
A young man was slapped in the face until he bled because he didn’t offer his seat to a woman with a baby on a bus in downtown Hangzhou. Later he was proved to be a disabled person.

In a series of cases nationwide, we see people being beaten for refusing to give up their seats on public transport, which seems to be a moral problem about correct behavior and self-sacrifice.

People with morals (who don’t give up their seats to deserving people) can be condemned, but they don’t deserve to be treated with violence because they offend moral values and not laws. In comparison, the attackers behave worse.

The attackers regard relying on violence as their only choice if people ignore their appeals to give up their seats. It seems they start a shout or a fight for the sake of justice, but can they still think of their personal intention when they call violence justice?

This “violent justice” can confuse many people and encourage them to do the same, especially when we are overpowered by illogical mood.

If cruel and rude acts are rooted in children’s hearts, society will never step into civilization. The practice violates common values, neither solving problems nor safeguarding civilized society.


1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点。

2. 以约120个词谈谈你对这一事件的看法,内容包括:

(1) 读完这则新闻,你有什么感受?

(2) 假如你是车上的一名乘客,你会怎样做?

(3) 就如何创建和谐社会提出你的建议。


1. 你可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不要抄袭阅读材料中的句子。

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。








The news is about a young disabled man who was slapped on a bus for not offering his seat to a woman with a baby, which leads to a debate about who is right and who is wrong.

I am so upset that in our society the woman with a baby should be so impolite. It was wrong of her to get her justice with violence, which really will do great harm to our society.

Today in our society,many other people would take it for granted that they should be offered a seat on the crowded bus, as the morality requires. However,if I were a passenger on the crowded bus,I would stand out to tell her that the young man is also in need of help because of his disability. So it is still a long way for us to build up a harmonious society. In my opinion, we should fight against the violent justice and try every means to avoid it from happening so as to solve such kind of problems and safeguard our civilized society.


试题分析:本书面表达是由“残疾人是否应该给孕妇让座”引出的话题。要点都给了出来。本文题型是考生非常熟悉的正反观点类的议论文,在平时的练习中也有相应的模板。审题时注 意本文使用一般现在时,人称以第三人称为主,发表个人意见时使用第一人称。本文的要点均已给出,考生需要使用合适的连接词把孤立的要点联系成文。如However, so, so as to, and,等。也要使用一些高级的词汇词组如 lead to, do harm to, take it for granted, in need of, build up等以提升文章的档次分。

【亮点说明】:本文中的高级结构还是较多的,如The news is about a young disabled man who was slapped on a bus for not offering his seat to a woman with a baby, which leads to a debate about who is right and who is wrong.中的定语从句。It was wrong of her to get her justice with violence, which really will do great harm to our society.此句运用定语从句。However,if I were a passenger on the crowded bus,I would stand out to tell her that the young man is also in need of help because of his disability.运用虚拟语气。




I finished my last evening shift of the week and could hardly wait to get home. I took off my nursing shoes, relaxed and then said goodnight to the rest of the girls and headed out of the door.

It was so cold and I could see the ice crystals in the air. As I approached my car, I saw one of my coworkers standing by the bus stop. I thought it would only take a couple of extra minutes to give her a ride home, and besides, it was too cold to be standing outside on the coldest night in January.

We chatted as I drove and before we knew it, we arrived at her house. As she headed up the steps to her door she turned around. “Do you know how to get to your house from here?” “How hard can it be? I’ll just backtrack the way I came.”

I started driving. Nothing looked familiar, but at first that didn’t bother me since I’d never been to this neighborhood before. I kept driving, and soon I sensed that something was wrong. I recognized nothing, not the neighborhoods, not even the street names. My husband would be worried about me. I looked down at my watch. It was now 2:30. I’d left work at 11:30 pm.

I stopped my car. I thought I’d better take stock of my situation. My gas gauge (汽油表) was slowly going down. In total defeat I put my head down on the steering wheel and asked for help. I lifted my head. I saw a shadow down the road in front of me. It was a car. What was a car doing in the middle of nowhere at 2:30 in the morning?

Hesitantly, I got out of my car and knocked on the window of the other car. An elderly man slowly rolled his window down.

I said, “I’m lost and don’t know how to get back into town.”

In silence, he started driving. I drove behind him.

Finally I recognized a familiar street. As I turned to head home, I lost sight of my guiding angel. When I pulled into my driveway the warning light for my gas tank turned on.

1.Why did the writer stop her car?

A. To consider and judge the situation.

B. To check whether there was gas.

C. To prevent the car breaking down.

D. To turn to somebody for help.

2.When the writer got home, _______.

A. she thanked the old man very much

B. her husband was waiting for her anxiously

C. the oil in her car was just going to run out

D. she was totally frozen on the cold night

3.What might be the suitable title for the passage?

A. Keep up and you will succeed at last.

B. Meeting a friendly old man in trouble.

C. Giving a ride to my coworker at night.

D. Losing my way on a cold winter night.


All it took was a slice of Xinjiang cake to spark heated debates online over China's policy on ethnic minorities (少数民族) .

Since Monday, qiegao (cut cake) has been a trending topic on Sina Weibo, China’s main Twitter-like microblogging service.

The cake was a reference to Xinjiang’s famed nut cake, sometimes known by its old Turkic name baklava, a popular pastry across Central Asia and the Middle East. In Xinjiang, they are sold by Uygur vendors on tricycles who are known to charge dubious prices depending on the time and season.

The ethnic flare-up started after the Yueyang police from Hunan province posted a message on their official Weibo account. It reported a dispute in Pingjiang county over an overpriced piece of nut cake between a Xinjiang Uygur vendor and a villager named "Ling".

Villager Ling got into a fight with a Uygur due to a misunderstanding. The verbal dispute eventually escalated into a fight and then a mass fight. As a result, two people were injured and Xinjiang nut cakes worth about 160,000 yuan (US$25,000) were destroyed. The total damage was worth 200,000 yuan which included a broken motorcycle and injuries to people. Local police have detained Ling. The 16 Uygur sellers were dully compensated and sent back to Xinjiang.

"Yueyang police incident" quickly became one of the most popular topics on Weibo. Yueyang police removed the post shortly after. As of Tuesday night, the topic was still amassing more than 66,000 hits. 

The incident is just one of many similar cases of ethnic tensions across China, notably in Xinjiang province, where deeply entrenched social and racial frictions between the dominant ethnic Han Chinese and minority Uygur Muslims occasionally spark violence. Many Uygurs living in major Chinese cities are viewed by locals as thieves, crooks and even terrorists.

1.Which of the following is true?

A. The dispute is between a Xinjiang Uygur vendor and a policeman.

B. Nut cake is a popular pastry across East Asia and the Middle East.

C. The prices of Baklava will change according to the time and season.

D. The demand of the 16 Uygur sellers were refused and they were sent back to Xinjiang.

2.How much did the broken motorcycle cost?

A. 160,000 yuan B. 200,000 yuan C. 40,000yuan D. We don’t know

3.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. World's most expensive baklava

B. Ethnic tensions across China

C. Pay attention to the Uygurs

D. Misunderstanding caused a fight

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Yueyang police are afraid of the Xinjiang Uygur vendor

B. It’s not the only ethnic tension across China,

C. Many Uygurs living in major Chinese cities are viewed by locals as thieves, crooks and even terrorists.

D. Villager Ling got into a fight with a Uygur due to a misunderstanding.


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