A married couple were in a car while the wife turned to 76£®__________
her husband and asked, ¡°Would you like to stop for coffee?¡± ¡°No, 77£®__________
thanks£®¡± he answered truthfully£®But they didn¡¯t stop£®However, 78£®__________
the wife, who has indeed wanted to stop, became angry, because 79£®_________
she felt her preference had not considered£®The husband, seeing that 80£®_________
his wife was angry, became frustrated£®Why didn¡¯t she just say that 81£®_________
she wanted? Unfortunately, he failed in to see that his wife was 82£®_________
asking the question, in order not to get an immediately decision, 83£®_________
but rather to begin discussion£®And the women didn¡¯t realize that 84£®_________
when her husband said no, he was just express his preference, not 85£®_________
giving an order£®
76£®while ¡ú when¡£77£®¡Ì78£®But ¡ú So79£®has ¡ú had¡£80£®notºó¼Óbeen¡£81£®that¡úwhat¡£82£®È¥µôin¡£83£®immediately¡ú immediate¡£84£®women¡úwoman¡£