Tom asked me. “Have you seen that movie yet? ”→ Tom asked me ________ that movie.
[ ]
A.if I have seen
B.whether have I seen
C.if I had seen
D.whether had I seen
The boy said, “May I go along with you? ”→The boy asked me ________
A.might I go with you
B.if he may go with you
C.if he might go with me
D.if he might go with the boy
When asked whether he had seen Bob, George answered, “ ________ ”.
A.Yes. I have. Haven’t you?
B.Nor have I.
C.Certainly, he had seen Bob.
D.Of course. I will.
“Have you anything interesting I can read, George? ”she asked. She asked George ________ .
A.if she had anything interesting he could read
B.if he had anything interesting she could read
C.had he anything interesting she can read
D.did he have anything interesting she could read
Shop Assistant: What size dress do you wear. madam?
Mrs. Hill: What did he say, Jack?
Jack: He asked ________ .
A.that what your dress size was
B.if you wore size dress
C.whether you wore that size dress
D.what size dress you wore