
16.The rising house price and the high income taxation rate have become the biggest___   of people in China today.(  )

分析 如今快速增长的房价以及高税收成为中国百姓最关注的事情.

解答 答案:A.
  A.concern 关注   B.influence 影响   C.involvement 参与    D.occupation 职业;根据句意"如今快速增长的房价以及高税收"可知,这是谈论的人们关注的内容;故选A.

点评 本题考查名词的词义辨析.名词词义辨析题一直都是高考考查的一个热点,它注重考查考生结合语境准确选用词语的能力.由于英语词汇丰富,且用法多变,考生掌握起来有较大难度,因此在平时应注意词汇的积累,理解词语的含义及其常见的习惯搭配,再联系句子所表述的意义和语境,选出正确的答案.

5.Fed up with constantly having to recharge or replace batteries in your ever-expanding electronic devices?The solution may be just a few steps away.
"Energy harvesting"promises to power countless consumer devices,often with nothing more than your body's movement or heat.Dozens of companies around the world already offer such products,but many experts believe the market for the technology could explode due to electronic devices being developed for the Internet of Things.
"It's huge,"said Graham Martin,CEO of the EnOcean Alliance,a San Ramon-based group of businesses that promotes wireless energy-harvesting technologies.With the Internet of Things expected to combine billions of devices,"if they are all battery-powered,we'll have a problem because there's not enough lithium (锂) in the world,"he added."So a lot of them will have to use energy harvesting."
Among the most basic forms of the technology is body power.When certain materials are squeezed or stretched,the movement of their atoms creates an electrical charge.Automatic watches have employed the concept for decades,for example,by winding themselves when their user moves their arm.Now,the concept is being considered for a number of other devices.
In a contest seeking visionary ideas for wearable technologies,Intel awarded﹩5,000 for a concept to change the temperature difference between a person's body and a special piece of clothing they'd wear into electricity for mobile devices.Using sound to power devices is another energy-harvesting variation.Stanford University engineers are testing smart microchips (芯片) that create electricity from ultrasound (超声波) to power implantable (可植入的) devices that can analyze a person's nervous system or treat their diseases.
A textile (纺织品) research association in Spain is proposing to obtain electricity from radio waves that flow around everyone to power sensors sewn into clothes,which can monitor a person's heartbeat or other vital signs.
Research firm IDTechEx has estimated that annual global sales of energy-harvesting products could hit﹩2.6 billion by 2024,while WinterGreen Research predicts sales of﹩4.2 billion by 2019.
Obtaining stable energy from devices can be complex,however.For one thing,the motion that generates the electricity has to be constant to be useful.Moreover,the amount of power the devices produce depends on the person using them,according to a Columbia University study.It determined that taller people on average provide about 20percent more power than shorter ones when walking,running or cycling.
It's also unclear how eagerly consumers might welcome energy-harvesting products.While such devices are expected to cost less than battery-powered alternatives when compared over many years,experts say,people may continue buying ones with batteries merely because those would be cheaper in the short term.

74.Which"explode"in the following sentences has the most similar meaning to the word"explode"in Paragraph 2?C
A.They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded.
B.The continued tension could explode into more violence.
C.The population exploded to 40,000during the last tourist season.
D.The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary.
75.What makes"energy harvesting"necessary according to the passage?B
A.The waste of lithium in the world.
B.The increasing number of electronic devices.
C.The development of technology.
D.The pollution caused by batteries.
76.It can be learned from the passage thatA.
A.energy-harvesting products save money in the long run
B.taller people can surely produce a larger amount of power
C.automatic watches harvest energy from the users'body heat
D.two ways of harvesting energy are mentioned in the passage
77.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?D
A.Energy harvesting:a low-risk technology
B.Energy harvesting:a high-profit technology
C.Energy harvesting:a problem-free technology
D.Energy harvesting:an environment-friendly technology.

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