C.By describing the small things related to her house.
D.By comparing the differences between country and city life.
小题4: My mother moved a lot when she was growing up because of   ________.
A.Grandpa being in the army.B.their family’s liking moving
C.the life’s needD.Mother’s work

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