
第一部分  基础知识部分(共两节,满分50分)

第一节    语法和词汇知识(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)


1.—Do you think the information from the Internet is________help when you look for a new job?

   —Well, it all depends. Anyway, it gives me more of____chance to try.

       A.the; the                   B.a; a                        C.a; the                      D.the; a




61. The survey shows that the spread of the disease has caused growing public ________(担忧).

62. It was warm enough to be ________(户外) all afternoon.

63. The ship will start its first ________(航行) next Monday.

64. In order to get this job done well, you have to speak ________(流利) in at least two African languages.

65. By the age of two a child will have a ________(词汇量) of about two hundred words.

66. Building of the new library should begin in the ________(较后) part of next year.

67. His ________(口音) suggested that he was not a native here.

68. Although they are twins, they look ________(完全) different.

69. Both parents and ________(青少年) must try to bridge the generation gap between them

70. She had changed so much that I didn't r________ her until she began to talk.

71. I am not from Netherlands; a________, I am from Denmark.

72. I'm afraid I can't help you at p________; I'm too busy.

73. This autumn the BBC will be showing a s________ of French films.

74. Union leaders and company bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach a ________(settle).

75. Facial ________(express) are important in communication.

76. 他冷静下来后提出来的点子确实行得通。

The idea that he ________ ________ ________ when calmed down did work.

77. 朋友对我们很重要,但我们常把友情的存在看得过于理所当然。

Friends ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ our lives, though we may take the fact of friendship for granted.

78. 老师建议我们不要凭感觉,而是根据事实作出结论。

The teacher suggested that we ________ ________ our conclusions ________ facts rather than feelings.

79. 他想出名。他已经厌烦一直当无名小卒了。

He wanted to be famous -- he ________ ________ ________ being nobody.

80. 那是我第一次跟一个西班牙学生面对面说话,结果还不错。

It ________ the first time that I ________ ________ with a Spanish student face to face. It turned out that we got along quite well.

81. I'm grateful that you helped me out.

= I'm grateful ________ ________ ________ ________ me out

82. She was absent from school because she was ill.

= She was absent from school ________ ________ ________.

83. We should ask the student to fully use the Internet resources.

= We should ask the student to _______ ________ ________ _______ the Internet resources.

84. There are more than 3,000 students in our school.

= ________ ________ _______ the students in our school _______ more than 3,000.

85. I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday. (对划线部分进行强调)

________ ________ ________ ________ I met Li Ming at the railway station.

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