
11.I had started doing my new job when I started getting these terrible headaches almost every day.I couldn't pure out what was causing them.My dentist told me that it was my wisdom teeth that caused the headaches.He advised me to get my wisdom teeth removed.But I refused.I was working for a small wage with no sick leave and had no way of paying﹩1,500 for the surgery.My wisdom teeth were getting so bad that I had gotten a terrible infection in my jaw(颌)and neck that was threatening my life.I decided to remove them.    To my surprise I found that I worked with angels,some of the most generous people I've ever met.Everyone was terribly worried about me and insisted on helping me out.The assistant division manager wanted to find some way that would help me get the money I needed.  
    They decided to hold a bake sale to get money for my surgery.I was very grateful when I heard about this,but figured it would only make a few hundred probably.To my astonishment,at the end of the day they presented me with over﹩l,000 towards my surgery.I cried.I had never had so much kindness bestowed(给予)upon me in my life.I knew they added their money to it.Two weeks before my surgery,I was very sick and they arranged for me to take the paid time off.
I went through my surgery successfully and I made a promise that after I was fully recovered I would spare no effort to help others.Their kindness was remarkable,and I will remember it for the rest of my life.They are truly angels and I'm so lucky to work with them.

41.Why didn't the author follow the dentist's advice on removing his wisdom teeth at first?D
A.Because he was afraid to pull his wisdom teeth out.
B.Because he believed that there was no need to remove them.
C.Because he had no sick leave and had to work all day long.
D.Because he was so poor that he couldn't afford the surgery.
42.In order to help him,the author's workmatesA.
1)held a bake sale to raise money
2)gave the author their own money secretly
3)let the author lake a paid leave
4)helped the author with his work
43.Ftom the passage we know thatC.
A.the author had a strong mind
B.the anthor had never gotten others'help before
C.the author hadn't thought he could get so much help
D.the author didn't get along well with his workmates in the past
44.The author's attitude towards his workmates is that ofB.
A.guilty    B.appreciation    C.envy   D.criticism
45.It can be inferred from the passage that the authorB.
A.1ives a better life than before uow
B.will offer help to others in return
C.has paid off his debt for the surgery
D.will work harder to repay his workmates.

分析 本文属于记叙文阅读,作者的牙医建议他将智齿拔出,但是作者没有足够的钱进行手术,然而他的情况恶化使他不得不进行手术,他的同事为了帮助他通过烘焙筹集资金,并提供自己的钱,让他带薪休假,作者完成手术后决定以后帮助他人来回报自己获得的帮助.

解答 41.D  细节理解题,根据第一段I was working for a small wage with no sick leave and had no way of paying﹩1,500 for the surgery.可知作者拒绝牙医的建议是因为他太穷了不能支付手术费用,故选D.
42.A  细节理解题,根据第二段They decided to hold a bake sale to get money for my surgery;I knew they added their money to it;they arranged for me to take the paid time off可知作者的同事举行了一次烘焙销售筹集资金,偷偷给了作者自己的钱,让作者带薪休假,故选A.
43.C  细节理解题,根据第二段To my astonishment,at the end of the day they presented me with over﹩l,000 towards my surgery.I cried.I had never had so much kindness bestowed(给予)upon me in my life.可知作者认为能筹到这些钱很惊讶,他没有想到自己能得到这么多帮助,故选C.
44.B  推理判断题,根据最后一段Their kindness was remarkable,and I will remember it for the rest of my life.They are truly angels and I'm so lucky to work with them.可知作者认为他的同事很善良,很感激他们提供的帮助,故选B.
45.B  推理判断题,根据最后一段I went through my surgery successfully and I made a promise that after I was fully recovered I would spare no effort to help others.可知作者康复后决定帮助别人,以回报自己所获得的帮助,故选B.

点评 考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

3.The Hawaiian Islands
The"Big Island"of Hawaii is a paradise (天堂) playground where visitors can enjoy a popular lifestyle and at the same time,witness the attraction of nature:thousands of square miles form a wonderland,featuring breathtaking beaches,forests,snow-covered mountains and amazing active volcanoes.A visit to Volcanoes National Park,which is described as a true wonder of the world,is a must.It is the state's biggest attraction.
Seasons Resort Hualalai:from﹩205.00
Fairmont Orchid:from﹩108.00
◎Sightseeing and Experiences
Circle Island Tour:from﹩48.00
The beautiful landscape of Kauai has led to it being called the"Garden Isle",but it is also referred to as the"Island of discovery",and with good reason-a land of striking natural contrasts just waiting to be explored.Green mountains,a breathtaking coastline and white sand beaches combine to make this magical place one of the world's most relaxing locations.
Grand Hyatt Kauai:from﹩101.00
Sheraton Kauai Resort:from﹩79.00
Voted the"World's Best Island",Maui is widely regarded as one of the most romantic destinations on earth.
It is known as the"Valley Isle"and was the ancient playground for Hawaiian royalty.The island is largely rural with a small and wonderful population and a host of attractions and nature wonders.
Hyatt Regency Maui Resort & Spa:from﹩87.00
Sheraton Maui:from﹩99.00
Oahu has a unique rhythm,filling the air with sweet fragrances (香气),music and language:from beaches and nightlife to rainforests and valleys.Adventure,romance,discovery-Oahu waits for you.
Hilton Hawaiia:Village:from﹩73.00
◎Sightseeing and Experiences
Royal Circle Island Tour:from﹩34.00
Paradise Cove Lu'au:﹩44.00
Lanai in one of the smallest Hawaiian Island,yet it's full of surprises.Known as the"Pineapple Isle",it combines all the natural beauties ranging from the paradise of Shipwreck Beach to underwater sea caves.
Four seasons Resort Lanai at Manele Bay:from﹩134.00
※All prices are based on per person per night.

69.For two adults spending two nights in one of the accommodations,they have to pay at leastD.
A.﹩73.00  B.﹩146.00  C.﹩136.00  D.﹩292.00
70.According to the passage,the"Garden Isle"B.
A.is the smallest of the Hawaiian Islands     
B.is a place to explore the land of nature
C.is an island with a very small population   
D.features beaches,forests and snow-covered mountains
71.The passage is mainly intended toD.
A.tell differences between islands in Hawaii
B.provide a better understanding of the geography of Hawaii
C.offer accommodation services to the tourists
D.attract people to make a visit to Hawaii.
10.In today's throw away society,dealing with the city's growing mountain of waste is an inereasing challenge for the city countil(市议会).
Recently.Edinburgh is faced with the problem of disposing of(处理)about 250,000 million tons of waster a year.Despite different ways to dispose of much of it in a green manner---largely through encouraging recycling---its aging facilities such as the Powderhall landfill do not have the ability to deal with it.
The European Union(EU) has issued a new policy,regulating how such mountains of waster are to be disposed of.The five councils (Edinburgh.East Lothian.West Lothian.Midlethian and Borders) face fine around $18million a year from 2013 if they don't inerease recycling levels and rely less on landfill.With this in mind,the councils got together with the idea of building a large incinerator plant (垃圾焚烧厂)to burn half of the waste produced in their districts.But the plan fell apart after the change of target levels by a new UK government waste policy which required that no more than 25% of the city's waste should be disposed of in this way by 2025.
After the plan was abandoned,a private company which already transported millions of tons of the city's wast by train to a landfill site near Dunbar,offered an alternative solution when it suggested opening a huge waste site near Portobello.
Since Powderhall is supposed to close in 2015,it seemed necessary for the members of the Edinburgh Council to accept the suggestion.But soon they turned it down-after 700 local objections reached them-because it would have meant hundreds of lorries a day making loud noise through heavily populated areas.
That still leaves the council with a problem.By 2013,only 50% of 1995 levels of waste will be allowed to be sent to landfill.Even if recycling large are met,there will still be a large amount of rubbish to be burnt up.Due to this,Edinburgh and Midlothian councils have now decided to work together to build an incinerator plant as time to find a solution is fast running out.

59.The main way of handling waste in a green manner in Edinburgh isA.
A.recycling    B.restoring   C.burying   D.burning
60.The five councils worked out a plan to build an incinerator plant toB.
A.reduce the roast of burying waste
B.meets the EU requirements
C.speed up waste recycling
D.replace landfill sites
61.The city council of Edinburgh rejected the suggestion to open a huge landfill site near Portobello becauseD.
A.a name from a private company
B.the council was not interested in it
C.it was not supports by EU
D.the local people was against it
62.What is the final dream an Edinburgh and Midlothian Country?C.
A.To open a new landfill nearby
B.To close the powder hall landfill in 2015
C.To set up a plan for burning waste
D.To persuade people to deduce their waste.

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