
II.选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空 (每个短语限用一次) 。

bring up,     go ahead,    account for,     by accident,    stare at,     on the contrary

1 . Tom behaves in the strangest way; I can't his actions at all.

2. Her mother left her when she was one year old and she  by her grandmother and her father.

3. Don’t people like that; it's rude.

4. I found her letter . as I was looking through my files.

5. —Can I have the sports section?

 I've read it.

6. —I suppose your wife doesn,t understand you.

- , she understands me very well.

 1. account for   2. was brought up   3. stare at   4. by accident

5. Go ahead   6. On the contrary




     One part of the world is still largely unexplored. It is the deep sea. Over the years,many people have explored under the sea. But the first deep-sea (潜水员) wanted to find sunken treasure. They weren’ t really interested in studying the creatures of life there. Only recently have they begun to learn some of the mysteries of the sea.

    not easy to explore the deep sea. A diver must have a way of breathing underwater. He mus be able to protect himself from great pressure (引 力) .The pressure of air is ábout 15 pounds or every square inch. But the pressure of water ii about 1,300 pounds on every square inch!

     The first 叹似治(潜水服) were made rubber. They had a metal 心/w以(头盔) with windows in it. The shoes were made of lead and weighed twenty pounds each!These suits let divers go down a few hundred feet,but they were no good for exploring the very deep waters. With a metal diving suit,a diver could go down 700 feet. Metal suits were first used in the 1930s.

     In 1927, .a diver named William Beebe wanted to explore deeper than anyone had ever gone before. He was not interested in finding treasure. He wanted to study the creatures and plants of the sea. His friend invented a metal ball called the Bathysphere. It weighed more than 5 ,000 pounds,but in it Beebe went down 3 ,028 feet. He saw many things that had never been seen by humans before.

25. People who first explored the deep sea hoped to

   A. learn about the animals and plants of the sea

   B. solve some mysteries about the sea 

    C. have an exciting trip in the sea

   D. discover treasure under the sea

26. According to the text,what make (s) deep-sea diving difficult?

   A. The pressure of water.

   B. The temperature of water,

    C. The dangerous sea creatures.

   D. The heavy breathing equipment.

27. Compared with rubber diving suits,metal diving suits .

   A. had windows in the metal helmet

   B. weighed twenty more pounds

    C. were good for exploring deeper waters  

    D. began to be used much earlier

28. What do we know abou Wiman Beeb roni the text?

   A. He broke the diving record in his time.

   B. He failed to find the treasure he wanted.

    C. He met something terrible under the sea.

   D. He was the first diver to explore the deep sea.



      Anna Schiferl hadn,t even got out of bed when she reached for her cell phone and typed text to her mom,one recent Saturday. Mom was right downstairs in the kitchen. The text? Anna wanted an egg for breakfast. Soon after,Joanna Schiferl called,rtIf you want to talk to me,Anna,come downstairs and see me!Anna laughs about it now. “I was kind of being lazy,” she admits.

    These days,many people with cell phones prefer texting to a phone call. And that's creating a communication divide,of sorts — the talkers vs. the texters. Some would argue that' s no big deal. But many experts say the most success-fill communicators will,of course,have the competence to do both. And they fear that more of us are unable to have 一 or at least are avoiding 一 the traditional face-to-face conversations.

     Many pra/ewoa (教授) say it is not common to see students outside of class. UI sit in my office hours lonely now because if my students have a When this program started six years ago,question,they email me,often late at night,says Renee Houston,a professor at the University of Puget Sound in Washington state. "And they never call." ,

     As Anna sees it: “There are people you’ 11 text,but won’ t call. It's just a way to stay in touch with each other.Some believe that scores of texts each day keep people more comiected.

   “The problein is that the conversation isn,t  very deep,says Joseph Grenny,co-author of the book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. 

    The problem has been there since wc ve had telephones — probably since the time of a tegrflp(电报) ,” Grenny says. Texting is just the latest way to do that. Though they may not always ’ be so good at deep conversations themselves, Grenny suggests that parents model the behavior for their children and put down their own cell phones. He says that they also should set limits,as  yXnna,smom did when she ttiade the no texting to people in the same housew rule.

6. According to Paragraph 1 ,Joanna.

   A. was very strict with her daughter

   B. did not know how to use a cell phone

   C. was angry that her daughter got up late

   D. did not have any breakfast that morning

7. The underlined word  competencein Paragraph 2 probably means “ ”.

   A. chance   B. ability

   C. courage   D. patience

8. What do we know about Renee’students?

     A. They often work late at night.

     B. They often ask strange questions.

     C. Few ask her questions face to face.

     D . Many email her if she feels lonely.

9. In Joseph Grenny’s opinion, .

   A. cell phones make people lonelier

   B. telephones help people communicate clearly

   C. texting helps people have deeper conversations

   D. talking should be encouraged instead of texting

10. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Why is communication important?

   B. How does texting affect kids at school?

   C. Is texting ruining the art of conversation?

   D. How can we avoid one-sided conversations?

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