
       Growing numbers of people are becoming addicted to text messaging(手机信息), a German doctor warned recently。

       Psychotherapist(采用精神疗法的医生) Andreas Herter estimated that there were some 380,000 sufferers in Germany。 Herter based his prediction(预测)on the growing number of manic mobile phone users among patients arriving at his Hanover clinic (诊所)for addiction treatment。

       “Text message addiction is a real and serious illness because it causes mental and financial damage,” said Herter。 “The problem leads to depression and personality disorders, not to mention skyrocketing (飞涨的)phone bills。”

       For example, a teenage boy spent 8,900 euros (US$11,000) texting people he didn’t even know and a married couple could only communicate by text message, even when they were sitting side by side。

55。 The passage is mainly to tell us ______。

       A。 why people like text messaging   B。 text messaging has many advantages

       C。 overusing text message does great harm       D。 text messaging does no good

56。 Herter thinks text message addiction is ______。

       A。 acceptable      B。 easy to deal with           C。 unreasonable         D。 worrying

57。 The examples given in the last paragraph are used to show ______。

       A。 text message addiction is a serious diseas                            

B。they care about nothing else but text message

       C。 sending text message is their only hobby        

D。 they are very rich


One winter morning I bought a copy of the New York World and turned its pages until I got the “Help Wanted Unskilled” section.A small advertisement held my   36 .It read, “Easy job.Good wages.No experience   37  .” It sounded like the job I was   38   .Easy job.Good wages.Those four words  39   now and then in my brain as I was traveling to the address indicated in the   40   .Easy job.Good wages.Easy job.Good wages.Easy ...

    When I got to the place I saw a series of large  41  half filled with water, out of which I noticed   42   the necks of many bottles of various sizes and shapes. 43  these basins there were a number of workers sitting on small wooden benches.All had their  44  in the water of the basin, the left hand holding a  45  and the thumb nail of the right hand scratching(刮;擦) the labels on   46  .

    I sat down on a  47   beside one of the basins and started to work on one bottle.As the minutes went by I noticed that the  48   of the water started to  49   from my hand to my body.But  50   still, the delicate thumb of my right hand was  51  by the minute into a full?? blown tomato?? colored finger.A numb(麻木的)pain began to be felt  52   from my right thumb.Then I began to feel as if the pain was coming from a finger bigger than all my body.

    After three hours of this I told the manager I’d  53  .He figured I had  54  69 cents at 23 cents an hour.With the money, I left the working place.“Easy job.Good wages.” came to my brain again.Looking at my hands, I  55    myself, “Can easy job get good wages?”

A.eyes              B.attention             C.decision           D.breath

A.necessary          B.relevant           C.practical           D.primitive

A.running after      B.looking for         C.heading for       D.looking after

A.circled         B.moved             C.flashed           D.attacked

A.letter           B.sign             C.advertisement     D.post

A.baskets         B.bowls              C.pots             D.basins

A.hiding          B.sticking            C.rising                   D.breaking

A.In             B.Above             C.Under           D.Around

A.arms           B.hands            C.legs                D.feet

A.knife          B.snail             C.bottle               D.brush

A.that                  B.those               C.them                D.it

A.chair          B.bench             C.bottle              D.sofa

A.smell          B.coldness           C.color             D.steam

A.spread         B.travel            C.recycle           D.accelerate

A.worse         B.better            C.more             D.rather

A.going         B.finding           C.growing          D.becoming

A.now and then   B.here and there     C.one by one         D.little by little

A.adapt          B.equip               C.bargain             D.quit

A.taken          B.offered            C.earned              D.created

A.thought        B.asked            C.found              D.hated

I grew up one of ten children on a farm in Wyoming.After my dad’s service in World War he was ____ again to fight during the Korean Warand when he returned homehe couldn’t drink ____ to numb(麻痹) his terrible memories.He struggled to ____ for his growing family.

On our occasional trips to townI ____ out boxfuls of books from the library.When I opened a bookI could ____ myself in unknown places—where children weren’t hungry and were in ____ of little.

When I wasn’t daydreamingmy ____ was the life I shared with my brothers and sisters.At night I hid under the covers ____ to silence the sounds of life in an alcoholic home.Classmates asked ____ we didn’t have electricity or a telephone.I suppose my explanations were ____ more than liesbut the stories I told improved ____ every book I read.

Starting at a very young agemy siblings(兄弟姐妹) and I sometimes got jobs to earn money—to put more food on the family table.We ____ newspapersbabysatand cleaned other people’s houses.

Mom grew vegetablesraised chickensand baked breadso we seldom went hungryeven when supper was only a pot of beans.____ my real hunger wasn’t for food—it was a hunger for a better life.It was a hunger for knowledge about the world ___ our simple existence.It was a hunger to prove Dad ____ when he told us we would never amount to anything.

Hunger motivated my brothers and sisters to achieve much ____ than our parents expected ___ us.We devoured(如饥似渴地吸取) the offerings of the public schools because we realized that ____ would be our steppingstone into a brighter future.

Now I’m ____ of the accomplishments of my siblingsan art professora well?known doctorplus business owners.And meI’m the keeper of the family stores.I’ll never know if we would have so many accumulated successes if we had not known ____ as children.But this I do knowI believe it can be a good thing.

1.A.drafted? Bdismissed

Cinvited? Dinvolved

2.A.well? Bplenty

Cenough? Dheavily

3.A.search? Bprovide

Chope? Dleave

4.A.brought? Bchecked

Cgave? Dcarried

5.A.remind? Bhelp

Cdevote? Dfind

6.A.memory? Bfavor

Cpossession? Dneed

7.A.reality? Bfantasy

Csatisfaction? Daffection

8.A.refusing? Bpretending

Cattempting? Dpreparing

9.A.whether? Bhow

Cwhen? Dwhy

10.A.something? Banything

Cnothing? Deverything

11.A.as? Bwith

Cfor? Dat

12.A.sent? Bdelivered

Cpublished? Dreleased

13.A.But? BAnd

CThen? DOtherwise

14.A.above? Baround

Cwithin? Dbeyond

15.A.right? Bmean

Cwrong? Dnice

16.A.more? Bfurther

Cgreater? Dbetter

17.A.in? Bfor

Cof? Don

18.A.ambition? Bdream

Centhusiasm? Deducation

19.A.hunger? Bsuffering

Cdesperation? Dpoverty

20.A.fond? Bproud

Caware? Dconfident




One winter morning I bought a copy of the New York World and turned its pages until I got The "Help Wanted Unskilled" section.A small advertisement held my   36  .It read:"Easy job.Good wages.No experience  37  ."it sounded like the job I was   38   .Easy job.Good Wages.Those four words  39   now and then in my brain as I was traveling to the address indicated in the   40  .Easy job.Good wages.Easy job.Good Wages.Easy...

When I got to the place I saw a series of large  41   half filled with water, out of which I noticed   42   the necks of many bottles of various sizes and shapes. 43  these basins there were a number of workers sitting on small wooden benches.All had their   44   in the water of the basin.the left hand holding a   45 and the thumb(拇指)nail of the right hand   46   the labels(标签)on it.

I Sat down On a   47   beside one of the basins and started to work on one bottle.As the minutes went by I noticed that the  48   0f the water started to   49   from my hand to my body.But   50  still, the delicate thumb of my right hand was   51   by the minute into a full-blown tomato-colored finger.A numb(麻木)pain began to be felt   52   from my right thumb.Then I began to feel as if the pain was coming from a finger bigger than all my body.After three hours of this I told the manager I'd   53   .He figured I had   54   69 cents at 23 cents an hour.

With the money, I left the working place."Easy job.Good wages...."came to my brain again.Looking at my hands, I  55   myself, "Can easy job get good wages?"

1.A.eyes             B.attention      C.decision       D.breath

2.A.necessary        B.relevant       C.practical      D.primitive

3.A.running after B.looking for       C.heading for D.looking after

4.A.circled          B.moved          C.flashed        D.attacked

5.A.letter           B.sign           C.advertisement D.post

6.A.baskets          B.bowls          C.pots           D.basins

7.A.hiding           B.sticking       C.rising         D.breaking

8.A.In               B.Above          C.Under          D.Around

9.A.arms             B.hands          C.legs           D.feet

10.A.knife           B.snail          C.bottle         D.brush

11.A.painting        B.decorating     C.refreshing     D.scratching

12.A.chair           B.bench          C.bottle         D.sofa

13.A.smell           B.coldness       C.color          D.steam

14.A.spread          B.travel         C.recycle        D.accelerate

15.A.worse           B.better         C.more           D.rather

16.A.going           B.finding        C.growing        D.becoming

17.A.now and then B.here and there    C.one by one     D.little by little

18.A.adapt           B.negotiate      C.bargain        D.quit

19.A.taken           B.offered        C.earned         D.created

20.A.thought         B.asked          C.found          D.hated


One winter morning I bought a copy of the New York World and turned its pages until I got the “Help Wanted Unskilled” section.A small advertisement held my  36 .It read, “Easy job.Good wages.No experience  37 .” It sounded like the job I was  38  .Easy job.Good wages.Those four words  39  now and then in my brain as I was traveling to the address indicated in the  40  .Easy job.Good wages.Easy job.Good wages.Easy ...

When I got to the place I saw a series of large  41 half filled with water, out of which I noticed  42  the necks of many bottles of various sizes and shapes. 43 these basins there were a number of workers sitting on small wooden benches.All had their  44 in the water of the basin, the left hand holding a  45  and the thumb nail of the right hand scratching(刮;擦) the labels on   46 .

I sat down on a  47  beside one of the basins and started to work on one bottle.As the minutes went by I noticed that the  48  of the water started to  49  from my hand to my body.But  50   still, the delicate thumb of my right hand was  51  by the minute into a full­ blown tomato­ colored finger.A numb(麻木的)pain began to be felt  52  from my right thumb.Then I began to feel as if the pain was coming from a finger bigger than all my body.

After three hours of this I told the manager I’d  53  .He figured I had  54  69 cents at 23 cents an hour.With the money, I left the working place.“Easy job.Good wages.” came to my brain again.Looking at my hands, I  55   myself, “Can easy job get good wages?”














A.running after

B.looking for

C.heading for

D.looking after

















































































A.now and then

B.here and there

C.one by one

D.little by little





















"Mom, I have to go get help," Maddie cried.

McRae realized it was their only hope. If she tried to go herself, she knew, Maddie wouldn't be able to hold on to the two toddlers(学步婴儿), and all three children might drown. But Maddie was still recovering from foot surgery and had been out of a cast for only a week. How was she going to manage? They were stranded in the middle of the swelling torrent (激流) in complete darkness, more than 25 feet from the creek bank.

McRae looked at her small, determined daughter. "I'm thinking, this is the last chance I may get to talk to her. What do I need to tell her?" she recalls. "I love you!" she shouted over the roaring water. "I'm proud of you. Be careful!"

"I know I can do it," Maddie replied. The 95-pound sixth grader grabbed a thin, weak branch hanging over the SUV and began to climb across the creek. Reaching the bank, she jumped into "a whole bunch of prickly (多刺的) bushes," then took off running. "I was in my power," she recalls.

With the cold water now swelling up to her chest and her arms growing numb around the two toddlers, McRae could see her daughter's figure as she moved quickly up the hill toward the nearest neighbor's back pasture(牧场). Suddenly she heard Maddie scream.

"I ran into an electric fence," Maddie recalls. "It really hurt." Barefoot and soaking wet, she tried to climb it four or five times, thrown back each time by a shock meant to contain horses. Finally she found a cold spot near the gate and got over. McRae saw a porch light go on at the top of the hill.

1.The underlined word in the second paragraph can be replaced with “_______”.

  A. trapped                 B. struck                      C. ranged                                   D. swapped

2.The mother didn’t go to search for help herself in that________.

  A. her daughter was more determined            

B. her foot was recovering from surgery

  C. she was not accustomed to walking in darkness 

D. she doubted if Maddie could do with her sisters

3.Which of the following is true of Maddie?

  A. She ran all her way in search of help.          B. She goes to primary school.    

  C. She is in the middle of the three sisters.              D. She had an operation a fortnight ago.

4.What contributes most to their success according to the author?

  A. The whole family’s confidence.   

B. The mother’s intelligence and patience

  C. McRae’s great determination              

D. Mum’s encouragement and daughter’s determination


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