
1. [2014 .全国大纲卷]Exactly   the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probal)ly around 1565.

A. whether     B. why

C. when       D. how

1. C考查主语从句的连接词。句意:准确地说,土豆是什么时候被引进欧洲的还不确定,但可能是在1565年左右。此处when引导主语从句并在从句中作状语。





The air is filled with the wonderful smells of freshly-baked bread. Wel?come to the Hot Bread Kitchen. Six years ago, Jessamyn Rodriguez left her job at the United Nations and started a bakery business. But bread was not all she had in mind.

Ms Rodriguez's idea was to hire women to bake the kinds of bread they made in their home countries. She knew that many women who came from other countries were hard workers, but often very poorly paid. "And I be?lieve that if you invest in a woman you are investing in a family and a com?munity," she said.

She has eighteen women working in her bakery(面包店).They come from Mexico, Bangladesh, Togo, Morocco, Haiti, and other places. "A head baker in New York City can earn sixty-five thousand dollars a year. We're hoping that within a few years our women will be qualified to be head bakers in the city," she said.

The women who work and learn at the Hot Bread Kitchen are paid nine dollars an hour. They also receive health care and get English lessons twice a week. Fatiha Outabount is from Morocco. She said* "Before, I don't speak English — Nothing. Just ' Hi, bye, good night' -" that's it. But when I start to have classes here, I'm speaking English better."

The bread the women bake is sold to markets and expensive restaurants in New York City. Ms Rodriguez says her business is the only bakery in the city that produces bread from so many different cultures. "I like to say that we're like the United Nations of bread," she added.

When I asked Fatiha if the job was what she expected it would be, she smiled and said, "Yes. I love this programme. We learn a lot of stuff. We work like a family."

1. What did Jessamyn Rodriguez decide to do six years ago?

  A. To make bread at home.

B. To start her own business.

C. To work at the United Nations.

D. To find a job at Hot Bread Kitchen.

2. Ms Rodriguez hopes that in the future the women at her bakery will

  A. become managers in different cities

B. become head bakers in New York City

C, invest in women from other countries

D.open their own bakeries in New York City

3 Fatiha Outabount is mentioned in the passage to show that .

  A. the women can get English lessons at Hot Bread Kitchen

B. the women hate working at Hot Bread Kitchen

C. the women work harder than native Americans

D. English is very hard for the women at Hot Bread Kitchen

4. What is implied in what Fatiha Outabount said in the last paragraph?

  A. She expected her job would be much better.

B. She loved her job at Hot Bread Kitchen.

C. She worked at Hot Bread Kitchen with her family.

D. She knew how to make bread from different countries.

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