
第四部分 第二节 书面表达(共15分)

2010年3月16日这天,你和你的父母去青岛游览了著名的青岛海底世界,通过游览,你增长了知识,开阔了眼界,更加热爱大海并想倡导人们要保护环境。请你用日记的形式向朋友们介绍你游览的经过和感受。内容包括:1. 门票100元 / 人;2. 游览展区包括:螃蟹 (crab) 展区,水族馆 (aquarium),海底隧道 (tunnel),海底表演大厅,其中有美人鱼表演,海豚 (dolphin) 表演等;3. 词数:120左右。

One possible version:

                            March  16, 2010.               fine

Today my parents and I went to visit the famous Qingdao Undersea World. At eight in the morning we bought the entrance tickets for 100 yuan each. We first came to the crabs exhibition hall showing various colourful crabs. Then we went to the aquarium where different fish and other water creatures live. There are so many varieties that we can’t see them all one by one. After that we went through the undersea tunnel to enter the undersea performance hall. We enjoyed the excellent dolphin performances and the wonderful performances of beautiful girls dressed in fish clothes. We enjoyed ourselves there and I know more about the sea. I feel the more I see, the more I love the sea. Sea creatures just like human beings are members of the world. We should protect them and the environment they live. Just let them be.









One day a doctor was starting his morning works. Suddenly                         81. _______

a man ran his room. His face was red and he could                               82. _______

only say"Quick! Quick!"The doctor thought he can be                              83. _______

very ill. His assistant helped to get the poor man sit in                            84. _______

a chair. The doctor gave the man some medicine to make                          85. _______

him to sleep. Then he looked into the man's mouth and                            86. _______

pulled out all the bad tooths. As soon as the man woke                            87. _______

up, he said"Quick, doctor, Quick,"with a low voice.                                88. _______

"It's all over now,"the doctor told him."You don't understand,"                    89. _______

said the man."I came to tell you your house is on the fire."                         90. _______


The following people are all searching for a university. After the description of these people, there is information about six universities A--F on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about a university that you do not need to use.

____ 61. Bobby is tired of working indoors and wouldn’t like to be too far away from his girlfriend who studies at Simmons.

_____62. Maria wants to learn modern science and she prefers to stay neither by the ocean nor in the northeast.

_____63. Andrew wishes to study business in a non-state-run university.

_____64. Lucy enjoys taking her further education in a women-only university.

_____65.Scott hopes to play the computer conveniently for fun.

A.SIMMONS  The College of Arts and Sciences and Modern Studies. Simmons educates women to achieve their work and life goals. More than 40 majors. Lies in the heart of Boston, US. News &World Report ranks Simmons among the top state universities in the North and among the best values.  617-521-2051  www.simmons.edu.

B. PAUL SMITH’S COLLEGE   The College of Nature. Experience a different kind of classroom: 15,300 acres of forests, lakes and streams, a hotel and a restaurant, 99% placement upon graduation. Two-and-four-year degree programs.  PO Box 265Paul Smith, NY 12970800 -421-2605     www.paulsmith.edu.

C.ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY  Personal attention. Powerful programs. Experience the technology of today at our co-educational university. One Camino Santa Utah 78228-8503 800-FOR-STMU   www.stmarytx.edu.

D.NORTHERN UNIVERSITY  A famous private university with 3,200 students in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences, Business and Engineering. Medicine and Law among the top ten by U.S. News & World Report  Old Union 232 CA 94305-3005 650-723-2091 www.stanford.edu.

E. UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX   Adult education course. Earn an online degree with University of Phoenix today. 100% online, fast and convenient. Learn why most working professionals choose University of Phoenix Online. www.Phoenixun.edu.

F.PETER’S COLLEGE   Experienced professors are available. Equipped with a lot of modern facilities, two students a dormitory, two computers, power never fails, PO.356 Peter, 16753800-333-12-2135   www.peterun.edu.

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