


My son. The phrase felt difficult and strange the first time I said it, and I had to practice it a thousand times. I started saying the words to myself the day when the ultrasound told me we were having a baby.

Finally, my son was born.

The nurse came out of the delivery room, holding a tiny, howling human being wrapped in a white sheet, his small hands and delicate fingers shaking nervously. “Baby Sanchez?” she asked, looking at the room full of expectant fathers.

I stood up, holding my breath. She showed me my baby. “My son,” I whispered. The little guy screamed, “waaaaaaaaaah. ”

But in my heart I heard him cry out, “Daaaaaaad!” I don’t care if everyone in the room will swear they didn’t hear my baby say that. I called him, “My son,” and he called me “Dad,” and that’s that.

People ask me, “What did I feel at that moment?” I can’t even begin to answer. I’m a writer yet I try hard to find the right words. Joyful isn’t powerful enough. Bliss(狂喜)is not sweet enough. Peaceful isn’t calm enough. Happy isn’t tense enough.

After my son was taken away to the nursery, I sat down and shut my eyes. But tears escaped them away. Then out of the blue, my 80-year-old father entered, and we embraced.

“Dad,” I whispered.

“My son,” my heart heard him saying.

Suddenly the past 33 years folded into the present and I was now the baby bundled in white, with my father standing over me.

“My son,” I imagined him saying.

“Daaaaaaaaaad!” I cried my little lungs out.

At that point, I knew I was going to be a great father. The old man in front of me seemed to agree. He smiled and we walked out of the room in search of the tiny human being that would change our lives for ever.

36. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. His son called him “Dad” when the writer called him “My son”.

B. All the people didn’t hear the baby say except the writer.

C. Sanchez is the writer’s family name.

D. The baby was taken away because the nurse found there was a mistake.

37. The author couldn’t tell how he felt at the moment because ____.

A. he was a writer                                    B. he was too excited

C. he was too nervous                              D. it’s a feeling too complex to express

38. We can learn the following from the passage EXCEPT that ____.

A. the author got his first baby

B. he probably had a lung disease

C. the author didn’t really hear “Daaaaad” from his baby

D. the baby would change the author’s life

39. Why was the writer sure he was going to be a great father?

A. Because his son is so gifted.

B. Because he had much experience in bringing up children.

C. Because his father promised to help him.

D. Because his father had already set him a good example.


答案  36-39 CDBD




Recent studies show that only one out of three people have strong and healthy self-confidence. That _16___ two out of every three people simply don’t know the _17___ they already have to be successful when it’s _18___ there in their hands!_19 __if you want others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. Remember: “No one can make you feel inferior(差的)unless you  __20___ them.” A successful businessman says, “You can’t push anyone up a ladder __21__ he knows he can climb himself.”

Many of us have an image _22___, the image we have of ourselves. __23____one guy put it: “You can’t win a horse race if you think you look _24___on a horse.” To succeed, the first person you have to _25___ is yourself! So stop believing your own lies about yourself. Just __26___ your mind and you’ll change your life.

One of the most harmful weapons that can kill your success in life are the two little words: “__27___”. You know that people used to _28___ that if human beings traveled faster than 30 miles an hour it would  _29___our circulation of blood and kill us? Thank goodness a few people didn’t believe so__30____thinking, or we wouldn’t be riding in cars, buses, and flying in airplanes today. You’ll never know until you_31____

Roger Bannister was the first human being to run a mile in less than 4 minutes. But_32___he did it, most people in the world didn’t think it was even _33__. Yet only weeks after Bannister did it, suddenly__34____all over the world began running a mile in less than 4 minutes! If we believe something can be done, we’ll___35__do it.

16. A. means               B. reflects          C. reads               D. explains

17. A. chance              B. strength            C. ability               D. reason

18. A. immediately        B. properly            C. accurately        D. right

19. A. Because             B. But                   C. What              D. While

20. A. let                      B. challenge         C. admit                D. get

21. A. if                      B. except              C. until              D. unless

22. A. quiz                   B. question            C. problem            D. mystery

23. A. When                B. As                    C. While               D. Since

24. A. curious              B. good-looking  C. serious            D. funny

25. A. beat                   B. knock               C. strike               D. defend

26. A. settle               B. bend              C. change          D. fix

27. A. I failed.              B. Not me.          C. Can I?              D. I can’t.

28. A. imagine              B. think             C. expect           D. doubt

29. A. start                   B. help                  C. stop                 D. quit

30. A. silly                   B. empty               C. reasonable        D. terrible

31. A. try                   B. realize               C. understand        D. judge

32. A. after                   B. before              C. since               D. because

33. A. likely               B. unbelievable      C. possible            D. impossible

34. A. workers             B. runners             C. competitors      D. players

35. A. simply               B. seldom             C. never              D. usually



Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship __21_ into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without __22_the people in the film.

The man who knows the __23__ is the “special-effects” man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film __24__. He may be __25__ to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may also be told to create a __26_ effect which is much less exciting, though just as important to the success of the film. In a __27__ for one movie there was a big glass bowl __28__with water in which small fish __29__ swimming. The director of the movie__30__ the fish to stop swimming suddenly __31_ they seemed to stare at(盯着)an actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish suddenly __32__ be ordered to do anything. It was quite a __33_.

The special-effects man __34_ about this problem for a long time. The result was an idea for __35_ the fish with a harmless use of electricity. __36__he applied electricity to the fish bowl causing the fish to be totally still(静止的). Then he rapidly reduced the __37__ of electricity allowing the fish to be free.  __38_ he got the humorous effect the director wanted.

__39_in other parts of movie making there are those who have developed __40__ skill in creating certain kinds of effects. Jim White, who has been a special-effects man for thirty-two years, is best known for work with ships and airplanes.

21. A. burned                B. sank                  C. fell                       D. dropped

22. A. telling                 B. harming            C. protecting             D. organizing

23. A. reply                   B. question            C. message               D. secret

24. A. factory              B. making              C. field                     D. company

25. A. forced                B. ordered             C. allowed                D. chosen

26. A. terrible                B. ill               C. good                    D. special

27. A. scene                  B. step                  C. stage                    D. room

28. A. covered              B. asked                C. filled                        D. fitted

29. A. liked                   B. enjoyed             C. was                         D. were

30. A. hoped                 B. wanted              C. decided                    D. designed

31. A. while                  B. since                 C. so that                         D. as long as

32. A. mustn’t              B. may not             C. shouldn’t                  D. can’t

33. A. question              B. failure            C. problem                   D. disappointment

34. A. talked                 B. set                    C. quarreled                  D. thought

35. A. controlling           B. operating           C. driving                     D. lighting

36. A. As a result           B. Immediately       C. First                        D. Above all

37. A. price                   B. number             C. amount                    D. speed

38. A. Even                   B. Thus                 C. Finally               D. Actually

39. A. Like                    B. So                    C. As                           D. Yet

40. A. certain                B. particular           C. advanced                  D. careful




Welcome to the National Maritime(海洋的)Museum

The National Maritime Museum is the largest of its kind in the world, with over two million items in its collections. Twenty galleries display some of the finest sea affairs in historic buildings, which were formerly a school for the sons of seamen.

Opening times

10:00 – 17:00 Winter hours

10:00 – 18:00 Summer hours

Last admission is thirty minutes before closing. Smoking is not allowed in the museum. Eating and drinking are only allowed in the designated(指定的)areas. Photography and video are not permitted inside the building.


Our Central Booking Group handles all group visit enquiries(需求),from schools, group organizers and tour operators.

Education and Interpretation

Schools’ programs operate in term-time. Programs of talks, tours, work-shops, storytelling, living history and interpretation(解说)are run throughout the year, especially at weekends and during school holidays.

E - library

Facilities are provided for electronic access(接口)to the museum’s collections. Please ask a member of staff(员工)for directions to the nearest terminals(终端). These facilities are also available from the comfort of your own home.

49. This passage mainly tells us ____.

A. the way to get to the museum

B. the purpose to build the museum

C. a brief introduction to the museum

D. a detailed description of the museum

50. Which of the following is certainly forbidden according to the passage?

A. Trying to enter the museum after 5:00 p. m.

B. Taking pictures in front of the museum.

C. Talking loudly when you enjoy the collections.

D. Eating and drinking wherever you are.

51. From the passage we learn that ____.

A. the museum runs a school and has students of its own

B. students can receive different kinds of education here

C. part of school education has to be done in the museum

D. school programs are only run at weekends and on holidays



Growing up across the street from each other in Twin Falls, Idaho, Lisa Fry and Paula Turner never doubted their friendship would last forever. But after Fry married, moved to New York City and had a baby, her letters to Turner suddenly went unanswered. “Do you think I’ve somehow offended(冒犯)her?” Fry asked her husband.

Turner, meanwhile, had convinced(使信服)herself she was no longer important to Fry.  “She’s got a family now,” she told herself. “We’re just too different to be close like before. ”

Finally, Fry picked up the courage to call her old friend. At first, the conversation was awkward, yet soon they both accepted that they missed each other. A month later, they got together and quickly fell into their old habit of laughing and sharing confidences.

“Thank goodness I finally took action,” Fry says. “We both realized we were as important to each other as ever. ”

There are good reasons to treasure our friendships. Some years ago a public-opinion research firm, Roper Starch Worldwide, asked 2007 people to identify one or two things that said the most about themselves. Friends far outranked homes, jobs, clothes and cars.

“A well-established friendship carries a long history of experience and interaction that defines who we are and keeps us connected,” says Donald Pannen, executive officer of the Western Psychological Association. “It is a heritage we should protect. ”

Ironically(具有讽刺意味)says Brant R. Burleson, professor of communication at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. “the better friends you are, the more likely you’ll face conflicts. ” And the outcome can be exactly what you don’t want--- an end to the friendship.

The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended.

52. The passage is mainly about ____.

A. a broken friendship B. treasuring friendship

C. what is good friendship                         D. how to make friendship last long

53. The underlined word “awkward” in Paragraph 3 probably means____.

A. embarrassing        B. exciting                C. convenient            D. relaxed

54. According to the passage which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Lisa Fry and Paula Turner believed their friendship wouldn’t last forever.

B. Turner didn’t reply to Fry’s letters because she was too busy.

C. People all think friends are far more important than homes, jobs, clothes and cars.

D. Lisa Fry and Paula Turner misunderstood each other at first.

55. What do you think the author will talk about next?

A. Suggestions on how to mend the troubled friendships.

B. Some more examples of good friends.

C. Functions of Friendship.

D. How to cherish friendship.

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