
      Galaxies(星系) are made up of three main things: stars,clouds of gas and dark matter. Dark matter can not be seen and scientists only know that it

1. (存在) because of the influence its2. (重力) has on matter that can be seen. On earth,3. (physics) use particle acceleratora (粒子力口速器) to find out how different tiny particles are made up of by speeding them up until they 4. c into each other and looking at the pieces after they've broken up. Similarly,by using information from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory (线德拉X 射线天文台) ,scientists are looking forward

5. finding out more about what dark matter is by looking at what happens when dark matter bumps into things in groups of galaxies. Each bump,however,takes hundreds of millions of years to take place,so they only have a chance to look at one brief stage in the whole event. However,scientists are extremely hopeful that by watching many of these bumps they can get enough pieces of the 6.(谜) to create a more complete picture of what happens.

1. exists   2. gravity   3. physicists

4. crash   5. to   6. puzzle



       It's often hard to find family holidays that everyone will enjoy. Cruises (海上航游) can be fun,but may offer activities either for small children or adults,with not much for teenagers.

       Fifteen-year-old Josh Sandford and his 13-year-old sister Rowena took a cruise last year,on a ship called the Rega. ‘ Before we left,I'd spent ages looking at the brochure (宣传册) , and all the activities on offer,so I was really looking forward to it/ says Josh. 'When we got on,I could see they had activities that teenagers could join in,so we couldn't really say the brochure was wrong. But they were a bit boring — things like old movies we’d seen before. I wish there’d been somewhere for people my age to just hang out together. My parents really enjoyed it,but they were disappointed that we didn’t. 

     Josh's parents had almost decided they'd never take their family on a cruise again when they heard about some new cruises that were specially for families with teenagers. So earlier this year the Sandford family set off again,this time on a ship called the Flora. ^We did some tours organised by the Flora when the ship stopped in different ports (港口) ” says Josh. ‘We went off and explored some old ruins. I was worried it 'd  be boring,but I have to admit the mins were actually quite cool.

      ‘The biggest difference was the activities on board,though,like a great gym and two pools. There was a fantastic rock-climbing wall,too, although lots of the teenagers on board didn’ t seem to want to try it. Maybe they were too scared (害怕的) ,as it was really high. But my sister immediately managed to get all the way up it'so I just had to do the same!'

     Josh and Rowena’ s family had such a good time on their last cruise that they're thinking of going again 一 in fact,they re already saving up for it!

32. It seems that the Rega.

   A. provided wrong information in the travel brochure

   B. didn't offer satisfying activities for teenagers

   C. only provided activities suitable for adults

   D. didn’ t satisfy the needs of Josh's parents

33. After the trip on the Rega,Josh's parents

   A. considered giving up cruise holidays

   B. started to look for adventurous cruises

   C. found it hard to get along with teenagers

   D. decided they would never take children along

34. What did Josh think of the tours organised by the Floral

   A. He found them a little boring.

   B. He didn't think they were special

   C. He was surprised to find he enjoyed them.

   D. He was worried that his parents wouldn't love them.

35. What does the text mainly talk about?

   A. Teen cruises.                       B. Family holidays.

   C. Difficult teenagers.                  D. Special families.

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