
Pressed from his parents, and ______ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop playing video games.

A. realizing B. realized

C. to realize D. being realized






With the help of Gloria ,his wife ,Tom Peterson worked for many years to build a solid business selling television sets, stereo systems, and home appliances. Tom developed an excellent with their full satisfaction guarantee and friendly service. He was proud of his high percentage (百分率)of repeat .

About five years ago, Tom was by the owners of a competing company, Stereo Super Stores. They wanted him to them out. The price was very attractive. Everything looked good. Before making his final ,Tom asked Gloria what she thought about the purchase(购买). She told him that the numbers looked good, it didn't feel to her. However, Tom was so self-confident and so convinced that this was a rare , he went ahead and it. Within months he discovered that he had made a big . He had paid too much for a company. He tried as hard as he could to make it work out, but he couldn't turn things . He was forced into bankruptcy(破产). He was about to lose everything, including his business.

Tom was embarrassed, but he is a survivor. He looked at his situation. He decided to admit his mistake and, rather than getting stuck in lawsuits(诉讼), he would focus his on saving and rebuilding his original business. He saw also that he had made a mistake by not listening to his , and that he needed to learn from this .He dealt with the crisis(危机) in a way that delighted people, who in turn respect for him. Old customers poured into his store. He and Gloria _to changes in retailing(零售) and have built an even better business than before.

In the business world, it is natural to gain and lose, of Peterson’s experience is an example. Only those who regard their mistakes as gifts and learn from them attract endless profits.

1.A. produceB. fameC. causeD. home

2.A. customersB. assistantsC. friendsD. visitors

3.A. appointedB. approvedC. approachedD. appreciated

4.A. sellB. payC. buyD. check

5.A.decisionB. choiceC. determinationD. judgement

6.A.as thoughB. now thatC. even thoughD. in case

7.A.terribleB. fairC. rightD. attractive

8.A.possibilityB. occasionC. eventD. opportunity

9.A. protectB. madeC. returnD. exchange

10.A.differenceB. discoveryC. commitmentD. mistake

11.A.dyingB. controversialC. casualD. tiring

12.A. inB. aroundC. downD. up

13.A .originalB. variousC. specialD. precious

14.A.quietlyB. loudlyC. openlyD. secretly

15.A. beliefsB. spiritsC. attemptsD. energies

16.A. producerB. wifeC. relativeD. adviser

17.A. experienceB. progressC. processD. history

18.A. wonB. showedC. achievedD. earned

19.A.belongedB. adaptedC. adoptedD. appealed

20.A. themB. whatC. thatD. which

At the beginning of every year we promise ourselves we will live a healthier life, and exercise more. The year tarts with the best of intentions, but many times we are unable to keep up with very high goals. Good news is that a healthy lifestyle is achievable and it's all about making small changes that make a difference.

News on healthy lifestyles says that the key is moderation and consistency. There are so many health and well-being products out there in the market promising many things. And although many may be true, select carefully.

The basics of a healthy lifestyle is maintaining a balanced diet and doing regular exercise. By eating well, it means really to make sure you include plenty of vegetables and fruit preferably in season in your diet, avoid fried and junk foods and foods high in sugar as well as processed foods. Eating fresh homemade meals rather than ready-made meals which are high in salt and sugar is always the better option. Reducing alcohol intake, drinking plenty of water and supplementing your diet with healthy snacks like nuts and seeds.

For external care choose natural skin care products and hair care oil. Natural beauty care involves using natural moisturizers like Argan oil, Coconut oil and Sweet Almond oil. These nourish the skin far more than counter creams full of chemicals. Skin reflects what we put inside of us, so a healthy diet with plenty of greens and healthy protein will make your skin brighter.

Of course exercise is essential but the key is regular and consistent exercise. So walking three times a week for 45 minutes is much more beneficial than a binge workout once a week.

1.Why can't we keep up with our goals according to the passage?

A. The goals are too high to achieve.

B. We have a large amount of work to do.

C. We are naturally lazy and never do exercise.

D. The reason isn't given in the passage.

2.It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A. we should think twice before choosing heath products

B. the key to a healthy lifestyle is getting enough sleep

C. food high in salt and sugar is the best choice for us

D. we should walk once a day for a healthy lifestyle

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. We can not form a healthy lifestyle if we are busy.

B. We can eat some junk food in order to save money.

C. Our skin shows whether we have a healthy diet.

D. Health products are not good for our health.

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. How to achieve our goals.

B. The best way to take exercise.

C. How to make a difference in life.

D. Suggestions for a healthy lifestyle.

Three Japanese tourists taking a holiday in Australia got stuck when their GPS told them they could drive from the mainland to an island, failing to mention the 15 kilometres of water and mud in between.

As they drove their hired car from Moreton Bay to nearby North Stradbroke Island, they started to notice the firm surface they were driving on giving way to the well-known bay mud. However, being confident that their GPS would direct them to a road soon, they decided to drive on, managing to travel around 500 metres before their car was up to its tires in mud. To make matters worse, the tide(潮汐) started to come in and soon forced them to seek help and abandon the vehicle. Just four hours later the car was trapped in two metres of water — to the great amusement of onlookers on the shore and passengers on passing boats and ferries.

Yuzu Noda, 21, said she was listening to the GPS and “it told us we could drive down there. It kept saying it would navigate(导航) us to a road. But we got stuck…there’s lots of mud.” She and her travel companions Tomonari Saeki, 22, and Keita Osada, 21, instead had to give up their plans for a day trip to the island and headed back to the Gold Coast of a lift from the RACQ tow truck(吊车) driver who was called to the trapped car. No such luck for the hired car though – after assessing the situation, no attempt was made to recover it. The students from Tokyo, who are due to return home tomorrow, said the experience would not put them off returning to Australia for another visit. Mr. Tomonari said, “It has rained every day on our six day holiday. Hopefully next time we come back it will be sunny.”

The car was covered by insurance, but the tourists will have to pay up to about $1500 in extra charges.

1.The three Japanese tourists got stuck because .

A. there was no way to the island

B. their GPS was broken during their journey

C. their GPS had given the wrong information

D. their car was not made in Japan

2.They didn’t abandon their car until .

A. some onlookers went to save them

B. they got stuck in the mud

C. there came the tide

D. they managed to travel around 500 metres

3.How did these Japanese students get back?

A. They had to walk back to their living place.

B. They had to take a lift from the tow truck driver.

C. They had to repair their GPS and drove back.

D. They had to turn to passengers on boats and ferries.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. The passengers saved these students in the end.

B. Mr. Tomonari got very down after the journey.

C. No money has to be paid thanks to insurance.

D. The car was left where it was trapped.

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