

At the end of a party,he invited her to have coffee with him.In a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, and she felt uncomfortable,thinking, “Please let me go home.’’

Suddenly he asked the  36 ,“Would you please give me some 37 ? I'd like to put it in my coffee.’’

Everybody stared at him—so 38! His face turned red,but when the waiter brought some salt for him, he still put it in his coffee and drank it.

She asked him 39,“Why do you have this hobby(嗜好)?”

He 40,“When I was a little boy,I was living 41 the sea.I liked playing in the sea,and I could 42 the taste of the sea,just like the taste of the salty coffee.Now every time I have the salty coffee,I always think of my 43.I miss my hometown and my parents so much.’’  

 She was 44 touched(感动)! A man who can tell out his homesickness must be a man who loves home,45 about home,and has responsibility for home.

 They continued to date(约会)… Then they got married. And,every time she 46 coffee for him,she put some salt in the coffee.

 After 40 years,he died,leaving her a 47 which said,“My dearest,please forgive(宽恕) my whole life lie.This was the 48 lie I told to you— the salty coffee.

 “Remember the 49 we dated? I was so nervous at that time.Actually I wanted some sugar,but I said “salt” instead.It was hard for me to correct the mistake,so I just went 50.

 “I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life,51 I was too afraid to do that,as I have promised not to lie to you for 52.

 “Now I'm 53,I'm afraid of nothing ,so I tell you the truth:I 54 the salty coffee.What a strange bad taste! But I have had the salty coffee in my whole life!…”

 Her tears made the letter totally wet.

 Someday,someone asked her,“What’s the taste of salty coffee?” “It’s 55!” she replied.

 36.A.friend          B.manager      C.waiter         D.customer

 37.A.sugar         B.salt         C.water          D.tea

 38.A.smart         B.strange            C.serious         D.important

 39.A.curiously      B.patiently    C.bravely       D.happily

 40.A.wrote         B.added             C.agreed         D.replied

41.A.in             B.over         C.near         D.above

42.A.consider       B.feel          C.observe      D.compare

43.A.childhood      B.teachers      C.friends        D.future

 44.A.hardly          B.nearly           C.possibly      D.deeply

 45.A.thinks       B.talks         C.cares        D.comes

 46.A.made               B.drank              C.finished      D.bought

 47.A.telephone      B.word        C.notice          D.letter

 48.A.only          B.first          C.last           D.best

 49.A.last time       B.first time     C.second time  D.many times

 50.A.away               B.off          C.ahead         D.around

 51.A.and           B.so             C.or                 D.but

 52.A.anything        B.nothing       C.somebody     D.anybody

 53.A.dead                B.married      C.dying          D.boring

 54.A.like           B.hate         C.remember    D.forget

 55.A.terrible        B.strange         C.delicious      D.sweet

Agence Rrance-Presse--- French doctors this week carried out the world’s first operation on a human in zero gravity, using a specially adapted aircraft to create conditions in space.

During a three-hour flight from Bordeaux in southwest France, the team of surgeons and anesthetists (麻醉师) successfully removed a benign tumor (良性瘤) from the forearm of a 46-year-old volunteer. The experiment was part of a program backed by the European Space Agency to develop techniques for performing robotic surgery aboard the International Space Station or at a future Moon base.

“Now we know that a human being can be operated on in space without too many difficulties,” says the team leader Dr. Dominique Martin.

Under normal ground conditions, the operation would be performed under a local anesthetic. Without gravity, the surgeon’s work is harder and the patient’s body reacts differently. Blood doesn’t pump in the same way.

The custom-designed Airbus 300 aircraft performed a series of parabolic swoops (抛物线飞行), each creating between 20 seconds of weightlessness. The process was repeated 32 times.

Fixed inside a custom-made operating block, three surgeons and two anesthetists worked during these periods, with their instruments held in place with magnets around the patient’s bed. The next part of the program is to carry out a remote-controlled operation using a robot controlled from the ground by satellite. This experiment should take place within a year, Martin says.

Anesthetist Dr. Laurent de Coninek says that zero-gravity surgery offers huge promise for space exploration, although it would at first be limited to treating simple injuries. Today more than 400 people have already traveled into space. The chances of injuries occurring during missions will become even greater and to bring a wounded person back to the earth for treatment is both risky for them and expensive.

1. What would be the best title for the test?

   A. A Special Operation for Doctors            B. First Operation on the Moon

   C. World’s First Operation in Zero Gravity       D. An Important Experiment for Doctors

2. What’s the purpose of the operation?

   A. To have an experiment on space operation. B. To cure the patient.

   C. To do it at the request of the patient.       D. To reduce the danger of operation on earth.

3. It is difficult for doctors to do operations in space because________________.

A. the patient’s illness will be more serious            B. the patient has no feeling about pain

C. the patient’s body reacts differently                D. the patient’s flood will stop flowing

4. The last paragraph mainly wants to tell readers________________.

A. there are many people injured in space    B. it is necessary to do the experiment

   C. it is risky to travel in space               D. there is no need to bring patients in space to the earth

     Today when a man steps onto the moon, or something new and important happens, the world learns about it immediately. What did the newspapers say about that first flight in 1903? Strangely enough, they said hardly anything about it at all. There were only a few reports about it in the papers. These reports said very little. Some of the things they said were not even correct. In 1904 the Rights built a second machine. They called it “Flyer No. Two”. They invited some reporters to a field near Dayton to watch them fly. Unfortunately there was some mechanical trouble with the plane and it did not fly at all that day. The newspapermen went away. They were disappointed and did not come back. The Rights went on with their work. In 1905 they built an even better machine, “Flyer No. Three”. They were able to stay up in the air for half an hour and more in this machine. They were ale to turn and climb in the air. Farmers, travelers on the roads around Dayton often saw them flying. But when these people told newspapermen about it, they refused to believe them.

     The Rights offered “Flyer No.Three” to the United States Government. The Government was not interested. They seemed to think the Rights wanted money in order to build an airplane. They did not understand the Rights had already done this, and flown it as well. Experts were still saying that mechanical flight was impossible. At the end of 1905, the two brothers took their plane to pieces. The parts were put into a huge wooden case. It seemed nobody was interested.

1. What does the beginning sentence of the passage suggest?

A. The speed of information spreading today makes it possible to learn the world quickly.

B. People of today are only concerned with space exploration.

C. Reporters of today cover important events in a different way.

D. People in the past didn’t care about the outside world.

2. What can we know about “Flyer No.Three”?

A. The Rights had such a successful flight that it aroused the government’s interest.

B. The Rights were able to fly it for half an hour and even turn and climb in the air.

C. There was something wrong with the craft and it did not fly at all that day.

D. The Rights took the plane to pieces and put it into a wooden case immediately after the flight.

3. When the Rights offered “Flyer No.Three” to the United States Government, the Government_______.

A. decided to build an airport for the brothers

B. showed great interest in the machine

C. didn’t believe in the possibility of the flight

D. asked the brothers to put the machine in a wooden case

4. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A. There were only a few reports about the first successful flight in the papers.

B. Some reporters were invited to watch the second flight experiment.

C. Many people witnessed the successful flight but the newspapermen refused to believe them/

D. Before 1903 no one had ever stepped on the moon.



At the end of my senior year of high school, I got a job working at a local coffee shop. I thought the job would be easy and stress-free. I   21   myself pouring the best coffees, making delicious doughnut (炸面包圈), and becoming friends with   22   customers.

          But I wasn't   23    the people with enormous orders, the women who   24  that the coffee was much too creamy (全乳脂的), or the men who wanted their iced coffees   25  again and again until they reached perfection. I couldn't seem to  __26__ anyone.

          One rainy day, one of my regular customers came in looking  27  . He said he felt like getting in bed, pulling the   28  up over his head, and staying there for a few years. I knew exactly how he felt.

         29   he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee. He was   30 _, since he hadn’t ordered anything but coffee, I had given him his favorite type of doughnut.

“It’s   31  me,” I told him. “have a nice day.”  

He smiled and thanked me before heading back out into the  32  .

The next day, it was still raining. I   33  my afternoon hanging out the window, handing people their  34  . I was completely wet and freezing cold.   35  , no one was tipping that day. Every time I looked into our  36   tip jar, I grew more depressed.

In the evening, the customer from the day before drove up to the window. He handed me a pink rose and a  37 .He said that not many people took time to  38  others and he was glad there were still people like me in the world.With a friendly wave, he drove away.I ran to the back of the shop and read the note.It read:


         Thanks for being so sweet, kind and thoughtful yesterday.It's so nice to meet someone who’s genuinely (真诚地) nice.Please don ' t change your   39  ! Have a great day !——Hank

         After that, whenever I felt depressed or sick of coffee, I thought of Hank and his kindness.Then I would smile, hold my head up high,   40  my throat and ask politely, "How can I help you?"   

21.A.believed           B.supposed          C.pictured                 D.hoped

22.A.particular            B.regular                C.special                 D.common

23.A.thinking              B.expecting           C.guessing               D.considering

24.A.complained       B.praised              C.doubted                 D.explained

25.A.repeated              B.remade              C.recovered              D.returned

26.A.fit                       B.please                 C.suit                       D.meet

27.A.satisfied             B.anxious              C.upset                    D.happy

28.A.hat                    B.sheet                C.coat                        D.pillow

29.A.Before            B.While                 C.Until                    D.After

30.A.embarrassed     B.angry                  C.surprised                 D.glad

31.A.on                 B.after                  C.for                         D.in

32.A.crowd               B.street                 C.shop                       D.rain

33.A.spent                  B.wasted              C.cost                       D.took

34.A.doughnuts       B.coffees               C.orders                     D.bags

35.A.Better            B.Later                C.Further                    D.Worse

36.A.old                B.full                 C.broken                   D.empty

37.A.letter             B.gift                C.note                        D.bill

38.A.talk about       B.care about           C.hear about             D.know about

39.A.way                B.product              C.mind                     D.job

40.A.cut                B.force                    C.raise                        D.clear

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