
       , weeks before the Spring Festival turned out to be hard times for migrant workers.

A. Luckily                        B. Fortunately               

C. Unfortunately      D. Accordingly


May 16th            Wednesday                                            Sunny
They used to call her “the witch(女巫)”, but today I found things were different.
My legs were too short to reach the floor from up there on the big chair. I was so afraid. My legs started to shake.
It was the first time I had been to the principal’s(校长的) office. And I knew what she was going to ask me.
Why had I been running on the concrete(混凝土) in the playground? Why hadn’t I followed the school rules?
The principal’s secretary was sitting at her desk. She kept asking me questions like whether I liked school and what grade I was in. I didn’t want to talk to her, so I just gave one-word answers.         
Then she asked what my dad did. But I didn’t really know what he did, so I made something up. “He plays basketball for the Boston Celtics,” I said.
The secretary just looked at me, and said nothing more.
Just then, the door to the principal’s office opened. There she was, the woman that everyone called “the witch”.
Was she really that bad? I was surprised to see her office walls were bright yellow, and there were some nice pictures on the desk.
She told me about the pictures. I was surprised that she had a family and a kid, just like me.
Then she asked how my family was. It turned out that she had known me since I was only a few weeks old. I was happy to hear that. If she knew my mum, then I wouldn’t get into much trouble.
She cleaned the cut on my knee and told me to be more careful. She also told me about the rules of the playground. But she didn’t punish or shout at me. And I forgot all the bad things I had heard about “the witch”. I had met her and I knew she was nice.
1.“The witch” in the story refers to _______.
A. the writer                     B. the writer’s father            C. the secretary    D. the principal
2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The writer often asked the principal for help.
   B. The principal must be very strict with students.
   C. Running in the playground was allowed by the school rules.
   D. The writer’s father was an excellent basketball player.
3.Which word can replace the underlined phrase “made up” (in Paragraph 6)?
   A. Told.                     B. Invented.             C. Minded.              D. Memorized.
4. How did the writer find the principal in the end?
   A. Terrible.            B. Kind.                        C. Proud.                D. Strict.

Paula Radcliffe, chasing a third London marathon title, says she has became a stronger person after her terrible experience at the 2004 Athens Games.
Radcliffe, who failed to complete the Olympic marathon and the 10,000m last August, said: "Athens made me a stronger person and it made me care less about criticism"
"In the past I wanted to please everyone, but now I am going to listen even more to the people around me."
She didn't care about criticism made at the weekend by Liz McColgan, who felt Radcliffe should have rested and let her body recover after her failure in Athens.
"Liz is someone I look up to but she hasn't spoken to me since last year and if she really cared for me, I'm sure she would have contacted me."
Instead Radcliffe won the New York City marathon just 11 weeks after Athens.
"In New York I wasn't in my best state but I did know I was good enough to win the race."
Radcliffe insisted her only goal in Sunday's race would be winning a third title and not chasing world records.
However, Radcliffe has not ruled out in the future chasing her "final" world record time and questioned sayings that marathon runners have the ability in their career to produce only four or five world-class times.
"I don't think that ——although I can't put a number on it," said. Radcliffe. "That changes from person to person."
Radcliffe is sure she can better her winning London 2003 performance at some point in the future. Following a successful three-month training period in the United States, the 31-year-old will chase a third title on Sunday after her first victory in 2002 and again 12 months later.
Radcliffe clocked a time of 2:18:56 in her first 42.2-kilometre race three years ago.
Afterwards she set a "mixed course" mark of 2:17:18 five months later in Chicago before lowering that to a time of 2:15:25 in the 2003 London event.
【小题1】Radcliffe’s failure in Athens made her___________.

A.develop respect for LizB.love people around her more
C.rest for five monthsD.face criticism calmly
【小题2】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Radcliffe broke the world record in the New York City marathon.
B.Radcliffe didn’t fully recover before the New York City marathon.
C.Radcliffe won her first marathon title in the New York City marathon.
D.Radcliffe had a 3-month training before the New York City marathon.
【小题3】By saying “I can’t put a number on it,” Radcliffe means she’s not sure ___________.
A.if she has the ability to set a new world record
B.if she can win another race though she has won many times
C.how many times a marathon runner can set the world record
D.if she has the ability to produce four or five world-class times
【小题4】According to the text, Radcliffe has won ___________ London marathon title(s).
【小题5】What can we learn from Radcliffe’s story?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.Well begun is half done.
C.Where there is a will, there is a way.D.A friend in need is a fried indeed.

The young boy saw me, or rather, he saw the car and quickly ran up to me, eager to sell his bunches of bananas and bags of peanuts. Though he appeared to be about twelve, he seemed to have already known the bitterness of life. “Bananas 300 naira. Peanuts 200 naira.” He said in a low voice. I bargained him down to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. When he agreed, I handed him a 500 naira bill. He didn’t have change, so I told him not to worry. He said thanks and smiled a row of perfect teeth.
When, two weeks later, I saw the boy again, I was more aware of my position in a society where it’s not that uncommon to see a little boy who should be in school standing on the corner selling fruit in the burning sun. My parents had raised me to be aware of the advantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to us. I pulled over and rolled down my window. He had a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts ready. I waved them away. “What’s up?” I asked him. “I … I don’t have money to buy books for school.” I reached into my pocket and handed him two fresh 500 naira bills. “Will this help?” I asked. He looked around nervously before taking the money. One thousand naira was a lot of money to someone whose family probably made about 5,000 naira or less each year. “Thank you, sir,” he said.“Thank you very much!”
When driving home, I wondered if my little friend actually used the money for schoolbooks. What if he’s a swindler? And then I wondered why I did it. Did I do it to make myself feel better? Was I using him? Later, I realized that I didn’t know his name or the least bit about him, nor did I think to ask.
Over the next six months, I was busy working in a news agency in northern Nigeria. Sometime after I returned, I went out for a drive. When I was about to pull over, the boy suddenly appeared by my window with a big smile ready on his face.
“Oh, gosh! Long time.”
“Are you in school now?” I asked. He nodded. “That’s good,” I said. A silence fell as we looked at each other, and then I realized what he wanted. “Here,” I held out a 500 naira bill. “Take this.” He shook his head and stepped back as if hurt. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “It’s a gift.” He shook his head again and brought his hand from behind his back. His face shone with sweat. He dropped a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts in the front seat before he said, “I’ve been waiting to give these to you.”
【小题1】It can be inferred from the first paragraph that _________.

A.the boy was greedy
B.the boy had suffered a lot
C.the boy was in bad need of money
D.the boy was good at bargaining
【小题2】The second time the author met the boy, the boy _________.
A.told him his purpose of selling fruit and nuts
B.wanted to express his thanks
C.asked him for money for his schoolbooks
D.tried to take advantage of him
【小题3】The author gave his money to the boy because _________.
A.he wanted to make himself feel better
B.he had learnt to help others since childhood
C.he held a higher position in the society
D.his parents asked him to do so
【小题4】What does the underlined word “swindler” mean?
【小题5】Which of the following best describes the boy?
A.Brave and polite.B.Kind and smart.
C.Honest and thankful.D.Shy and nervous.

     Sports and Entertainment Marketing-Entry Level Sales and Advertising Reps
                                                 Are you a college graduate?
     Are you looking for a career but have little or NO experience?
     Are you having a hard time getting your foot in a successful,proven firm?
     Do you want a chance to test your work ethics,drive,and determination?

                                         We may be just what you are looking for.
                     *Customer Service
                     *Event Marketing
                     *Public Relations
                     We share our decisions,not hand down. We have an intensive,high-energy,
                     hands-on company that wants all individuals to succeed because that means 
                     our clients will too ! We have an opportunity for people to enjoy real responsibility
                    from the start,where payment is based on performance,not seniority!
                    If you are looking for such a team,respond IMMEDIATELY. 
                    RESUME TO
         *Must be able to start within 2 weeks
?     *Be able to work in a team environment
?     *Capable of leading and motivating others
?     *High energy and open to new ideas
?     *Be able to perform under little guidance
?     *Great attitude and cool
?     *Exceptional communication skills
1.Which  group  of  people  is  the company's job open to?
A.College graduates.
B.Senior sales people.
C.Experienced young people.
D.Entertainment and sports lovers.
2. Which of the following words can best describe the company's environment?
C.Seniors favored.
D.Youngsters favored.
3. What can we infer from the advertisement?
A.The company is new.
B.The company is big.
C.The company has its unique way of management.
D.The company doesn't like old people.
4. Which of the four candidates best qualifies for the job?
A.One who is strong in leadership.
B.One who is imaginative.
C.One who is dependent.
D.One who is a good listener.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing-Entry Level Sales and Advertising Reps
Are you a college graduate?
Are you looking for a career but have little or NO experience?
Are you having a hard time getting your foot in a successful, proven firm?
Do you want a chance to test your work ethic, drive, and determination?
We may be just what you are looking for.

*Customer Service
 *Event Marketing
*Public Relations
We share our decisions, not hand down. We have an intensive,
highenergy, handson company that wants all individuals to succeed
because that means our clients will too! We have an opportunity for
people to enjoy real responsibility from the start, where payment is
based on performance, not seniority!
 If you are looking for such a team, respond IMMEDIATELY.
www. hotjobs. com

*Must be able to start within 2 weeks
*Be able to work in a team environment
*Capable of leading and motivating others
*High energy and open to new ideas
*Be able to perform under little guidance
*Great attitude and cool
*Exceptional communication skills

1. Which group of people is the company's job open to?
A. College graduates.
B. Senior sales people.
C. Experienced young people.
D. Entertainment and sports lovers.
2. Which of the following can best describe the company's environment?
A. Teambased.  
B. Individualbased.
C. Seniors favored.  
D. Youngsters favored.
3. What can we infer from the advertisement?
A. The company is new.
B. The company is big.
C. The company has its unique way of management.
D. The company doesn't like old people.
4. Which of the four candidates best qualifies for the job?
A. One who is strong in leadership.
B. One who is imaginative.
C. One who is dependent.
D. One who is a good listener.

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