
At the meeting the chairman appealed to us to take ______ full advantage of the chance of hosting the coming BFA to create _______ better China.

A.a; a B.the; / C./; / D./; a



试题分析:考查冠词。take advantage of是固定短语,意为“利用”,故第一空不用冠词;a better Nanjing表示“一个更好的中国”,表示地名的专有名词前面如果有形容词修饰,用不定冠词,表示“一个……”。故选D。


考点分析: 考点1:冠词 大家一定会想到a 、an和the,实际上,冠词就是指这三兄弟
        1. 不定冠词的基本用法:(1)不定冠词有a和an两种:a用于辅音音素开头的词前,例如:a dog, an用于元音音素开头的词前,例如:an apple;(2)用来表示“—”的意思,但不强调数的观念,只说明名词为不特定者。即不具体说明是何人何物。例如:She picked up a book and began to read.(3)不定冠词含有“—”的意思,但数量观念没有one强烈,在句子里边一般可以不必译出,但若有“一个”的意思则译出,(4)一般用在可数名词单数前,指人或事物的某一种类。例如:I am a nurse.(5)用在某些固定词组中,如have a rest,a few,a lot 等。
        2.  定冠词的用法:(1)特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。(2)指双方都知道的人或事物,例如:Open the door,please. (3)指上文提到的人或事物。(4)用在世界上独一无二的事物前。例如:The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大些。(5)用在序数词和形容词最高级前。例如:The first island is the biggest of the three.第一个小岛是三个中最大的。(6)用在形容词前表示一类人,the +形容词指的是一群人,是一种复数含义,所以其后动词应用复数形式。例如:The old are sick.
        3. 零冠词的用法 ,就是不用冠词的情况。
        1) 国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England, Mary;
        2) 泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用定冠词;
        They are teachers. 他们是教师。
        3) 抽象名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词;
        Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。
        4) 物质名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词,当表示特定的意思时,需要加定冠词;Man cannot live without water. 人离开水就无法生存。
        5) 在季节、月份、节日、假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词;
        We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从星期一到星期五都上课。
        6) 在三餐、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词;如:have breakfast, play chess
        7) 当by与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词;by bus, by train;
        8) 固定短语,如:go to hospital 去医院看病;at home, in class,go to bed等。 试题属性
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London’s Chinese community dates back to the 18th century, when a small number of Chinese sailors moved to the city to work in Limehouse, east London. As time went by, other Chinese people came to this area and Limehouse began to be known as "Chinatown". At the start of the 20th century, there were just 545 Chinese people in Britain. However, this situation changed greatly after the Second World War. At this time, many farmers in Hong Kong lost their jobs, and decided to move to London. In the 1950s, a small Chinese restaurant opened in central London. Many British people visited it and said that Chinese food was wonderful! Suddenly, Chinese restaurants started opening in every part of the city. Instead of too little work, the new Chinese immigrants (移民) now found that they had too much! Most of the new immigrants enjoyed their lives and the chances they were offered. Many asked their friends and relatives to join them from their hometowns, and a lot of families were reunited again at this time.

As time went by, London’s Chinese community became more and more successful. The sons and daughters of the first restaurant workers, encouraged by their parents, studied very hard at school and university. And most got highly-paid jobs. As a result, increasing numbers of Chinese families left Chinatown and moved to the more expensive places. Chinatown, however, is still as lively as ever, and a must-see for any visitor to London.

1.From the passage, we can learn that the first members of "Chinatown" were _____.

A. early Chinese sailors B. restaurant workers

C. Hong Kong farmers D. visitors to London

2. What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?

A. Limehouse was influenced by World War II.

B. The new immigrants found it hard to find jobs during the war.

C. Many Hong Kong farmers lost their jobs because of the war.

D. The number of Chinese people in Britain increased after the war.

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Before the 20th century, "Chinatown" in London was still very small.

B. In the 1950s, Chinese food became quite popular in Britain.

C. Most of the new immigrants could find a job in the 1950s.

D. With the help of the British government, Chinatown was very successful。

4. The passage is mainly about _______.

A. "Chinatown" in World War II

B. the history of "Chinatown" in London

C. the successful Chinese in London

D. an old Chinese restaurant

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1.Many Americans fail to lose weight probably because _______ .

A. they lack confidence

B. they do exercise alone

C. they are under great pressure

D. they don’t get enough exercise

2.From the text, we can learn that if you join the gym, _______ .

A. you’ll lose weight safely but slowly

B. you’ll struggle with workout routines

C. you’ll be advised to pay attention to nutrition

D. you’ll be advised to have nothing in between workouts

3.How much do a couple have to pay if they join the gym today?

A. $800. B. $500. C. $900. D. $1,000.

4.This text is most probably taken from a ________ .

A. newspaper B. magazine

C. website D. textbook

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