
选择填空 。
focus on    regardless of       keep in mind     on purpose    to put it simply      stand out 
 rely on        be well worth       share a common spoken language       provided that
1.Being able to speak more than one language can make you           and get ahead.
2.To construct Chinese way of socialism,we should           our own effort.
3.Did you break the vase by accident or          ?
4.          ,you must work hard if you want to succeed.
5.It's necessary to learn a foreign language.It           the ?extra? effort.
6.To stay dedicated,you need to           why you are learning English.
7.Body language can be very helpful when people do not           .
8.           these differences,experts agree that smiling is perhaps a universal body language
that has the same meaning.
9.There is a discount           you pay in advance.
10.The course           English language skills used in business meetings and in areas such as
marketing and advertising.
1. stand out    2. rely on     3. on purpose     4. To put it simply        5. is well worth
6.keep in mind  7. share a common spoken language  8. Regardless of   9. provided that
10. focuses on

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