
语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


Few people would even think of beginning a new job at the age of 76, 1. one of America’s most famous artists did just that. Anna Mary Robertson, better known as “Grandma Moses”, turned to painting 2. she was too old to work on her farm.

Grandma Moses was crazy about 3. (paint) soon after she picked it up and worked hard at it. She painted 4. (care) and her works were nice. She first painted only to please 5. , and then began to sell her works for a little money. In 1993, a collector, Louis Caldor happened to see several of Grandma Moses’ best works 6. were hanging in a shop. He liked them, 7. (buy) them at once, and set out to look for more. Caldor held 8. show to introduce the works of Grandma Moses 9. other artists. Grandma Moses, 10. was world-famous, died on December 13, 1961, at the age of 101.













试题分析:本文主要讲述一位名叫Anna Mary Robertson老奶奶76岁才开始学画画,并成为了美国最著名的艺术家之一的故事。老奶奶因为年老不能从事农场工作时转向画画,并且疯狂爱上画画,开始只是为了取悦自己,后来买了赚钱,最后被一个收藏家发现而出名。

1.but 考查连词。前句说很少有人在76岁还想着开始一份新的工作,后句说美国一位著名的艺术家就这么做了,前后是转折关系,故填but。


3.painting考查动名词。固定短语:be crazy about 为……疯狂,about是介词,后跟动词要用动名词形式。故填painting。


5.herself 考查反身代词。由后文“then began to sell her works for a little money. 然后开始卖作品给别人来赚点钱”可知,她先只是自己画给自己看来取悦于自己,故填反身代词herself。

6.that考查定语从句。 were hanging in a shop是定语从句。横线处引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是works(作品),故填that。。

7.bought考查动词时态。与前面的liked和后面的set out并列,一起做句子的谓语,时态也应一致,都用一般过去时,故填过去式bought。

8.a考查冠词。Caldor held show…… Caldor举办了一次展览。show 展览,是可数名词,此处是单数,故填a。

9.to考查固定短语。introduce the works of Grandma Moses other artists. 把Grandma Moses的作品介绍给其他艺术家。固定短语:introduce……to…… 把……介绍给……,故填to。

10.who考查定语从句。Grandma Moses, was world-famous,是定语从句。横线处引导定语从句并在从句中作主语,先行词是Grandma Moses,故填who。



Have you ever done something foolish that made you feel so embarrassed(尴尬的)?

Well, that’s exactly how I felt. On a Saturday morning last autumn.I had gone to town to do some shopping and as I was on my way home,it suddenly began to rain. I at once ran into a nearby phone box because I didn’t have an umbrella.It was raining so heavily that I have to stay in the phone box until it stopped.

A few moments later,I saw a young man walk up to the phone box,wearing a yellow raincoat and holding a box. I didn’t want to go out into the rain,so I picked up the phone and pretended(假装) I was talking to someone. I thought the man would go away,but he didn’t. He just waited in the rain,watching me. I had to wave my hands about and acted as if I was deep in conversation.

Luckily,it began to stop after about ten minutes.“Okay,Mum,” I said loudly into the phone,“I’ll see you later Bye!” I put the phone down, picked up my shopping bag and walked out of the phone box “I’m sorry I took so long,”I said to the man.

“Oh, I don’t want to use the phone,”he replied, smiling.“I’ve just come to repair it. It’s out of order.you see.” I felt myself go red in the face and I hurried away with my head down,feeling a complete fool. That was certainly one of the most embarrassing moments of my life!

1.Why did the writer go to the phone box and stay there?

A. Because she wanted to keep warm.

B. Because she wanted to wait for her friend there.

C. Because she wanted to phone her mother.

D. Because it rained heavily and she had no umbrella with her.

2.What did the writer think the young man wanted to do?

A. To repair the phone. B. To use the phone.

C. To shake hands with her. D. To listen to the phone box.

3.How long did the young man wait for?

A. About five minutes. B. About fifteen minutes.

C. About ten minutes. D. About thirty minutes.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The story happened on a cold Saturday morning last summer.

B. The writer was telephoning to her mother when the it rained.

C. It suddenly rained when the writer was on her way home after shopping.

D. The writer thought the rain would last long.


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