

1.___________________(据估计)the vase is about 2,000 years old.

2._____________(除了……以外) an album, I gave him a dictionary and some novels.

3.______________(在……不在的时候) the manager, it is me who take charge of the company.

4.He dived into the rive to save the drowning girl ______________(毫不犹豫地).

5.After her father’ s retirement, she was _______________ (拥有) of the property of the family.

6.We should be _________________ (与……相处融洽) all our classmates.

7.Your suggestion __________________. (值得考虑)

8.He is very clever, but he doesn’t work hard; ____________ her sister. (他姐姐也是这样).

9.It is said that yoga _______________ (对……有极大的好处) to human health.

10.When making a plan, you should ____________________(将他的健康纳入到考虑之中).

11. It was _________________(这种失败感) that made him determined to succeed in his new life.

12.Mike ___________________ (比……有优势) you since he can speak English fluently.

13.The giant panda is an ________________(濒危物种).

14.We _______________ five lovely grandchildren. (我们有幸有五个可爱的孙子孙女)

15.When his father came in, he ___________________(假装在图书).



1.It is estimated that

2.In addition to/Apart from

3.In the absence of

4.without hesitation  

5.in possession

6.on good terms with

7.deserves consideration/deserves considering/deserves to be considered/is worth considering

/is worthy of being considered 

8.so it is with his sister/it is true of his sister/it is the same with his sister 

9.is beneficial to/ is of great benefit to

10. take his health into account/consideration 

11. this sense of failure

12.has an advantage over

13.endangered species

14.are blessed with 

15.pretended to be reading



1.考查句型:据估计:It is estimated that

2.除了……以外:In addition to/Apart from表示“除了…还有”

3.考查词组:在……不在的时候:In the absence of

4.考查词组:毫不犹豫地without hesitation  

5.sb be in possession of sth“某人拥有某物”

6.考查词组:与……相处融洽:on good terms with

7.值得做:deserves sth、deserves doing/deserves to be done或be worth doing/ be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done

8.也是这样so it is with sb/it is true ofsb/it is the same with sb 

9.对……有极大的好处be beneficial to/ be of great benefit to

10.将他的健康纳入到考虑之中take sth into account/consideration 

11.这种失败感this sense of failure

12.比……有优势have an advantage over用动词的第三人称单数

13.濒危物种endangered species 其中endangered是过去分词做定语

14.有幸有be blessed with ,be动词用are,

15.假装在做…pretend to be doing





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