
  A look at the presidency

  The President of the United States has one of the toughest jobs in the world. Hardly anyone else is watched so closely by so many people. Reporters follow the President relentlessly, eager for his opinion on everything from nuclear warheads to the outcome of the Super Bowl. The President must be careful at all times that his answers to reporters' questions reflect his policies. In addition, wherever the President may go, he never for a moment escapes the responsibilities of his office. The evening news may show him on a working vacation, but the word is always with him.

  Then why have so many people wanted to be President? One reason may be that the Presidency is also one of the most powerful jobs in the world. As President John F. Kennedy said, “All the needs and aspirations of all parts of the country, all departments of government, all nations of the world” are focused on him.

  Who Can Be President?

  The job seems to demand a person of outstanding ability, so you might think the U.S. Constitution would contain a long list of job qualifications. However, it lists only three. Article Ⅱ, Section 1 of the Constitution states that the President must

  1.be a natural-born citizen of the United States;

  2.be at least 35 years old;

  3.have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.

  Though the qualifications for Vice President are not stated in the constitution, they are the same as the qualifications for President, since the Vice President might have to replace the President.

  While the Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency, the voters certainly consider many others. Among these are intelligence, good health, experience in government, ability to lead others, knowledge of national and world affairs, personality, ability to speak well, and persuasiveness.

Question for discussion

According to the Constitution, the President can be either a man or a woman. So far, however, no woman has become President. What reasons can you give to explain this? Do you think a woman will be President in the future? Why or why not?

A jobless man applied for the position of “office boy” at a big company. The manager   36  him, and then gave him a test—to clean the floor.
“You are hired,” the manager said, “give me your   37  address, and I will send you the application form to fill in.” The man replied, “I don’t have a computer,  38    an email address.”
   “I’m sorry,” said the manager. “If you don’t have an email address, you don’t   39  . And who don’t exist can’t have the   40  .” The man left with no hope  41  , and only $10 in his pocket.
He then decided to go to the supermarket and  42   10 kilograms of tomatoes. He then sold the tomatoes  43 . In less than two hours, he doubled his money. He 44   the operation three times, and returned home with $ 60. The man  45  that he could make a living in this way, and started to go out   46   every day, and return late. Shortly after, he bought a truck, and then some other vehicles to  47  his goods.
Five years later, the man was one of the biggest   48   retailers (零售商) in the U.S. He started to _49  his family’s future, and decided to take out a life insurance.
He called an insurance broker (经纪人), and   50   a protection plan. When the conversation was finished, the broker  51 him for his email address. The man replied, “I don’t have an email address.” The broker responded  52 , “You don’t have an email address, 53   you have built an empire. Can you  54   what you could have been if you had an email?”  
The man thought for a while, and replied,” A(n)   55  boy!”
36. A. watched           B. invited             C. met                       D. interviewed
37. A. school                B. email                      C. family                     D. home
38. A. or                    B. either             C. so                         D. and
39. A. work                  B. fit                        C. employ                    D. exist
40. A. salary                 B. form                 C. job                          D. future
41. A. in all                B. at all                 C. after all                    D. above all
42. A. trade                  B. make                C.    order                     D. buy
43. A. face to face         B. little by little     C. door to door             D. day by day
44. A. performed           B. acted                 C. used                         D. repeated
45. A. realized                     B. doubted             C. expected                   D. agreed
46. A. early                  B. simply                     C. quickly                    D. immediately
47. A. present               B. transport           C. demand                   D. combine
48. A. drink                  B. cloth                 C. food                        D. car
49. A. imagine                     B. plan                  C. develop                    D. worry
50. A. chose                  B. designed            C. suggested                 D. studied
51. A. told                    B. asked                C. showed                    D. registered
52. A. curiously            B. excitedly           C.    calmly                   D. kindly
53. A. unless                 B. since                 C. but                          D. although
54. A. wish                   B. advise               C. stop                         D. imagine
55. A. delivery                     B.    city                C. office                       D. paper

Women might have a higher position at work, but at home their careers tend to give way to their husband’s job, with women most likely to quit when both are working long hours, according to a U.S.study.
Researcher Youngjoo Cha, from Cornell University, found that working women with a husband who worked 50 hours or more a week found themselves still doing most of the housework and the care giving and were more likely to end up quitting their jobs.
An analysis of 8,484 professional workers and 17,648 nonprofessionals from dual-earner (双职工) families showed that if women had a husband who worked 60 hours or more per week it increased the woman’s possibility of quitting her paid job by 42 percent.Cha said the possibility of quitting increased to 51 percent for professional women whose husbands work 60 hours or more per week, and for professional mothers the possibility they would quit their jobs jumped 112 percent.
However, it did not significantly affect a man’s possibility of quitting his job if his wife worked 60 hours or more per week, according to the study published in the American Sociological Review in April.For professional men, both parents and non-parents, the effects of a wife working long hours were negligible, according to the study.
“As long work-hours introduce conflict between work and family into many dual-earner families, couples often solve conflict in ways that prioritize husbands’ careers,” Cha, who used data from the U.S.Census Bureau, said in a statement.“This effect is magnified (突出) among workers in professional and managing occupations, where the criterion of overwork and the culture of looking after children tend to be strongest.The findings suggest that the popularity of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a traditional family pattern — breadwinning men and homemaking women.”
66.According to the text, we know that ______.
A.men prefer work long hours   B.women prefer to work outside
C.men’s careers are unimportant    D.women are more likely to quit jobs
67.The underlined word “negligible” in Paragraph 4 most probably means ______.
A.unimportant  B.limited            C.different      D.obvious
68.Which statement is true according to the text?
A.When there’s conflict between work and family, a husband will give up his work.
B.Women may still do most of the housework and care for babies or children.
C.Professional women are more likely to quit the job than professional mothers.
D.A man’s chance of quitting jobs was influenced if his wife works long hours.
69.We can infer from the last sentence that ______.
A.all the workers pay more attention to looking after children
B.overwork may have no influence on dual-earner couples
C.traditionally, men usually worked to support the family
D.most dual-earner couples will return to a traditional family pattern
70.In which column of China Daily can you find this passage?
A.Health      B.Life       C.Sport    D.Entertainment

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