
 “Must”_____ be used to express necessity or strong recommendation,although native  speakers prefer. the form ”have to”.

A. would             B. might               C. need                            D. can


Today, we talk to an up-and-coming (有前途的) erhu player, Lee Hang, from Hong Kong. He’ll play with the Hong Kong Orchestra (管弦乐队) next Sunday in a special concert by young Chinese musicians.

Interviewer: Thank you for talking to us, Lee. You must be very excited.

Lee: Yes, I am. This is the first time that I’ve played with such a famous orchestra and in front of so many people. They’re expecting about 4,000 people.

Interviewer: Does that scare you?

Lee: To be honest, yes. I haven’t slept much in the last few days. But my teacher told me I wouldn’t take it seriously enough if I wasn’t scared. That helped a lot.

Interviewer: Tell me about why you started playing the erhu.

Lee: My parents took me to piano and violin lessons. I quite liked them but they had to force me to go sometimes. One night, I saw a documentary about Yo Yo Ma, the famous Chinese American cello(大提琴) player. He talked about his love of Chinese instruments and we should follow our interests. I always enjoyed listening to Chinese instruments like the erhu and guzheng. That inspired me to learn the erhu. My parents were glad that I was playing something I actually liked.

Interviewer: What do your friends think of you playing a Chinese instrument?

Lee: Well, a lot of my classmates think playing things like the erhu isn’t cool. I don’t care. It makes me happy. I got a letter from Yo Yo, saying how much he admired me and that he’d like to meet me next time when he’s in Hong Kong. They thought that was pretty cool!

Interviewer: And what does the future hold for you?

Lee: I’d like to study music in a university in China then hopefully play in orchestras. My ambition is to bring the beautiful sound of the erhu to all the corners of the world.

Interviewer: Well, if anyone can, it’s you. Thanks for talking to me, Lee. Good luck.

Lee: Thanks.

What will Lee Hang do next Sunday?

A. He will have an interview. 

B. He will talk to a newspaper reporter.

C. He will play a Chinese musical instrument at a concert.

D. He will study in a university in China.

Lee _______ because of the concert.

A. hasn’t been sleeping well    B. hasn’t been sleeping 

C. will meet 4000 people       D. has been afraid of his teacher

Lee started playing the erhu ________ a film about Yo Yo Ma.

A. before seeing   B. while seeing   C. after seeing    D. to copy

Lee likes playing the erhu _______ the piano and violin.

A. less than   B. as much as   C. more than    D. because his parents like

Lee’s friends thought _______ was great.

A. getting a letter from a famous musician     B. writing a letter to a famous musician

C. playing Chinese musical instruments       D. seeing Yo Yo Ma in Hong Kong

       Several times each year the Queen gives afternoon tea parties at which guests are served tiny cakes filled with cream from her own cows. Cakes and sandwiches are brought in by footmen, yet you never see the Queen touch a thing. She simply sits beside a big silver plate, pouring cups of tea for everyone and carefully avoiding the cakes.

       At cocktail parties the Queen moves from group to group, chatting informally, and manages to make one glass of diet(节食)drink to last an entire evening.

       Tours abroad are difficult because hosts(主人)seem to believe the warmth of their welcome must be shown with wonderful state banquets(宴会). But the Queen has perfected the art of appearing to enjoy her meal without actually eating much.

       During one visit to the Pacific islands of Tonga, a specially-prepared dinner was arranged in a hut made of wood and bamboo leaves. Deep holes were dug in the ground, filled with hot stones and baby pigs, and the pigs were slowly baked over several days. The Queen looked uneasily at her plate when she discovered a whole roast pig was her serving.

       Then she became uneasy when a turkey, some meat, bananas and an apple were also carried in for each guest. So she depended on her old favorite trick of talking with her host., King Tupou IV, carrying on a warm conversation. At the same time she pushed her food around her plate and only ate a piece of turkey and some fruit.

       Reporters traveling with her have noted that the Queen will sometimes seem so carried away by a foreign leader’s political chat that she simply never has time to finish a meal before it is time to get up and make her speech. She will lift her fork to swallow a mouthful, then put it down again to make another point, leaving almost all of her meal untouched.


68. The main idea of the passage is about ____.

       A. the Queen’s favorite food

       B. the Queen’s tours abroad

       C. how the Queen keeps her diet during her tours

       D. the Queen’s trouble with a foreign leader

69. The Queen talked with her host and carried on conversation with him. The purpose of doing this is ____.

       A. to show her politeness

       B. not to eat much 

       C. to show her great interest in food

       D. to hide her dislike to the food

70. We can infer from the passage that tours are difficult for the Queen, because ____.

       A. she has to meet with so many important leaders

       B. she has to eat much oily food

       C. she has so many reporters to travel with her

       D. hosts always present wonderful state banquets

71. What probably is the Queen’s art of acting at state dinners?

       A. Appearing to enjoy her meal without actually eating much.

       B. Drinking Malvern water.

       C. Eating a piece of turkey and some fruit.

       D. Eating much without being noticed.

Angelina Jolie says she has a really wonderful time with her partner Brad Pitt, who is an American actor and film producer — and that's why they're still together!  

Jolie __16__ six children with the actor. She was __17__ by America's Parade magazine if their children are the __18__ she and Brad stay together.

“The children certainly tie us together, but a relationship won't __19__ if it's only about the kids,” Jolie replied. “You also must be really interested in each other and have a really, really wonderful, __20__ time together. We do. Brad and I __21__ being together. We enjoy it. We need it, and we __22__ find that special time. We keep connected. We talk about it. It's very __23__ to our family. If Brad and I are strong and happy, then our kids have happy __24__ and that's the best thing we can give them. Brad knows me completely,  __25__ as I am, every part of me. He loves me. The kids love me. Hopefully I'm giving my children the __26__ that they are deeply loved and deeply safe. At the same time we are hopefully __27__ their individuality (个性) as they get to know who they are, and not getting in the way of that. That's why they are six very strong individuals.”

The Oscar­winning star showed __28__ of helping her children develop their individuality is __29__ them to develop their own identities (自我认同感), __30__ she admitted that she can't __31__  the recent controversy (争论) with Brad when she agreed that her daughter Shiloh could cut her hair short and  __32__  like a boy. For example, she usually wears a jacket instead of a skirt.

Angelina added to __33__, “She wants her hair cut like a boy and she wants to be __34__ John for a while. Some kids wear caps and want to be Superman and she wants to be like her __35__.”

16.A. finds            B.teaches                 C.raises                    D.hires

17.A. written            B.reported                       C.stopped                 D.asked

18.A. reason             B.intention               C.purpose                 D.result

19.A. break                B.hold                     C.lose                      D.happen

20.A. boring             B.disappointing  C.exciting                 D.surprising

21.A. love                 B.avoid                     C.hate                      D.consider

22.A. never               B.seldom                  C.always                  D.sometimes

23.A. easy                       B.different                C.far                        D.important

24.A. parents            B.classmates             C.relatives                D.neighbors

25.A. mostly             B.only                      C.exactly                  D.simply

26.A. knowledge       B.sense                    C.sight                     D.view

27.A. changing          B.forming                 C.encouraging           D.destroying

28.A. little          B.none                     C.all                        D.part

29.A. forcing            B.allowing                C.warning                       D.refusing

30.A. and                 B.though                  C.because                 D.but

31.A. remember         B.explain                  C.realize                   D.understand

32.A. walk                 B.dress                     C.eat                        D.think

33.A. doctors            B.players                  C.readers                  D.reporters

34.A. mistaken          B.called                     C.recognized           D.made

35.A. brothers           B.sisters                    C.uncles                 D.aunts

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