
We were 1 to gather up our things and return to our car when a man came up. He looked very 2 indeed and asked us 3 if we knew that these grounds were his own. Father looked troubled and the man 4 a notice, it said that camping was strictly forbidden. 5 father explained that he had not seen the 6 and did not know that camping was not allowed. 7 Father apologized, the man did not seem satisfied. He asked Father for his name and 8 . All the way home, we were so 9 that hardly anyone spoke a word. This unpleasant thing had spoiled a wonderful day in the 10 .

For the rest of the week, we 11 what would happen. The following Sunday, we stayed at home even though it was a 12 day. About noon, a large and very expensive 13 stopped outside our house. We were surprised when we saw several people preparing to have a picnic in our small 14 . Father got very angry and went to ask them what they thought they were doing. You can imagine how 15 he was when he saw the man who had taken our address the week before! Both men burst out 16 and Father welcomed the strangers into the house. We became good 17 . And we learned a lesson we have never 18 . That’s “Don’t do to others 19 you don’t like to 20 to you.”

1.A.anxious   B.asked    C.about      D.happy

2.A.unpleasant  B.polite    C.strong     D.pleased

3.A.quickly   B.angrily   C.loudly     D.curiously

4.A.wrote    B.stared at  C.read      D.pointed to

5.A.Our     B.Poor     C.But       D.Then

6.A.ground    B.place    C.notice     D.man

7.A.Even     B.When     C.Though     D.Because

8.A.house    B.car     C.reason     D.address

9.A.worried   B.satisfied  C.frightened   D.busy

10.A.city    B.country   C.week      D.camp

11.A.waited   B.thought   C.wondered    D.knew

12.A.rainy    B.fine     C.good      D.sad

13.A.man     B.thief    C.car       D.dog

14.A.garden   B.house    C.ground     D.field

15.A.happy    B.afraid    C.angry      D.surprised

16.A.fighting  B.smiling   C.laughing    D.exciting

17.A.neighbours B.friends   C.families    D.farmers

18.A.learnt   B.known    C.forgotten    D.received

19.A.that    B.if      C.when      D.what

20.A.be done   B.do      C.doing      D.get


1、C。be about to意为“正要……”,抓住并列连词when就不难推知。







8、D。由后文的taken our address the week before可以推知。


10、B。in the country“在乡下”。通读全文可以推知,他们一家是由城里来乡下野营的。

11、C。由we were surprised when we saw…可知,我们“不知道”会发生什么。






17、B。由Father welcomed the strangers into the house可推知,大家成了好“朋友”。





     My mother and I were walking home from a pizza store on a cold December morning. We were   1   
warmly and carrying the video that we wanted to watch. I was feeling a little   2  , as I was carrying our
shopping bags of snacks and the video.
     They were so heavy that I decided to   3   some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can
(垃圾桶) when I   4   a poor man walking his   5   out of the restaurant in front of us. He held a paper
bag with his   6   hand. He headed over to another nearby garbage can and started looking through it.
     I   7   felt very guilty (内疚的). I knew this man would take all he could get,   8   I walked up to him
and   9   the drink and some snacks over to him. The man, with lines on his face and wrinkles on his
forehead, looked up in  10  and took what I gave him.
     A huge smile  11  across his face and this  12  me to get indescribable satisfaction. I felt I couldn't be 
 13  with myself, but then he said:"Wow, first someone gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and now
some  14  food; this is my daughter's  15   day!"
     He thanked me  16  and started off on his bike. I even heard him whistling a song as he rode away.
     I now  17  what is meant by the saying "giving is getting". Everyone in the world needs help, everyone
can  18  help and everyone will be helped by showing  19 .
     The image of that man's happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind every time I have the 
 20  to do something nice.
(     )1. A. bought      
(     )2. A. happy      
(     )3. A. put down    
(     )4. A. noticed    
(     )5. A. bus        
(     )6. A. clear      
(     )7. A. suddenly    
(     )8. A. if          
(     )9. A. took        
(     )10. A. fact      
(     )11. A. spread    
(     )12. A. made      
(     )13. A. happier  
(     )14. A. useful    
(     )15. A. silent    
(     )16. A. simply    
(     )17. A. recognize 
(     )18. A. find      
(     )19. A. business  
(     )20. A. chance    
B. dressed 
B. sleepy  
B. eat up  
B. listened 
B. bike    
B. clean  
B. quietly 
B. but    
B. handed  
B. order  
B. stopped      
B. let    
B. colder  
B. bad    
B. busy    
B. happily 
B. forget  
B. offer  
B. advice  
B. choice  
C. taken      
C. excited    
C. throw away  
C. felt        
C. car        
C. dirty      
C. luckily    
C. because    
C. thought    
C. case        
C. disappeared   
C. caused      
C. angrier    
C. cheap      
C. lucky      
C. carefully   
C. remember    
C. receive    
C. kindness    
C. feeling    
D. worn        
D. tired       
D. pick out    
D. heard       
D. dog         
D. beautiful   
D. exactly     
D. so          
D. turned      
D. surprise    
D. happened                
D. had         
D. sadder      
D. delicious   
D. interesting 
D. disturbingly
D. understand  
D. refuse      
D. joy         
D. purpose     
     When I was in middle school, I was one of the smaller players on the basketball team. In our first game
of the season, we were   1   to face a good team, all of whom were tall guys. Naturally, at my   2  , it would
have been easy to be   3   by our competitors.
     On game day, my basketball coach called me over to him. He was a strong and tough coach, and in his
   4   rough manner said, "Joel, you're not that   5  , but let me tell you that size doesn't matter. Don't be afraid.
What   6   is right down in here." He pointed his finger at his   7   as he continued, "Joel, you've got a big heart,
and you're to   8   it this year."
     When I heard the coach's   9  , I stood taller than usual! I thought to myself: The coach believes in me! My
confidence  10  and I played better that year than I'd ever done before.
     It's  11  what we can achieve when we know somebody really believes in us. That coach took a little time
to make a big  12 . He took time to make me confident in myself. If we're going to  13  the best in people, we
need to sow seeds of  14 .
     As the saying goes, "Love looks for a way of being constructive."  15 , love looks for ways to help improve
somebody else's life.
     When people are  16  us, they should leave better off than they were before. People should feel  17  and
inspired after spending any time with you and me  18  feeling discouraged or defeated.
     Remember, there's  19  greater investment (投资) in life than in being a people builder. Relationships  20  
much more to us than our achievements.
(     )1. A. requested
(     )2. A. age
(     )3. A. injured
(     )4. A. common
(     )5. A. big
(     )6. A. matters
(     )7. A. back
(     )8. A. pass
(     )9. A. stories
(     )10. A. built up
(     )11. A. interesting
(     )12. A. sense
(     )13. A. speak of
(     )14. A. hope
(     )15. A. Above all
(     )16. A. around
(     )17. A. delighted
(     )18. A. as well as
(     )19. A. some
(     )20. A. influence
B. arranged
B. size
B. destroyed
B. normal
B. young
B. promises
B. shoulder
B. get
B. words
B. made up
B. amazing
B. result
B. bring out
B. success
B. On the contrary
B. against
B. challenged
B. rather than
B. still
B. leave
C. determined
C. weight
C. frightened
C. formal
C. tall
C. attracts
C. head
C. make
C. advice
C. took up
C. confusing
C. difference
C. put up
C. fortune
C. In other words
C. above
C. moved
C. in addition to
C. no
C. produce
D. accepted
D. experience
D. cheated
D. usual
D. strong
D. matches
D. chest
D. help
D. praise
D. turned up
D. convincing             
D. surprise
D. stand out
D. excitement
D. In this case
D. below
D. respected
D. except for
D. none
D. mean

I lived in Dallas, Texas nearly all my life with my mom, dad and older sister.We were         1  to respect others, value education, and get all that we could out of life.My parents always say, “    2     hard and the world is yours.” They are never without a  3    word of advice or a bit of encouragement when life gets tough.

       My parents always    4     me to go to college.However, when I     5    at 16 years old that I’d rather get married to a man than go to college, they    6     stopped telling me they loved me and I could do anything I wanted to.    7    , they persuaded me.I graduated from high school and currently     8     the University of Oklahoma studying medicine.I want to make the     9     a better place to live in

       Every time I call home to tell them about a    10     I received in Chemistry Lab or Microeconomics or     11     class it is that I’m working hardest for at the moment, they tell me how     12     of me they are.I know there are college kids out there that have no one to call home to when they get an “A” on a project and I feel incredibly     13     to have my parents.

       Don’t get me wrong: We’ve had our share of     14    .I was the angry teenager and they were the awful     15     that wouldn’t let me stay out all night or let me get my tongue pierced.But somehow, we    16   to work through those issues.They never    17                    loving in me or believing in me.

       I    18    everything I am to my parents.Without their constant love and      19    , I wouldn’t believe I can change the world.My parents taught me to always         20    for what I believe in.So I’m working toward something really great and can only hope I continue to make them proud.

1.A.brought                 B.introduced           C.raised                  D.produced

2.A.Educate                B.Work                  C.Train                  D.Practise

3.A.helpful                  B.harmful               C.stressful              D.meaningful

4.A.reminded               B.expected             C.supposed             D.designed

5.A.hesitated               B.judged                 C.fixed                   D.decided

6.A.never                    B.ever                    C.seldom                D.hardly

7.A.Carefully               B.Hopefully             C.Thankfully           D.Delightfully

8.A.serve                    B.attend                  C.admit                  D.join

9.A.fortune                 B.planet                  C.universe              D.world

10.A.grade                  B.problem               C.failure                 D.value

11.A.whenever            B.wherever             C.whichever           D.however

12.A.modest                B.proud                  C.ashamed              D.nervous

13.A.annoyed              B.praised                C.relaxed                D.blessed

14.A.lessons                B.problems             C.moments             D.experiences

15.A.teachers              B.directors              C.couples               D.parents

16.A.managed             B.attempted            C.succeeded           D.conducted

17.A.concluded           B.began                  C.prevented            D.stopped

18.A.pay                     B.owe                    C.own                    D.spend

19.A.agreement           B.excitement           C.encouragement    D.statement

20.A.fight                  B.look              C.defend            D.protect

On a cold December morning, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store. We were  1  warmly and equipped with the video we had been dying to watch. I was feeling a little  2 , as I was carrying our shopping, bags of snacks and the video.

They were so heavy that I decided to  3  some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can (垃圾箱)when I  4  a poor man walking his bike out of the restaurant in front of us. He held a paper bag  5  his dirty hand. He headed over to another nearby garbage can and started  6  it.

I suddenly felt very guilty (内疚). I knew this man would take  7   he could get, so I walked up to him and  8  the drink and some snacks over to him. The man, __9  lines on his face and wrinkles (皱纹)on his forehead, looked up in  10  and took what I gave him.

A huge smile spread across his face and this  11 _me to feel indescribable (难以描述的)_ 12 . I felt like I couldn’t be  13  with myself, but then he said: “Wow, first someone gives me this sandwich, then this drink, and now some  14  food; this is my daughter’s lucky day!”

He thanked me  15  and started off on his bike. I even heard him whistling a song as he  16 away. I now  17  what is meant by the saying “giving is getting”. Everyone in the world needs help, everyone can  18  help and everyone will be helped by showing  19 .

The image of that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind wheneverI have the  20  to do something nice.

1. A. worn                    B. having                 C. dressing            D. dressed

2. A. excited                 B. puzzled                     C. tired                  D. satisfied

3. A. pick out                B. eat up                       C. put down          D. throw away

4. A. heard                   B. noticed                     C. helped              D. watched

5. A. with                  B. by                           C. out of            D. at

6. A. living through     B. looking through         C. staring at           D. searching for

7. A. all what                B. that                        C. all               D. which

8. A. turned                  B. sold                       C. handed           D. took

9. A. over                            B. because                    C. about                      D. with

10. A. surprise                     B. terror                       C. fear               D. excitement

11. A. left             B. affected                    C. made             D. caused

12. A. disappointment    B. shame                      C. satisfaction        D. victory

13. A. sadder                B. angrier                            C. happier              D. crazier

14. A. cheap                 B. tasty                        C. junk                  D. useful

15. A. happily            B. critically                   C. patiently            D. curiously

16. A. walked         B. rode              C. ran           D. died

17. A. remember           B. understand                C. appreciate          D. recognize

18. A. require                B. receive                     C. recommend              D. offer  

19. A. kindness             B. violence                    C. fantasy              D. preference

20. A. chance               B. desire                       C. purpose             D. feeling

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