What is intelligence (智力) anyway? When I was in the army I    1    an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against    2    of 100, scored 160.

    I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not    3    have scored more than 80.    4   , when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him —and he always    5    it.

    Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man    6    questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them I'd prove myself    7   . In a world where I have to work with my   8   , I'd do poorly.

    Consider my auto-repair man    9   . He had a habit of telling    10   . One time he said, “Doc, a deaf-and-dumb (聋哑) man    11    some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made    12    movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He    13    his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk    14    him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doc, the    15  man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors (剪刀).    16    do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his    17    and asked for them. I've been    18    that on all my customers today, but I knew    19    I'd catch you.” “Why is that?” I asked. “Because you are so goddamned educated. Doc. I knew you couldn't be very    20   .”

    And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.


A. failed              B. wrote

C. received            D. chose


A. an average          B. a total

C. an exam            D. a number


A. always              B. possibly

C. certainly           D. frequently


A. Then              B. Thus

C. Therefore           D. Yet


A. fixed              B. checked

C. drove             D. changed


A. answered            B. practiced

C. designed      &nb??ewx?xm如x"Times New Roman"'>    D. inferring



A. confirmed           B. assured

C. jammed            D. blocked


A. better             B. ruder

C. more polite          D. more frightening


sp;      D. tried


A. teacher             B. doctor

C. winner              D. fool


A. brains             B. effort

C. hands             D. attention


A. again              B. as usual

C. too               D. as well


A. lies               B. jokes

C. news              D. tales


A. bought              B. tested

C. found             D. needed


A. cutting              B. hammering

C. waving             D. circling


A. nodded             B. raised

C. shook             D. turned


A. brought            B. packed

C. sent                D. sold


A. clever             B. other

C. right               D. next


A. What              B. How

C. Who               D. Which


A. imagination         B. hand

C. voice              D. information


A. trying             B. proving

C. practicing           D. examining


There once was a little boy who often lost his temper and ended up quarreling with his friends. In order to help the son, his Father gave him a bag of  36  and told him that every time he lost his temper and got mad at  37  , he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
The first day the little boy had  38  thirty nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks,   39  he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually became  40  .Three months later, the little boy discovered it was easier to  41  his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.   42  the day came when the little boy did not lose his temper  43 .
He told his father about it and the father  44  that the little boy now pull out one nail  45  each day when he was able to control his temper. The day passed and the little boy was  46  able to tell his father that all the nails were  47  .
The father  48  his little boy by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the  49  in the fence. The fence will never be the  50  . When you say things in anger, they  51  a scar just like this one on the person to whom you lose your temper. You   52  put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t   53  how many times you say I’m sorry,   54  the wound is still there. A wound caused by words is as bad as a   55  one. the hurt and pain caused by the tongue are deeper than those caused by the hand.”
36.A.books       B.tools  C.nails  D.suggestions
37.A.somebody B.anybody   C.everybody D.nobody
38.A.discovered       B.driven      C.pushed      D.pulled
39.A.till    B.unless       C.as      D.although
40.A.smaller     B.larger       C.easier       D.shorter
41.A.catch B.hold  C.break D.lose
42.A.And then  B.As with    C.Up to       D.From then on
43.A.after all    B.at all C.in all D.at once
44.A.desired     B.requested  C.intended   D.suggested
45.A.for    B.with  C.of     D.at
46.A. eagerly    B.fortunately       C.finally      D.hardly
47.A.lost   B.returned    C.gone  D.spared
48.A.seized       B.showed     C.touched    D.took
49.A.nails  B.cuts   C.holes D.surface
50.A.one   B.best   C.same D.fence
51.A.run   B.leave C.lead   D.remain
52.A.can   B.will   C.should      D.need
53.A.change     B.matter      C.survive     D.disappear
54.A.but    B.or     C.so     D.for
55.A.physical    B.violent      C.terrible     D.Serious

What is intelligence anyway? When I was in the army I_____an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against _____of 100, scored 160.

I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not ______ have scored more than 80. ____, when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him -- and he always _____ it.

 Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man____questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them I'd prove myself a _____. In a world where I have to work with my ____, I'd do poorly.

Consider my auto-repair man_____.He had a habit of telling ____. One time he said, "Doe. a deaf-and-dumb (????) man______some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made ______ movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He ______ his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk ______ him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doe. the______man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors. ______ do you suppose he asked for them?" I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, "Why, you fool, he used his ______ and asked for them. I've been ______ that on all my customers today, but I knew ______ I'd catch you." "Why is that?" I asked. "Because you are so goddamned educated, Dr. I knew you couldn't be very______.

And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.

1.A. failed                   B. wrote                     C. received                         D. chose

2.A. an average                  B. a total                     C. an exam                          D. a number

3.A. always                          B. possibly        C. certainly                          D. frequently

4.A. Then                   B. Thus                        C. Therefore              D. Yet

5.A. fixed                   B. checked                 C. drove                               D. changed

6.A. answered                    B. practised      C. designed                         D. tried

7.A. teacher                        B. doctor                    C. winner                             D. fool

8.A. brains                 B. effort                      C. hands                               D. attention

9.A. again                   B. as usual         C. too                                   D. as well

10.A. lies                    B. jokes                       C. news                                D. tales

11.A. bought                       B. tested                     C. found                               D. needed

12.A. cutting                       B. hammering            C. waving                             D. circling

13.A. nodded                     B. raised                     C. shook                               D. turned

14.A. brought                     B. packed                   C. sent                                  D. sold

15.A. clever                        B. other                      C. right                                 D. next

16.A. What                          B. How                        C. Who                                 D. Which

17.A. imagination               B. hand                       C. voice                                D. information

18.A. trying                         B. proving         C. practising                        D. examining

19.A. for sure                     B. at once                   C. in fact                              D. right now

20.A. clear                 B. silly                         C. slow                                 D. smart


第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


There once was a little boy who often lost his temper and ended up quarreling with his friends. In order to help the son, his Father gave him a bag of  36  and told him that every time he lost his temper and got mad at  37  , he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day the little boy had  38  thirty nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks,   39  he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually became  40  .Three months later, the little boy discovered it was easier to  41  his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.   42  the day came when the little boy did not lose his temper  43  .

He told his father about it and the father  44  that the little boy now pull out one nail  45  each day when he was able to control his temper. The day passed and the little boy was  46  able to tell his father that all the nails were  47  .

    The father  48  his little boy by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the  49  in the fence. The fence will never be the  50  . When you say things in anger, they  51  a scar just like this one on the person to whom you lose your temper. You   52  put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t   53  how many times you say I’m sorry,   54  the wound is still there. A wound caused by words is as bad as a   55  one. the hurt and pain caused by the tongue are deeper than those caused by the hand.”

36.A.books       B.tools  C.nails  D.suggestions

37.A.somebody B.anybody   C.everybody D.nobody

38.A.discovered       B.driven      C.pushed      D.pulled

39.A.till    B.unless       C.as      D.although

40.A.smaller     B.larger       C.easier       D.shorter

41.A.catch B.hold  C.break D.lose

42.A.And then  B.As with    C.Up to       D.From then on

43.A.after all    B.at all C.in all D.at once

44.A.desired     B.requested  C.intended   D.suggested

45.A.for    B.with  C.of     D.at

46.A. eagerly    B.fortunately       C.finally      D.hardly

47.A.lost   B.returned    C.gone  D.spared

48.A.seized       B.showed     C.touched    D.took

49.A.nails  B.cuts   C.holes D.surface

50.A.one   B.best   C.same D.fence

51.A.run   B.leave C.lead   D.remain

52.A.can   B.will   C.should      D.need

53.A.change     B.matter      C.survive     D.disappear

54.A.but    B.or     C.so     D.for

55.A.physical    B.violent      C.terrible     D.Serious

There once was a little boy who often lost his temper and ended up quarreling with his friends. In order to help the son, his Father gave him a bag of  1  and told him that every time he lost his temper and got mad at  2  , he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day the little boy had  3  thirty nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks,  4  he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually became  5  .Three months later, the little boy discovered it was easier to  6  his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.   7  the day came when the little boy did not lose his temper  8  .He told his father about it and the father  9  that the little boy now pull out one nail  10  each day when he was able to control his temper. The day passed and the little boy was  11  able to tell his father that all the nails were  12  .

    The father  13  his little boy by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the  14  in the fence. The fence will never be the  15  . When you say things in anger, they  16  a scar just like this one on the person to whom you lose your temper. You   17  put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t   18  how many times you say I’m sorry,   19  the wound is still there. A wound caused by words is as bad as a   20  one. the hurt and pain caused by the tongue are deeper than those caused by the hand.”

1.A.books                   B.tools                   C.nails                    D.suggestions

2.A.somebody             B.anybody              C.everybody           D.nobody

3.A.discovered            B.driven                 C.pushed                D.pulled

4.A.till                        B.unless                 C.as                       D.although

5.A.smaller                  B.larger                  C.easier                  D.shorter

6.A.catch                    B.hold                    C.break                  D.lose

7.A.And then               B.As with               C.Up to                  D.From then on

8.A.after all                 B.at all                    C.in all                   D.at once

9.A.desired                  B.requested             C.intended              D.suggested

10.A.for                      B.with                    C.of                       D.at

11.A.  eagerly               B.fortunately           C.finally                 D.hardly

12.A.lost                     B.returned              C.gone                   D.spared

13.A.seized                 B.showed               C.touched               D.took

14.A.nails                    B.cuts                    C.holes                   D.surface

15.A.one                     B.best                    C.same                   D.fence

16.A.run                     B.leave                   C.lead                    D.remain

17.A.can                     B.will                     C.should                 D.need

18.A.change                B.matter                 C.survive                D.disappear

19.A.but                     B.or                       C.so                       D.for

20.A.physical              B.violent                 C.terrible                D.serious

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