
Selfies (自拍) have become an increasingly common way to capture memorable moments. When it comes to taking selfies , knowing the following tips can directly affect the quality of your final product. .

The use of light is vital to improving image quality. Lights can help avoid shadows and create soft features on your face, so turn your face toward the main light. source. If you want to be creative, play with light angles by turning your body, but make sure the photo is properly exposed and your face is lit from the front or the side. Besides, avoid taking selfies against the main light source or with overhead lighting. Additionally, natural light possesses a warmth that makes you look like you're glowing.(发光)

When taking selfies, angles also matter a lot. Hold the camera away from your face, and try to take photos both horizontally(水平地) and vertically. If not, your face might look bigger than usual. Ideally, the universal selfie angle is 45 degrees above your head. But you should study your face at different angles because finding your best angle requires you having seen all of them.

One problem with selfies is that most have distracting backgrounds. You can always do more to show others your best side. Try to simplify the background by taking selfies outdoors or in spacious areas. Document yourself engaging in interesting activities-hiking with family members, visiting landmarks, or working out with friends. At least, you can make the photo appealing by getting rid of your outstretched arm or a background that's too busy.

You can also download some photo apps that allow you to adjust the lighting and contrast. Some apps offer useful filters(滤光器), which can change your skin tone and eliminate pimples (粉刺) on your face.

1.To get an image of high quality, you need to _______.

A. be under the light source

B. be against the main light

C. face the main light source

D. have the photo fully exposed

2.How can you find the angle that suits you most?

A. Study your face at different angles.

B. Hold the camera far enough from you.

C. Keep the camera lower than your face.

D. Place the camera 45 degrees above your head.

3.Which of the following should be avoided when taking selfies?

A. The use of natural light.

B. A landmark as a background.

C. Changes of the skin tone.

D. A busy background.


I wasn't interested in becoming a model at first. I worked as a receptionist in a beauty shop during high school. It was in South Dakota. A woman who had worked for Vogue—a famous fashion magazine said to me, “Why don't you go to New York and be a model?”

So I went to New York at eighteen. I went to the first model agency, they thought that I was too long-waisted. It was too bad since I came all the way from South Dakota. I did an information check on the internet and found that Hunting Hartford had just bought the agency. I looked up in the telephone book and dialed. Then I went there. About half an hour later, the man who had just taken over the agency—he had been a male model before—came in. I was just staring at this unfamiliar man when he said, “You! Come into my office!”

How do you feel as a fashion model? Quite OK, I should say. But you stop thinking when you are working. It takes a lot of nervous energy as well because the camera goes one, two, three very fast and you have to move very fast. I like my job because it gives me freedom. I can have half a day off to do things I like. I can't do that if I do a normal job. I never like becoming a secretary. They have to sit in the office for eight hours a day, facing the same people.

Most models, after one or two years, can't be still very interested in it. But I like being a model. Maybe I was a born one, as many people say.

1.Who inspired the author's desire to become a model?

A. A woman customer in the beauty shop.

B. Hunting Hartford.

C. The author herself.

D. The author's father.

2.Why didn't the author return to South Dakota when she was first refused?

A. Because she had a strong desire to become a model.

B. Because she liked to be a receptionist at a beauty shop.

C. Because Hunting Hartford asked her not to go back.

D.Because South Dakota is far away from New York.

3.Why did the author like being a model?

A. Because she liked the woman customer.

B. Because she liked the freedom.

C. Because she liked to have a regular work schedule.

D. Because she liked Hunting Hartford.

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Perseverance leads to your success.

B. Finding a job you like to do is important.

C. Both A and B.

D. Becoming a model is quite easy.


Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world. 1. Experts claim that there are more flavors of coffee than there are of wine. Coffee contains caffeine, an element (成分) that raises our awareness, keeps us from falling asleep or simply gives us a kick in the morning or after lunch.

2. For a long time doctors have told people not to drink too much coffee, because it may lead to heart problems, high blood pressure, insomnia (失眠) and headaches.

Scientists have now found out that it is the quality of coffee and the way it is brewed (冲泡) that holds the key to our health. 3. Among other things, this is linked to the consumption of a strong brew of coffee. Experts also point out that different roasts and types of coffee beans have different effects on our health.

A new study by a Harvard research group says that there is no link between coffee and health problems. 4. Doctors, however, warn against drinking too much coffee, as it can lead to stomach problems.

Coffee has many advantages, as the new study suggests. While alcohol makes people sleepy and slow-moving, coffee gives them energy. 5.

Although a lot still needs to be uncovered about coffee, it seems to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. Reports show that people who drink coffee may develop Parkinson’s disease later in life, or maybe not at all.

A. There are many different types of coffee.

B. Scientists ask people not to drink coffee at night.

C. Elderly people in Greece live longer than normal.

D. But experts are still undecided on how healthy coffee is.

E. Sugar can change the different levels of caffeine in a cup of coffee.

F. Drinking several cups of coffee a day is not connected with heart diseases.

G. Getting together for a cup of coffee also has a positive effect on relationships.

The world’s richest man might seem to have it all, but Bill Gates has one regret. The self-made billionaire said he felt stupid for not knowing any foreign languages.

Speaking in his third Ask Me Anything question-and-answer session for online forum Reddit(红迪网), the Microsoft founder said that he wished he spoke French, Arabic or Chinese.

He said: “I took Latin and Greek in high school and got A’s and I guess it helps my vocabulary. I keep hoping to get time to study one of these—probably French because it is the easiest. I did Duolingo for a while but didn’t keep it up.”

Gates, who is worth $79.3 billion, praised Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg for surprising an audience in Beijing when he spoke fluent Chinese. “Mark Zuckerberg amazingly leamed Chinese and did a Q&A with Chinese students—unbelievable, isn’t it?” he said.

This isn’t the first time for Gates to admit his regret over language. He also showed his habits at home and personal insights.

Last February, Gates said he likes to do the dishes himself—to his own special standards every night and also told the interviewer that his wife, Melinda, would likely want Samuel L. Jackson to play her husband in a biopic(传记片).

He also admitted that he would pick up a $100 bill if he found it on the street.

As he took the top spot on Forbes(福布斯)28th Annual Billionaires list last year for the fourth time, he said he is pretty basic when it comes to so ending on clothes and food, but that he enjoys investing in shoes and racquets(球拍)when he plays tennis.

When asked a life lesson he had to learn the hard way, the billionaire said staying up too late is a habit he is still trying to break. “Don’t stay up too late even if the book is really exciting. You will regret it in the morning. Pam still working on this problem,” he said.

1. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. An Interview with Bill Gates

B. How Bill Gates Succeeded

C. Bill Gates’ Regret

D. The Richest Billionaire

2. The underlined part in Paragraph 8 may actually mean that_____.

A. it is important to lay a good foundation of life

B. food and clothing are basic needs for people’s life

C. he doesn’t spend much money on food and clothes

D. he never cares about buying food and clothing

3.What advice did Bill Gates give?

A. Avoid staying up too late.

B. Be a good language learner.

C. Do the dishes yourself at home.

D. Pick up the $100 bills in the streets.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Bill Gates is also the founder of Facebook

B. Bill Gates topped the list of Forbes 28 times.

C. Bill Gates was good at learning languages in high schoo1.

D. Bill Gates’ wife wants Samuel to play a game with Gates.

“The Boxtrolls”

From Laika Entertainment, the animation house behind “Coraline” and “ParaNorman” comes, “The Boxtrolls,” adapted from the children’s book “Here Be Monsters!” by Alan Snow. The movie, about a boy who is raised by unusual creatures, features the voices of Ben Kingsley, Simon Pegg and Elle Fanning. Opens Sept. 26. Area theatres.

“Awake and Sing!”

Olney presents the 1935 comic drama by Clifford Odets about a Brooklyn family struggling through the Great Depression. Step. 24 through Oct. 19. Olney Theatre Center, 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Rd., Olney. 301-924-3400.www.olneytheatre.org. $38.50-63.50.

Fiesta DC

Celebrate the city’s Latino culture with a parade, dance, music and more. Sept. 21. Parade: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Constitution Avenue from Seventh Street NW to 14th Street NW. Festival: Noon to 7 p.m. Pennsylvania Avenue, between Ninth and 14th streets NW. 202-489-7141.www.fiestadc. org.

“On Paper: Alternate Realities”

The 26 pieces by American artists, including Raymond Pettibon and lona Rozeal Brown, take inspiration from popular culture, using art to explore dark themes. Through April 12. Baltimore Museum of Art, 10 Art Museum Dr., Baltimore. 443-573-17000. www. artma. org.

“Untitled: The Art of James Castle”

A self-taught artist from rural Idaho, Castle used whatever was available-newspaper, coal, sticks-to create buildings, landscapes, people and more. Sept.26 through Feb.1. American Art Museum, Eighth and F streets NW. 202-633-1000. www. americanart. si. edu.

Neo-impressionism at the Phillips

“Neo-impressionism and the Dream of Realities: Painting, Poetry, Music” displays works by artists such as Georges Seurat, who presented stylized landscapes and people. Sept. 27 through Jan. 11. Phillips Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-387-2151. www. phillipscollection. org. $ 12; $ 10 for students and senitors; free for age 18 and younger.

“Driving Miss Daisy”

Ford’s Theatre starts its season with the Pulitzer Prize winner about the decades-long relationship between an aging woman and her black driver in Atlanta. Washington stage actors Nancy Robinette and Craig Wallace perform in this beloved classic. Sept. 26 through Oct. 26. Ford’s Theatre, 511 10th St. NW. 202-347-4833. www. fordstheatre. org. $20-$62.

1.Which of the following may attract kids most?

A. “The Boxtrolls.”

B. “Awake and Sing!”

C. “Driving Miss Daisy.”

D. “On Paper: Alternate Realities.”

2.If you want to observe a cultural festival, you can go to ______.

A. Area theatres on Sept. 26

B. Ford’s Theatre on Sept. 26

C. Constitution Avenue before 10 p.m. on Sept. 21

D. Pennsylvania Avenue on the afternoon of Sept. 21

3. We can infer that the text is ________.

A. a research report

B. a going out guide

C. a review of different arts

D. an introduction to famous works

Many people influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments, and values. I have been fortunate to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence. There are artists that have inspired me by their natural talents and original creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their ability to change our futures. But of all the people I have known in my life, the person I admire most is my father.

As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be “Daddy’s little girl”. While I grew up, it always made me sad to see so many of my friends and neighbors without a father or father-like figure around. This helped me appreciate how my father always takes an interest in his children’s lives. In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel, so I could accomplish my work outstandingly among my people. Whenever I feel like giving up, or have a question or a concern, I know I can always call on him for advice. From him I have also learned that sometimes you have to put others’ needs ahead of your own, but you should make sure you are not taken advantage of by others. His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and he is extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on, no matter how tiny it is. I highly respect him for how he stands up for what he believes in, and will never back down. I have always admired his open mind, compassion for people, and sense of understanding. He is a very reserved man, but to everybody’s surprise, he has a great sense of humor, and always knows how to put a smile on the faces of his wife, his children and his friends.

Living in his affection and instruction, I am very proud of my father. He also professes how proud he is of his children, and is still there to support us in whatever we are involved in.

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A. How my father loved me

B. My father—the person I admire most

C. I am the apple on my father’s palm

D. My father—the one who influenced me most

2.Which of the following could not be used to describe the author’s father?

A. Considerate and humorous

B. Affectionate and open-minded

C. Knowledgeable and sociable

D. Energetic and helpful

3.Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “excel”?

A. Do better than others. B. Show off.

C. Be cleverer than others. D. Keep healthy

4.What can we infer about the author?

A. She appreciated her father because he solved all the problems for her.

B. She considered her father humorous and was often made to laugh by him.

C. She had sympathy for the fatherless.

D. She was outstanding in work because her father pushed her hard.

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