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My swimming experience is extreme interesting. There was 1£®_________
a time when I swam as a rock. This went on until one day 2£®_________
when I was fishing with a friend at nearby pool. 3£®_________
I fall into it. If my friend had not come to my rescue, 4£®_________
I would have been drowned£®Ever since then, I have come 5£®_________
to know the important of learning to swim. I didn't 6£®_________
attend to any training class but learned it on my own. Strange 7£®_________
to say, I have no difficulty swim at all now. Though my 8£®_________
self-invent styles look awkward£¨±¿×¾µÄ£©, at least they can 9£®_________
keep my floating£®Thinking of this, I am more than satisfied£® 10£®_________
1£®extreme¡ªextremely 2£®as¡ªlike
3£®ÔÚnearbyÇ°¼Óa 4£®fall¡ªfell
5£®ÕýÈ· 6£®important¡ªimportance
7£®È¥µôto 8£®swim¡ªswimming
9£®self-invent¡ªself-invented 10£®my¡ªme