
Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room? In 2040 it will not matter. They will turn themselves off—and on again when you return. You will choose the temperature for each room, the lighting and the humidity. A sensor will find the presence of a human (and, with luck, ignore the dog!) and turn the systems on, and when the humans leave it will turn them off again.
The sensors will work through the central home computer, and they will do much more than just turn the fires and lights on and off for you. They will find faulty electrical appliances, plugs or switches, separate them so that they cannot harm anyone, and then warn you that they need repair. They will detect(发现) fire and if you are out of the house, the computer will call the fire brigade. It will not be too difficult because the locks on the outside doors will be electronic. You will open them using your personal card—the one you use for shopping—maybe using a number known only to you.
It will be impossible to lose the key, and a housebreaker will have to tamper(拨弄) with the lock or with a window. It is not very difficult to make such tampering send a signal to the computer.
The computer will be more than a fireman-policeman-servant. It will be an entertainer, and most of your entertainment will come right into your home. It does now, of course, but by 2040 “entertainment” will mean much more. For one thing, you will be able to take part actively, rather than just watching.
46.   The author intends to tell us that _____.
A. in 2040 we will live without lights and heaters
B. in 2040 we will use much more lights and heaters
C. in 2040 there will be no switches of lights and heaters
D. in 2040 lights and heaters will be on and off automatically
47.   Which of the following statements is NOT true?
The sensor is multi-functional.
Without a computer, the sensor cannot do much.
The sensor will detect fire and make an emergency call.
You can be taken for a housebreaker if you tamper with the lock or with a window.
48.   According to the author, in 2040, new technology _____.
A. will free us from the keys we use today
B. will turn everything into sensors
C. will make the locks out of date
D. will get rid of all crimes
49.   Thanks to computers, in 2040 people _____.
A. will have no entertainment outside
B. will replace TV with computers
C. will be controlled by computers
D. will have more fun at home
50.   The best title for the passage might be _____.
A. Sensors and Computers
B. Life at Home in the Year 2040
C. The Development of Science and Technology
D. Lights and Heaters in the Year 2040

Teaching my first child, Danae, to share her toys was the biggest challenge. To   36  this, we started inviting other children to play, which could help Danae discover that it’s   37  to share with others – a lesson I needed to   38  myself as well, as it   39 .
One evening Danac had   40 a friend, Natalie, to play with her. Their favorite was a children’s   41  game called Go Fish. That evening,   42  Natalie left, Danae came to me and said, “Mommy, I’d like to give these to Natalie tomorrow. They’re her favorites.”
She help up three cards from the Go Fish game. I tried to   43  that I didn’t want her to give them away because then our   44  wouldn’t be complete. “But I really want her to have them!” Danae   45 . I thought perhaps she didn’t understand that when she gave something away, it was gone   46 . So I tried again, saying, “  47  you give the cards to her, you can’t   48 them back tomorrow.”
A look of   49  came over Danae’s face. For a moment I was happy that she seemed to   50 . But then she smiled and said. “Well, that’s okay, I want her to have them anyway.”
What could I say to that? I sat   51  for a moment and then I realized I had been trying for so long to   52  her to share. Did it   53  that our Go Fish set would be   54 ? What mattered was that my daughter was learning the   55  of giving, that she was thinking about others instead of herself, and that she was trying to make her friends happy. Isn’t that what life is all about?
A.turned upB.turned awayC.turned toD.turned out
A.ask forB.call forC.look forD.care of

It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the least important positions.21 of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility placed upon them at the very  22  of their career.They were  23 to the broom(扫帚), spending the first hours of their business lives   24 the office.
And here is the basic  25 of success, the great secret:  26  your energy, thought, and capital (资本) wholly on the business in which you are  27 .Having begun in one line, determine to fight it out on that  28 , to lead in it, adopt every  29  , have the best machinery, and know the most about it.
The companies which fail are those which have 30 their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains  31  .They have investments in this, or that, or  32 , here, there, and everywhere.“Don't put all your eggs in one basket” is all  33 , I tell you.“Put all your eggs in one basket, and then  34  that basket”.Look round you and take  35 ; men who do that do not often fail.It is easy to watch and carry the one basket.It is trying to carry too many baskets  36 breaks most eggs in this country.He who  37  three baskets must put one on his  38  , which is likely to fall down.One  39 of the American businessman is lack of concentration.
Remember: put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket. 40 Emerson says, "no one can cheat you out of final success but yourselves."
21.A.None         B.Few              C.All          D.Many
22.A.beginning      B.end           C.point           D.promotion
23.A.ordered       B.promoted           C.introduced            D.stated
24.A.sweeping out   B.taking out      C.bringing out       D.picking out
25.A.inspiration     B.condition            C.plan              D.case
26.A.concentrate    B.devote             C.apply       D.bury
27.A.charged        B.engaged            C.prepared     D.done
28.A.position      B.career           C.row          D.line
29.A.improvement   B.chance           C.learning     D.rise
30.A.gathered     B.forbidden          C.got          D.scattered
31.A.also          B.either           C.neither        D.yet
32.A.one            B.the other         C.others       D.the others
33.A.apparent      B.clear            C.wrong       D.perfect
34.A.notice       B.observe            C.stare         D.watch
35.A.notice        B.comment         C.interest       D.concentration
36.A.what          B.that               C.whoever      D.whichever
37.A.brings         B.takes              C.carries       D.owns
38.A.mind         B.brain              C.head         D.hand
39.A.fault          B.advantage          C.pattern       D.model
40.A.When         B.While               C.Which       D.As

Part two: Cloze (20 items, 20 pts.)
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to find one more person in our world who is kind and caring. It was about 11:00 p.m.   21   my telephone rang. The caller ID showed the number of a Best Western Hotel.   22  , I would ignore this type of call. For some reason,   23  , I went ahead and answered.
The man on the other end asked if I knew Samual K. I   24  , as he is my 91 – year – old grandfather. Still not   25   why I was the one that had been called, the caller went on to tell me that I was the only   26   listed in the phone book. He said his name was Mason and that he was the   27   at the Best Western Hotel. The   28   was that grandpa had no money with him, and that he couldn’t   29   any phone numbers, so Mason called all over the state trying to get help.
Grandpa told me that he just wanted me to tell Mason that he is a (n)   30   guy and would pay the money once he got home. But the man  in charge there was  31   because my grandfather seemed to be   32  . He had been going somewhere else when he got on the wrong bus and   33   100 miles from home.
Not wanting to turn him away and not wanting the police to   34   him to the police station, Mason,   35   any normal duty, not only took the time to   36   me, but also charged just $ 39 so that grandpa could   37   safely and comfortably overnight. (The rooms normally rent for about $ 140!) Besides, he had the staff of that hotel all   38   him until my uncle was able to drive the 100 miles to pick him up!
So, it’s just one more piece of   39   that proves that there are still good people out there; wherever you go, there is always one who   40  .
21.A.while       B.when C.after        D.before
22.A.Obviously B.Personally C.Actually   D.Generally
23.A.however   B.besides     C.otherwise  D.therefore
24.A.was   B.did    C.had   D.would
25.A.admitting  B.accepting  C.understanding   D.recognizing
26.A.neighbor   B.relative     C.colleague  D.friend
27.A.manager   B.waiter       C.leader       D.guest
28.A.disadvantage    B.question    C.problem    D.pity
29.A.write B.remember C.repeat       D.keep
30.A.easy – going    B.generous   C.forgettable       D.okay
31.A.concerned B.disappointed     C.convinced D.surprised
32.A.hurt  B.moved      C.annoyed    D.lost
33.A.went up    B.added up   C.ended up   D.sent up
34.A.take  B.bring C.invite       D.carry
35.A.except      B.against      C.beyond     D.from
36.A.contact     B.persuade   C.warn D.approach
37.A.leave B.live   C.adapt D.stay
38.A.look for    B.watch over       C.care about D.adjust to
39.A.news B.information      C.advice      D.evidence
40.A.minds       B.cares C.sees   D.matters
Do you want to have a mobile phone? Have you had a mobile phone already? Nowadays more and more students have their own mobile phones, and mobile phone use has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in China have banned students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.
Mobile phone use among children has become a big problem for the school this year. Some children have got mobile phones as birthday gifts, and more students want them.
Wang Pi, an official, said, “Mobile phone use is a distraction (分散注意力的东西) to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms.” Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.
Wang Pialso said some schools had tried to ban mobile phones, but some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t get in touch with their children.
Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if their was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school offices. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school. They were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies.
Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.
小题1:Some middle schools have banned students from carrying mobile phones         .
A.because they are studentsB.because they don’t earn money
C.when they are at schoolD.when they are free
小题2:Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t        during school hours.
A.help the teachers with their workB.leave their mobile phones at school offices
C.use their mobile phonesD.get in touch with their children
小题3:The three underlined words “they” in Para. 5 refer to       .
A.teachers; students; mobile phonesB.teachers; mobile phones; students
C.students; teachers; mobile phonesD.students; mobile phones; teachers
小题4:The passage tells us that         .
A.it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at school
B.some parents felt unhappy because they couldn’t use their phones at school
C.students shouldn’t have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons
D.parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours

If you are human, you can’t help but experience times when everything seems to be going wrong and you feel as if your life is completely out of control. It is during those “down times” that words of encouragement from family, friends, co-workers or even strangers can lighten your spirits. It is also during those times that destructive words can sink you deeper and deeper into depression.
For example, consider this story about a group of frogs who were traveling through the woods when two of them fell into a deep pit (坑). All of the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two unfortunate frogs they would never get out.
The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump out of the pit. The other frogs kept telling them to stop. Finally, one of the frogs took heed of what the other frogs were saying and simply gave up. He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again the crowd of frogs shouted at him to stop the pain. The more they shouted, the harder he jumped and finally he made it to safety.
When he got out, the other frogs asked him why he continued to jump when they were all shouting at him to simply quit. The frog explained to them that he was a little bit deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
Every time you have a chance to say either something positive or negative to another human being, do choose the chance to say something positive! Don’t let those opportunities get away from you. Your words have a large amount of power. Use them wisely. You really never know just how much they can mean to someone else.
68. The first paragraph tells us that words play an important part especially when         .
A. we stay with our family, friends and co-workers
B. we hear strangers say something to us
C. we get through hard times in life
D. we make some big mistakes
69. The underlined phrase “took heed of ” had the similar meaning with “     ”.
A. acted according to            B. had some doubt
C. held on to                   D. got used to
70. The more they shouted, the harder he jumped and finally he made it to safety. That’s because        .
A. he struggled to prove that they were wrong  
B. he thought they were encouraging him
C. he was angry with what they said              
D. he didn’t want to let them down
71. After reading the passage, readers should learn a lesson that        .
A. we can use encouraging words to help others out 
B. having a positive attitude is important in life
C. never give up until we win   D. we must believe in ourselves rather than others

Romantic comedies have long been regarded as the perfect movie for a first date. But according to a study, romantic comedies such as Bridget Jones's Diary and Notting Hill could be bad for your love life.
Rather than being harmless entertainment, 'rom-coms' give people unrealistic and potentially unhealthy expectations about real-life relationships, scientists say.
Researchers found that those who watched romantic comedies were more likely to believe in predestined love (缘份) than those who preferred other kinds of movie.
They were also more likely to believe that perfect relationships happen instantly, and were less likely to believe that couples need to work at relationships.
Watching just one romantic comedy is enough to sway people's attitudes to romantic love, they found.
Dr Bjarne Holmes, who led the research, said: "We are not killing joys -- we are not saying that people shouldn't watch these movies. But we are saying that it would be helpful if people were more aware and more critical of the messages in these films. The problem is that while most of us know that the idea of a perfect relationship is unrealistic, some of us are still more influenced than we realize."
For the first part of the study, Dr Holmes and colleagues at the Family and Personal Relationships Laboratory at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, studied 40 box office hits from 1995 to 2005.
Most of those comedies described couples falling instantly in love and promoted the idea of fate --the belief that there is just one perfect companion out there, they found.
"There's a belief of destiny and couples in romantic comedies immediately understand each other," said Dr Holmes. "If you think that's how things are, you are setting yourself up to be disappointed."
In a second study, Dr Holmes asked around 100 student volunteers to watch Serendipity -- the 2001 romantic comedy starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack, while 100 watched a David Lynch drama.
In a questionnaire after the film ended, students watching the rom-com were far more likely to believe in fate and destiny than those who had watched the 'straight' film.
72. According to the passage if you are fond of watching romantic comedies, you ____.
A. are more likely to believe in future love
B. must be influenced by films
C. may expect a perfect relationship in your love life
D. may fall instantly in love with one of your classmates
73. The underlined word "destiny" most probably means __     .
A. fate             B. love            C. beauty          D. romance
74. The purpose of Dr Bjame Hohnes' research is __     .
A. to promote the idea of fate
B. to ask us to keep away from romantic comedies
C. to show how romantic comedies have influence on our life
D. to remind us of the negative effect of watching romantic comedies
75. It is implied in the passage that        .
A. watching comedies is harmful to a stable marriage
B. it is necessary for couples to work at their relationship
C. couples falling instantly in love end up with an unhappy marriage
D. we should watch more 'straight' films instead of romantic comedies

Need more evidence that London is a serious coffee town? Mr. Davies is actually England’s third consecutive world barista champion. The first was James Hoffmann, who started Square Mile Coffee Roasters squaremilecoffee.com) in 2008 .It’s a small operation, recently relocated to an arched vault under some train tracks in East London.
Today, Square Mile’s black bags of beans have become shorthand for quality. They supply beans to Moon Bar (3 Bateman Street; 44-20-7287-4796), just opened by the same team behind Flat White (17 Berwick Street; 44-20-7734-0370; flat-white.co.uk).
Though it’s recently been co-opted(增加的) by chain stores, the “flat white” is also a symbol of serious coffee: it’s basically a cappuccino-size style— flat and white — a style imported from Australia (some say New Zealand) when a wave of baristas emigrated from those countries. (Australians and New Zealanders are to espresso what Russians are to chess: they’re just better at it.)
Still, independent stores continue to appear in all corners of the city. Last year, the Espresso Room (31 Great Ormond Street; 44-20-7932-137-380; theespressoroom.com) opened in a truly tiny storefront. Yet the owner Ben Townsend manages to fit a Marzocco espresso machine, some benches and a case with pastries.
And farther north in Islington, a bar called Tina, We Salute You (47 King Henry’s Walk; 44-20-3119-0047; tinawesaluteyou.com) opened last February. (According to the owners, the name comes from a daily greeting they give to a cheesecake portrait of a curvy subject named Tina.)
45. How many bars are mentioned in the text?
A. 4        B. 5.       C. 6      D. 7
46. We can read in the passage that Square Mile Coffee Roasters is well-known for its________.
A. milk    B. chess   C. beans   D. fruit
47. According to the text, we know that________.
A.UK is home to the flat-white.
B. the flat-white is exported from Australia.
C. chess is popular in Russia.
D. you can find the flat-white only in the chain stores.
48. The writer wrote this passage in order to tell us________.
A. the meaning of   “flat white”.         B. London is famous for its history.
C. the number of coffee bars in London    D. London is famous for its coffee bar.

The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don’t come with an instruction manual(说明书). And each child is   36  . So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration(挫折),not   37  what to do. But in raising children—as in all of life—what we do is   38  by our culture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American   39 .   To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children  40   on their own two feet. From  41   , each child may get his or her own room. As children grow, they get more   42 to make their own choices.  43  choose their own forms of entertainment, as well as the friends to   44  them with. When they   45 young adulthood, they choose their own jobs and marriage   46  . Of course, many young adults still   47  their parents’ advice and approval for the choices they make. But once they “leave the   48 ” at around 18 to 21 years old, they want to be on their own, not “  49  to their mother’s apron strings (围裙带).   The relationship between parents and children in America is very informal. American parents try to  50 their children as individuals—not as extensions of themselves. They allow them to achieve their own  51  . Americans praise and encourage their children to give them the   52  to succeed. When children become adults, their relationship with their parents becomes more like a(an)   53 among equals. But   54  to popular belief, most adult Americans don’t make their parents pay for room and board when they come to   55  . Even as adult, they respect and honor their parents.
36. A. strange                         B. different                  C. new                        D. unlike
37. A. noticing                  B. remembering       C. knowing                  D. deciding
38. A. influenced             B. made                     C. controlled              D. changed
39. A. services                     B. standards             C. rules                   D. values
40. A. sit                               B. get                          C. stand                   D. rise
41. A. adulthood              B. girlhood            C. boyhood                  D. childhood
42. A. freedom                  B. space                   C. time                        D. money
43. A. Adults                   B. Teenagers            C. Americans                  D. Parents
44. A. help                    B. join                   C. share                   D. provide
45. A. gain                    B. pass                       C. become                   D. reach
46. A. wives                    B. partners                    C. husbands             D. couples
47. A. seek                          B. invite                    C. try                          D. choose
48. A. room                         B. house                         C. nest                         D. place
49. A. connected            B. held                         C. stuck                   D. tied 
50. A. serve                    B. treat                        C. describe                   D. recognize
51. A. jobs                          B. plans                   C. dreams                    D. hopes
52. A. dependence              B. trust                        C. belief                         D. confidence
53. A. friendship             B. companion             C. membership             D. association
54. A. known                    B. similar                    C. contrary                  D. due
55. A. travel                    B. visit                        C. see                          D. live

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