
I used to believe courtesy(礼貌) was a thing of the past. Very seldom have I encountered a courteous human being in this modem era of the so called Generation X.

Recently, I had to change my thinking, when I came face to face with just such a human being. I had gone to a happening coffee place, with two of my grown up daughters. The place was crowded with the usual loud crowd and we had to climb a sleep flight of stairs in order to find an empty table. After enjoying coffee and snacks, we were at the steep descent down the stairs, where the narrow space made climbing down only possible in a single file, with hardly any space for another person to either climb up or come down.

Just as I was in the middle of my descent, a gentleman entered the main entrance of the restaurant which right in front of the staircase. I was sure I would be pushed roughly by this man who will want to go up in a hurry. I kept coming down as fast as I could, holding on to the banister (栏杆), instead of my advanced years. My agile daughters were already down, looking up at me worriedly, hoping I would reach them before the stranger strange started up the stairs, knowing I was a nervous sort.

Nearly reaching them, I noticed the man still standing near the door. I reached my daughters and passed the stranger at the entrance door which he kept holding open. I looked back thinking he was still at the door, deciding whether to go in or find another less crowded place. I saw him going up the stairs, two at a time. I told my daughters about it and all three of us felt had that we did not even thank the courteous gentleman who was actually holding the door open for us ladies to pass through before going up.

1.What happened after the writer saw the young man?

A. The young man pushed the writer roughly and went upstairs.

B. The writer’s daughters helped her down the stairs as fast possible.

C. The young man stood at the door deciding whether to go in or not.

D. The writer caught hold of the bannister to walk as fast as she can.

2.What do you think caused the writer’s nervousness?

A. The stairs were too narrow and sleep.

B. Her two daughters had been down already.

C. She was afraid of being pushed roughly.

D. She could not walk fast because of old age.

3.What can be the best title?

A. A polite young man B. Generation X

C. The coffee place D. A family get-together

11.Your mobile is now much more than just a communication device-more like a remote control for your life.You still call it a"mobile"from habit,but it is an organizer,entertainment device,payment device and security(安全) center,all developed and manufactured by engineers.
What we do need is better mobiles and more intelligence.Because it knows your travel timetable it can check for problems on the roads or with the trains,giving you the best route into work.It can control your home,reprogramming the central heating if you need to get up earlier and keeping an eye on your home by connecting your mobile with the home security system.It is your payment system-you can pay for tickets for journeys or buy items in shops by placing the phone near a sensor(感应器).With an understanding of location,the mobile can also provide directions,or even tell you if your friends or family are nearby.
Usually it will start work even before you wake.It will work with your home entertainment system while you sleep to find programmes that will interest you and download them as a podcast to watch on the train or in other spare moments.It will intelligently work out what to do with incoming phone calls and messages.Because it knows your diary it will also know,for example,to direct voice calls to voicemail when you are in a meeting,perhaps providing a discrete text summary of the caller and the nature of their call.
With its understanding of almost all aspects of your life; many new services become possible.For example,a"Good Food"meal planning service could send daily suggestions for your evening meal based on learned preferences,previous selections made and the likely contents of your refrigerator.
Ten years ago the mobile was purely a device for making voice calls.Now it is a camera,MP3player,and texting device.This is only the start of an evolution that will turn it into our trusted and indispensable companion in life.
Mobile phones
Your mobile phone is not only a phone but also a remote control for your (76)life.
Functions of your mobile phoneOrganizer*(77)Checkfor problems on the roads or with the trains and find the best (78)routeinto work for you.
*Control your home's central (79)heating.
*Deal with your phone calls and messages and (80)directvoice calls to voicemail when you are in a meeting.
*Send daily (81)suggestionfor your meals through a"Good Food"meal planning service.
(82)Entertainmentdevice*Find and (83)downloadprogrammes for you to watch.
Payment device*Pay for tickets for journeys or (84)buyitems in shops.
Security center*You can look after your home by (85)connectingyour mobile phone with the home security system.
ConclusionMobile phones will be our trusted and necessary helpers in life.

My grandparents believed that you were either honest or you were not. They had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: “Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show.” They didn’t have to talk about it; they showed this truth by the way they lived.

They understood that honesty is an inner(内部的) standard for judging your behavior. Unfortunately, honesty is in short supply today. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society and a discipline (自制能力) we must demand of ourselves.

There’s a story told about a surgical nurse’s first day on the medical team at a well-known hospital. She was responsible(负责) for all surgical instruments and materials during an operation. At the end of the operation, the nurse said to the doctor, “ You’ve only removed 11 sponges(海绵), and we used 12. We need to find the last one.”

“I removed them all,” the doctor assured her. “ No, you didn’t , sir,” insisted the nurse. “ Think of the patient.”

Smiling, the doctor lifted his foot and showed the nurse the twelfth sponge.

So when you know you’re right, you can’t yield. Don’t be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be more intelligent than you are.

Self-respect and a clear awareness (意识)of right and wrong are powerful parts of honesty and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others. Honesty means you do what you do because it’s right and not just fashionable or politically correct. A life of principle, of not easily yielding, will always take you forward. My grandparents taught me that.

1.From the first two paragraphs, we can infer that ______.

A. the author’s grandparents liked snow

B. the author’s grandparents didn’t like chatting

C. the author is worried about the issue of honesty in today’s society

D. Honesty is the most important standard for judging one’s behavior

2.The nurse insisted there was still a sponge because_____

A. she saw the doctor hide the twelfth sponge

B. she believed she was right

C. she thought the doctor was not responsible

D. she knew the patient well

3.What does the underlined word “yield” mean in the text?

A. admit B. give in

C. stop D. look forward

4.How does the text mainly develop?

A. By providing an example of honesty.

B. By making a comparison between honesty and dishonesty.

C. By explaining the author’s grandparents’ belief in detail.

D. By following the order of importance.

There is an English saying that “Laughter is the best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter can really improve people’s health.

Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, makes the heart beat quicker and makes people breathe deeper; it also works on several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effects of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated(忍耐)the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemical in the brain which diminishes both stress and pain.

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

1.According to the passage, which of the following statements is WRONG?

A. Laughter is good for health

B. Laughter can make you become old quickly

C. Laughter helps to reduce pain.

D. Laughter, just like physical exercise, is good for our body.

2.The underlined word “diminishes” in the third paragraph means_____.

A. delays B. prevents

C. increases D. reduces

3.Why do some doctors hold laughter clinics?

A. Because they want to earn more money.

B. Because they think they will help the patients recover from illnesses.

C. Because they want to improve their patients’ condition.

D. Because they want their patients to practice how to laugh

4.According to the author, we should__________.

A. laugh as much as possible B. watch more funny films

C. smile all the time D. spend more time in laughter clinics

The stories we share with one another are important. They show wisdom and provide inspiration. They are important to our development. But sometimes people choose not to tell.

Considering the negative effects of not sharing a story in the news, people are wondering if public health officials are holding back too much information about the recent outbreak of Ebola.

There is a danger in holding back stories that ought to be told. Bobette Buster said it like this, “The fact is, history has shown us that stories not told can become like a dangerous genie (妖怪) left in a bottle. When they are finally uncorked(透漏), their power to destroy is set free."

There are a number of reasons why we hide parts of our story: they often show our weaknesses or expose our disadvantages; they require courage and strength to share; and of course, there are some stories that should be kept secret—especially those that embarrass someone else.

Most of us have two selves: the one we display on the outside and the one we actually are on the inside. And the better we get at hiding the stories that show our true selves, the more damage we may be causing to ourselves and to others.

Honesty and openness is important: It proves we are trustworthy. It displays we are human. We are not perfect or better. It highlights the importance of hard work and personal development. Hard work may not allow us to overcome our disadvantages completely. But with hard work, we do not have to be restricted to our mistakes.

Does this mean we admit every weakness, every disadvantage, and every secret regret to everybody we meet? No, of course not. There is a time and a place and a certain level of relationship necessary for some stories to be told in an appropriate manner.

1.What's the function of the example in Paragraph 2?

A. It concludes that one should share a story at a proper time.

B. It reflects that people are concerning about the spread of Ebola.

C. It shows the bad effect caused by sharing a story.

D. It proves not sharing a story can cause trouble.

2.One of the reasons why people are unwilling to share experiences is that ________.

A. some stories make themselves feel uneasy

B. story?sharing highlights the importance of hard work

C. people are used to exposing their weaknesses

D. people sometimes have no courage to share their stories

3.The writer aims to convince us to ________.

A. realize the importance of being honest when making friends

B. be open to people close to you by sharing some secrets

C. share stories appropriately for the good of others and ourselves

D. remove the dangers that can be caused by untold stories

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