
      Art is everywhere — from the 18-month-old baby who spreads food all over some paper to famous artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Today,a new artist from Great Britain is making headlines with his glass art. This glass art,beautifiil as it may be,is a bit different.

      The sculptor,Luke Jerram,has spent years learning about deadly viruses such as HIV,smallpox,and the H1N1 virus. For over five years,he has studied these tiny killers and is now having them blown in glass. The response to this new art form has been amazing. Beautifully put in milky glass,the viruses shine like crystal(水晶) on mirrored surfaces.These good-looking viruses are actually the greatest killers in human history.

     Jerram became interested in the viruses after being introduced to these deadly subjects on TV and in a variety of magazine articles. His discovery path was interesting. He learned viruses are so small that even microscopes (显微镜) cannot make out all of their details. He noticed that if he made these viruses one million times bigger^eople could better appreciate them.

     Jerram wants people to see these little viruses and better understand the influence they have on human beings. For something so small to kill so many people each year is truly difficult to imagine,Jerram wants us to think about that. During his research,Jerram finds out that even scientists do not fully understand many aspects (方面) of viruses and how they work. He hopes we can find out the answers to many of these questions. He hopes his artwork will help people learn more about these enemies. More importantly,he hopes to inspire future scientists who may be the ones to find cures for these deadly viruses.

6. The author mentions “Art is everywhere” to show .

   A. art is easy to understand

   B. anything can be a work of art

   C. artists can be found everywhere

   D. artworks can be placed everywhere

7. What did Luke do with viruses?

   A. He kept them in crystal.

   B. He wrote articles about them.

   C. He made them useful to people.

   D. He shows people what they look like.

8. What made Luke interested in viruses?

   A. His personal experience.

   B. Artworks in the gallery.

   C. Knowledge of viruses.

   D. His scientific research.

9. What's the purpose of Luke's work?

   A. To show how beautiful viruses are.

   B. To describe diseases caused by viruses.

   C. To ask people to stay away from viruses.

   D. To help people better understand viruses.

10. What is the text mainly about?

   A. A new art form.

   B. A future scientist.

   C. Influence of viruses.

   D. Research on viruses.

6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. A

6. B.推理判断题。由第一段可知,18 个月大的孩子散落在纸上的食物可以 被看作是艺术品,艺术大师的作品当 然更是,一位艺术家因其玻璃艺术品 而受到热捧。由此可推断作者用Art is everywhere是为了说明,任何物品 都可以被制作成为艺术品。

7. D.推理判断题。根据第二段最后一 句中的 These good-looking viruses 第三段最后两句中的even microscopes cannot make out all of their details ... if he made these viruses one million times bigger 可推断,Luke 将病毒放大,使人们可以看到它们的 样子。

8. C.细节理解题。由第三段第一句 Jerram became interested in the viruses after being introduced to these deadly subjects on TV and in a variety of magazine articles 可知,Luke 对病毒的 兴趣源于看过的电视节目和杂志。

9. D.细节理解题。由第三段最后一句 中的 people could better aippreciate them和最后一段第一句中的better understand the influence they have on human beings以及最后一段倒数第二 句中的 will help people leam more about these*enemies 可知,Luke 的艺术 品可以让人们更好地了解病毒。

10. A.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了 一种新的艺术形式:“病毒”玻璃雕塑


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21. The “Tell-a-Friend” program encourages people to.

   A. take pleasure in reading with their friends

   B. help a friend form the habit of reading

   C. share the website with others

   D. read more but spend less

22. Who wrote the story about animals?

   A. Rob Elliott. 

    B. Giles Andreae.

   C. Dale Carnegie. 

    D. Robert Munsch.

23. Which book has a different kind of paper cover from the others?

   A. How to Win Friends & Influence People.

   B. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids.

   C. Giraffes Can’t Dance.

   D. Love You Forever.

    One day,a friend told me about his problem. He has been spending more time 41 lately — he goes to the mall every weekend,and once or twice in the week as well. The shop windows are really 42 for him and it's true that he 43 a few things when he is there. Besides,he can51 44 shopping during sales. His wife tells him they don't need all those things,  45 he thinks they are so cheap and good ... Now my friend's wife has decided to get his credit card cancelled. Life is getting for him!

    This sounds like a(n) 47 of compulsive(强迫性的) shopping,and hundreds,maybe thousands of people have the same 48. 1’m afraid there's no easy 49 ,although there are a number of methods we can suggest.

     One thing you could do is to try making a 50   before you go out. You won' t buy so many things if you think first about what you really 51 .

    Another good  52 would be to check your budget. How much can you 53 to spend? If you can't control your 54 ,don't take your credit card with you!For example,take £50 and say: UI can buy what I want,as long as it doesn’ t cost more

than £50.? 55,you can do this 56 once a week,or once a month!

     57,if you still can't control things,maybe you should just 58 going to the shops. There's a lot more to life than just shopping. Try not to spend your family's moirey,59 , spend time with them. Be sociable!60 a hobby,such as cycling or swimming,or going out with your friends. But let someone else dq the shopping.

41. A. working   B. learning   C. shopping   D. travelling

42. A. great   B. strong   C. strange   D. big

43. A. loses   B. buys   C. makes   D. returns

44. A. continue   B. try  C. remember   D. stop

45. A. so   B. but   C. and   D. or

46. A. fair   B. hard   C. normal   D. good

47. A. lesson   B. experience   C. way   D. example

48. A. problem   B. opinion   C. accident   D. approach

49. A. life   B. solution   C. promise   D. task

50. A. conversation   B. suggestion   C. start   D. list

51. A. need   B. agree   C. forget   D. expect ’

52. A. question   B. goal   C. reply   D. idea

53. A. afford   B. find   C. choose   D. borrow

54. A. time   B. money   C. power. D. patience

55. A. Luckily   B. Naturally   C. Frequently   D. Clearly

56. A: only   B. even   C. ever   D. also

57. A. Shortly   B. First   C. Lastly   D. Later

58. A. hate   B. avoid   C. keep   D. enjoy

59. A. instead   B. however    C. besides   D. then

60. A. Share   B. Show   C. Change   D. Develop

      All animals produce waste. We call it awaste/' but we all know it can be very useful. In some parts of the world,animal waste,or poop,is collected,dried,and burned for cooking and heating. 36

      The Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Center has an unusual way of using animal “waste." The center's 40 pandas produce about two tons of poop a day. This material is being turned into a new product called Panda Poop Paper. 37 After all,paper is made from plant fiber,which cannot be digested and simply goes through the body as waste.

     Since pandas eat nothing but bamboo,their “waste” is perfect paper material. 38 Their stomachs haven’t fully developed for their vegetarian diet,so their bodies make use of just 20% of what they eat. The other 80% comes out as poop: very high in fiber and perfect for paper. Once the poop is collected,it is cleaned with chemicals,crushed(碾碎) and put into frames (框架) to dry. 39. Because of its good quality as well as the worldwide popularity of the panda,gift products made from the paper sell well.

    40 They got the idea from the elephant dung(大象粪) paper made at the Elephant Conservation Center in Chiang Mai,Thailand. And Creative Paper Wales in the U.K. sells paper gifts made from sheep waste.

   A. It's not so strange!

   B. Where does the paper come from?

   C. What,s more,pandas have a special advantage.

   D. After these steps,it becomes very good,strong paper.

   E. But have you ever heard of paper that's made from poop?

   F. Farmers have been using animal and human waste for a long time.

   G. Surprisingly,the Chinese weren't the first to make paper from aftimal         waste.

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