


Mr. Luo,

I’m writing to you to share my opinions about the problem of heavy traffic every day after school at our school gate.


Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


I sat down at my desk and started writing an emotional letter of gratitude(感激). But _______it came to actually placing the letter into the mailbox. I_______.

The letter was to a teacher whose volunteer efforts had _______my view on the world and I felt I should let her know how her _______positively influenced my life.

I could have easily sent her an e-mail, _______that seemed a bit_______for such an important thank-you. That’s why I ended up _______the letter. But now I hesitated. We had _______merely by Facebook comments and occasional private messages. I _______knew her. Maybe my letter was too heartfelt. “People don’t normally do this,” I thought to myself.

Thinking a while, I put the envelope in the mailbox ________.

A couple of weeks later I received a Facebook response from her. It turned out she was________a tough time and my note meant the ________ to her. She said she had no idea that she was making such a(n)________to others.

Not only did this letter make her happier, but her ________increased my joy as well. I was so ________that it made such a difference to her that I decided to write a gratitude letter to________each month.

I’ve been doing this for two years now and it’s________transformed my life. I’m more likely to seek out the________in others and more thankful for the beautiful life I’m ________. Cultivating (培养) ________is a great skill to practice. Life is too short not to do it.

1.A. after B. if C. because D. when

2.A. smiled B. burst C. rejected D. froze

3.A. changed B. balanced C. weighed D. supported

4.A. example B. picture C. memory D. call

5.A. and B. but C. in case D. in order

6.A. normal B. hard C. wonderful D. lame

7.A. posting B. polishing C. handwriting D. folding

8.A. made sense of B. come into being C. kept in touch D. got on with

9.A. really B. barely C. still D. also

10.A. immediately B. away C. again D. eventually

11.A. gong through B. breaking through C. breaking away from D. having access to

12.A. dream B. world C. tip D. warning

13.A. mess B. difference C. effect D. effort

14.A. exploration B. expectation C. reply D. greeting

15.A. curious B. confident C. excited D. hopeful

16.A. anyone B. her C. someone D. each other

17.A. greatly B. negatively C. slightly D. simply

18.A. nature B. ambition C. honesty D. goodness

19.A. living B. giving C. desiring D. wasting

20.A. writing B. appreciation C. direction D. protection

A new study says electronic toys are not helping babies learn.

"Even if companies are marketing them as educational, they're not teaching the babies anything at this time," said Anna Sosa the study's author.

Researchers listened to audio(声音的) recordings of parents playing with their babies aged 10 months to 16 months. The researchers compared the experiences when the children played with electronic toys, traditional toys such as blocks, or when the children looked at books. What they found is that parents talked less with their babies when the babies played with electronic toys.

Why is this important? Research shows that how quickly children develop language is often based on what they hear from parents. When the infants played with electronic toys, parents said little to their children. But with traditional toys, such as blocks, parents shared the names and descriptions of the animals, colors and shapes as their children played. There was even more information given by parents as their babies looked at the pictures in books.

Of course, there is no need for parents to throw out electronic toys, but they should look at their infants’ play with such toys as entertainment, not a learning experience.

Toy Industry Association spokeswoman Adrienne Appell responded to the study. She said it is important that parents make time to play with their children. "Playing is a way that kids can learn so much, not only cognitive(认知的) skills, but social and developmental skills," she said. She added that play should be balanced, including time for just "make believe" activities, as well as traditional and electronic toys.

1.What’s Anna Sosa’s attitude towards companies claiming that their toys are educational?

A. supportive B. indifferent C. uninterested D. doubtful

2.We can learn from the text that babies in the research ________.

A. liked traditional toys better than electronic toys

B. interact less with their parents when playing with electronic toys

C. talked little with their parents when playing with electronic toys

D. listened to audio recordings of their parents

3.Children develop language more quickly when their parents ________.

A. read them picture books often B. teach them how to speak

C. buy them a lot of toys D. throw away their electronic toys

4.According to Adrienne Appell, playing ________.

A. can’t take the place of learning

B. shouldn’t take most of children’s time

C. is good to children’s overall development

D. can’t develop children’s cognitive skills

Campbell Remess taught himself how to sew when he was only 9 years old. It all started three years ago, when Campbell asked his parents if they could buy Christmas presents for kids in hospital. They were touched by his kindness, but told him that buying so many toys would be too costly. He is one of nine children, and buying presents for all of them was already a pretty expensive affair for the parents.

Campbell didn’t let a simple “no” discourage him from bringing a bit of joy to kids going through tough times, so he decided to make the presents himself. It took the 9-year-old boy five hours to create his first stuffed (填充的) toy. However after three years of practice, he is now able to put one together in just an hour.

“I was blown away by the first bear,” his mother said. “Overly impressed but not surprised at his determination to teach himself.” The successful experiment only inspired Campbell Remess to become better at sewing, and challenged himself to create one stuffed toy per day and donate them to sick children struggling in the hospital. Project 365 by Campbell was born. Over the last three years, Campbell Remess has created over 800 stuffed toys for sick children.

Campbell sends his toys to children all over the world, and still visits the Royal Hobart Hospital in his home city of Hobart, Tasmania, to personally gift toy animals to sick kids there and loves to see the reaction on their faces. “They smile and some hug me. It makes their whole day better,” he says.

“Campbell is just wired really differently. He looks at sadness and tries to turn it upside down,” his mother says. “He’s not a quitter—I only see bigger and brighter things for him.”

1.Why did Campbell’s parents refuse his request?

A. They thought that was ridiculous.

B. They wished him to depend on himself.

C. They were on a tight budget.

D. They hoped he could share his things with others.

2.What desire drove Campbell to make toys for sick children?

A. Bringing happiness to them. B. Showing kindness to them.

C. Encouraging them to treasure health. D. Proving to them everyone has creativity.

3.What can we learn about Campbell from the text?

A. He is planning to set up Project 365.

B. He sends toys to those who can’t afford one.

C. He made the first toy with his mother’s help.

D. He is determined and refuses to give up.

How to manage your time

For many high school students it seems that there is never enough time. There are several steps you can take to organize your time better.

First, make a to-do list every day. It makes it easy to plan any activities or meetings you may have in addition to homework. Be sure to set priorities(优先的事物). 1.

Use spare time wisely. Do you have a study hall(自习时间)? Instead of wasting that time, read a book or do homework. 2. If a friend asks you to do something and you have homework to do, realize which is more important and see your friend later.

Decide on the time that is good for you to do certain things. If you are more of a morning person, try getting up an hour earlier and do schoolwork before school. Review your notes every day. 3. If you spend a few minutes at the end of every day going over what you learned, it will mean less time studying when it is time for the exam.

4. Studies have shown that getting enough rest helps your memory. When you are tired, everything seems more difficult. It is best to stay on a regular sleeping cycle as much as possible.

Tell your friends and family about your work timetable. Explain that you will be working at certain times and ask them not to disturb you. 5. you can call your friends later.

A. Set goals(目标) for yourself.

B. Get a good night’s sleep.

C. Do the most important tasks first.

D. Also, do not be afraid to say “no”.

E. You should finish your homework on time.

F. Don’t take phone calls during the time you set aside or work.

G. Don’t wait until just before a test to try and remember everything.

Recently I read the Human Development Report.I couldn't help thinking about another problem why the world is facing hunger.According to the report,2400 people are dying from hunger every day;nearly 13 million in southern Africa will be worried about their food supply because of earthquakes,floods or wars.

In a word,hunger remains the biggest problem of the world today.It's strange to see that man can travel to the moon,but still doesn't know how to feed himself.You may ask,“Who steals our bread?”The first thieves should be population growth,poverty and loss of rich farmland.

In less developed areas like South Africa,the population grows faster than the crops.It is almost impossible for its government to feed so many people and provide education for them.So it is very important to control the population growth and protect their farmland in countries whose people are suffering from hunger.

According to the report,the world's food production is enough to feed everyone if it is given away well.But the problem is that the developed countries are eating food that should be given to the poor.Although they are just using their own earning,the fact is that they are coldly watching others starving away.

Luckily,some developed countries such as Netherlands,Norway and Sweden have done a lot to help those hungry people in African countries.We hope other developed countries will follow them.

1.According to the passage,which of the following cannot help make fewer people hungry?

A. Poor countries control their population growth.

B. Poor countries protect their rich farmland.

C. Rich countries produce more food to feed themselves.

D. Rich countries give some food to the poor ones.

2.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us________.

A. poor countries are cold and going to die out

B. rich countries notice the problems of the poor countries

C. rich countries are trying their best to help poor countries

D. rich countries aren't willing to help poor countries

3.According to the last sentence,the writer hopes________.

A. poor countries should learn from rich ones

B. more rich countries will help the hungry people

C. more countries will give help to Norway

D. more countries will be as rich as Sweden


Are you planning to study a course from a foreign university? Well, these tips for studying abroad will make you feel at home in a new city.

Learn about the university.

When you decide to study abroad, it is important to research well. 1. Instead, talk to people who have completed their studies from that country. This way you’ll get some real information about the university you’re applying for.


The more you speak to people, the more you’ll end up driving the blues away. Communicating with others will truly be helpful. Not only will it make it easier for you to face personal interviews but also to interact with the local people and fellow students.

Keep a diary.

Most students feel that the time they spent abroad was the best time of their lives. What better way to keep those moments “alive” forever than by writing them down on a diary?3.

Be prepared for adjustments.

When you land up in a country with a culture that’s completely different from yours, chances are that you’ll experience some level of culture shock. 4. Consider your stay abroad as an opportunity to discover a new culture and learn new things.

Know what to do in an emergency.

5. Get the details of the U.S. Embassy, including the phone number, and register (登记)yourself and your family members with the U.S. Embassy. This way you’ll know whom to reach out to in case you’re in an emergency.

A. Ensure you have all the documents.

B. Develop good communication skills.

C. However, don’t let that discourage you.

D. Don’t just follow the advertisements blindly and choose the university.

E. Make sure that you know what to do in the face of emergency.

F. Keep in touch with your friends at home to avoid homesickness.

G. You can write down every little detail of the beautiful time when you study abroad.

Every boy and every girl expects their parents to give them more pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain amount? 1. .

The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. 2. . Some children get weekly pocket money. Others get monthly pocket money.

First of all, children are expected to make a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. At first, some young children may spend all of the money soon after they receive it. Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until it is the right time. 3. .

In order to encourage their children to do some housework, some parents give pocket money if the children help around the home. Some experts think it not wise to pay the children for doing that. 4. .

Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. 5. . Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice. Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing for children.

A. They can save it for future use.

B. Timing is another consideration.

C. As helping at home is a normal part of family life.

D. Some children are not good at managing their pocket money.

E. Learning how to get money is very important for every child.

F. One main purpose is to let kids learn how to manage their own money.

G.By doing so, these children will learn that spending must be done with a budget(预算).

As I stood in the return line and watched people, I became extremely impatient. My daughter had got four Barbie dolls and two identical Cabbage Patch Kids on Christmas, so I was eager to return toys that she didn’t need. Suddenly a strong idea came to me. I eyed the lady in front of me with three small girls on her leg. The family looked poor. The children were without coats, and they had dirty faces and hair. “You are ready to get out of here, aren’t you? Give her the things you want to return,” the still voice spoke. “Give them to her? These are mine. I’m not giving her my stuff,” I argued. I swallowed the urge that threatened to escape my lips when the voice spoke again. “Give her the toys.” I was familiar with the voice. I know I couldn’t argue with that voice.

I sighed and tapped the lady on the shoulder. “Ma’am,” I cleared my throat. She looked at me with kind, tired eyes surrounded by wrinkles. “Yes?” she asked. “Would your little girls like to have these toys?” I pointed to my basket full of returns. “Would your children like to have them?” She was speechless, and I swore that tears were about to well up in her eyes. “You’d be doing me a favor. I can’t stand in this line in a moment longer.” “You have no idea,” she shook her head. “You have no idea what that means to me.”

I started loading her basket as the excited girls watched. “Merry Christmas,” I said, “God bless you.” She replied as I nodded and exited the line. I didn’t want to go the Walmart that day, but I went. I didn’t want to give the lady my kid’s toys, but I did. Sometimes doing what we don’t want to do is exactly what we’re supposed to do.

1.The author decided to return some of the gifts because ________.

A. she wanted to get some money B. her daughter needed money then

C. her daughter didn’t like them at all D. all of them weren’t in need

2.When the author saw the woman and her three girls, she ________.

A. gladly helped them B. didn’t want to help them

C. pretended not to know them D. hesitated about whether to help them

3.The lady was speechless after hearing the author’s words because ________.

A. she was too surprised to say anything B. she was too moved to say anything

C. she didn’t believe the author at first D. she was considering the author’s words

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A Poor Lady B. Holiday Spirit

C. Giving Happiness D. Holiday Shopping

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