

注意:1 投诉的内容至少要涉及两方面的问题。

【答案】 见解析


Dear Sir:

My name is Raymond, I am writing to tell you something about your restaurant questions.

Last Saturday, I was going to your restaurant with my friends. We are very hungry, but when we order, your restaurant waiter But ignore our. So my friend was very angry. Besides, when the waiter come on .my friend ask her why ignore our, she is very aggressive for us and say you don’t see me I am very busy. So I do hope you can give your restaurant waiter have training about etiquette.

Thank you for your time and kind consideration.

Sincerely yours



【题目】Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents. The next day she drove her old car home along the road. she found she got a flat. The 22-year-old student to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk. No tire.

At this time, a car . Paul and Diane told Clay to them to a service station near their . They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to with her car. “Follow us home,” said Paul.

The couple called around to find a tire, No . They decided to let her use their own car. “Here,” Paul said, handing Clay a of keys, “Take our car. We be using it over the holiday.”

Clay was . “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina, and I’ll be gone for two weeks,” she them.

“We know,” Paul said. “We’ll be when you get back. Here’s our number if you need to us.”

Unable to believe her eyes, Clay watched as the put her luggage into their car and then her off. Two weeks later she to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio .

“Thank you so much,” she said. “How much do I you?” “Oh, no,” Paul said, “we don’t want any money. It’s our .” Clay realized that while it might have been their leasure, it was now her duty to pass on their “do onto others” spirit.

【1】 A. Suddenly B. Finally C. Immediately D. Fortunately

【2】 A. afforded B. wanted C. allowed D. managed

【3】 A. spare B. free C. full D. empty

【4】 A. passed B. stopped C. paused D. started

【5】 A. help B. push C. take D. follow

【6】 A. garage B. house C. shop D. hotel

【7】 A. agree B. match C. go D. deal

【8】 A. way B. message C. success D. luck

【9】 A. set B. number C. pair D. chain

【10】 A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. won’t

【11】 A. satisfied B. worried C. astonished D. disturbed

【12】 A. persuaded B. advised C. reminded D. promised

【13】 A. happy B. here C. away D. busy

【14】 A. get in touch with B. keep in touch with

C. be in touch with D. put in touch with

【15】 A. repairmen B. cleaners C. friends D. couple

【16】 A. sent B. shook C. watched D. drove

【17】 A. shocked B. happened C. returned D. came

【18】 A. loaded B. fixed C. tied D. rebuilt

【19】 A. owe B. lend C. give D. offer

【20】 A. wish B. job C. duty D. pleasure

【题目】In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory course about 20 years ago.

The professor marched into the lecture hall, upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans, and invited the students to how many beans the jar contained. After shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile,announced the answer, and went on saying, “You have just learned an important about science. That is: “Never your own senses”

Twenty years later, the could guess what the professor had in mind.He himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting into all unknown world invisible to the , which can be discovered only through . But the seventeen-year-old girl before she could hear the invitation clearly. She was just to understand the world. And she that her firsthand experience could be the . The professor, however, said that it was . He was taking away her only for knowing and was providing her with no substitute(替代). “I remember feeling small and , the woman says, “and I did the only thing I could do, I dropped the that afternoon,and I haven’t gone near science since.

【1】A. art B. history C. science D. math

【2】A. placed B. focused C. pointed D. covered

【3】A. count B. guess C. report D. watch

【4】A. warning B. giving C. turning away D. 1istening to

【5】A. ready B. possible C. correct D. difficult

【6】A. way B. truth C. class D. lesson

【7】A. lose B. trust C. sharpen D. show

【8】A. 1ecturer B. scientist C. speaker D. woman

【9】【改编】A. referred B. thought C. devoted D. saw

【10】A. voyage B. movement C. change D. rush

【11】A. professor B. eye C. knowledge D. light

【12】【改编】 A. scientific methods B. teaching oneselfC. teachers direction D. the sixth sense

【13】【改编】A. understood B. refused C. felt D. accepted

【14】A. suggesting B. beginning C. pretending D. waiting

【15】A. believed B. doubted C. proved D. explained

【16】A. growth B. strength C. faith D. truth

【17】A. firm B. interesting C. wrong D. acceptable

【18】【改编】A. method B. approach C. means D. tool

【19】A. cruel B. proud C. frightened D. brave

【20】【改编】A. course B. study C. the professor D. school

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